Simply Knitting


- Kirstie

Q I love the look of flu y yarns like mohair, but I’m a bit nervous about trying it out. Isn’t it a nightmare to undo work? Tia Davies, via Facebook The fibres of hairy yarns do love to cling to each other, making undoing stitches a bit of a challenge, but a tip that many knitters swear by is cooling your knitting in the fridge beforehand (in a plastic bag to protect it!), then working slowly and carefully. The hairiness also makes it tough to see individual stitches, so another tip is to use needles in a contrastin­g colour to your yarn – that’s so you can see the stitches more clearly when you want to count them. Using stitch markers and row counters also helps you to keep track when visibility is di cult.

 ??  ?? Mohair yarn can be tricky to work with, but use our tricks for a perfectly snuggly result!
Mohair yarn can be tricky to work with, but use our tricks for a perfectly snuggly result!

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