Simply Knitting




Worked over multiples of 4 + 3 sts and 2 rows.

Row 1 (RS) K3, *sl1 wyif, K3; rep from * to end.

Row 2 (WS) K1, *sl1 wyif, K3; rep from * to last 2 sts, sl1 wyif, K1.


Cast on 31 sts using 5.5mm needles and Shade 19. Work in cartridge rib pattern across all sts for 6 rows. Change to Shade 18 and work 6 rows in cartridge rib pattern. Change to Shade 13 and work 6 rows in cartridge rib pattern. Change to Shade 17 and work 6 rows in cartridge rib pattern.

Change to Shade 16 and working in st st from Row 1 (a RS row), commence thumb increases as follows:

Row 1 (RS) K11, M1, K9, M1, K11. [33 sts]

Row 2 Purl.

Row 3 K12, M1, K9, M1, K12. [35 sts]

Row 4 Purl.

Row 5 K13, M1, K9, M1, K13. [37 sts]

Row 6 Purl.

Row 7 K14, M1, K9, M1, K14. [39 sts]

Row 8 Purl.

Row 9 K15, M1, K9, M1, K15. [41 sts]

Row 10 Purl. [11 thumb sts]


Next row (RS) K15, **with yarn in front, sl1 purlwise to right needle, take yarn to the back, (sl1 purlwise to the right needle and pass the first slipped st over the next slipped st) ten times, then move the last st back to the left needle. Turn your work, using a knitted or cable cast on, cast on 3 sts and turn your work again. With yarn at back, slip the first st to the right needle and pass the extra cast-on st over this st, patt to end. [33 sts]

Purl one row.

Work in cartridge rib pattern with Shade 19 as follows:

Row 1 (RS) K4, *sl1 wyif, K3; rep from * to last st, K1.

Row 2 (WS) P1, K1, *sl1 wyif, K3; rep from * to last 3 sts, sl1 wyif, K1, P1.

Change to Shade 18 and rep Rows 1 and 2.

Change to Shade 13 and rep Rows 1 and 2.

Change to Shade 17 and rep Rows 1 and 2.

Cast off all sts with Shade 17.

 ??  ?? Cartridge rib is a mock rib that delivers a wonderfull­y plump section at the bottom of garments, it’s reversible too!
Cartridge rib is a mock rib that delivers a wonderfull­y plump section at the bottom of garments, it’s reversible too!

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