Simply Knitting




Cast on 36 sts using 4mm needles. Next row K6, purl to end.

Row 1 (RS) K7, working from written instructio­ns or Chart, work Row 15 (13: 1: 13: 11: 15) of patt once, knit to end.

Row 2 (WS) K3, purl to end.

Row 3 K7, work Row 1 (15: 3: 15: 13: 1) of patt once, knit to end. Row 4 K6, purl to end.

These 4 rows set 4-row edging patt on bottom hem.

Cont as set until you have worked 68 (72: 80: 88: 92: 100) rows in total, ending after a Row 2 (4: 16: 4: 6: 2) of patt.

Cast off.


With RS facing and working on edge without edging patt, pick up and knit 53 (57: 61: 65: 69: 73) sts along RH edge of Horizontal Section from cast-on edge to cast-off edge, turn and purl to end.

Row 1 (WS) K18 (20: 22: 24: 26: 28), work Row 1 of ice maiden patt once, K18 (20: 22: 24: 26: 28).

Row 2 (WS) Purl (Row 2 of ice maiden patt).

Last 2 rows set patt with st st edges.

Inc 1 st at each end of next row and on 5 foll 10th rows.

[65 (69: 73: 77: 81: 85) sts]

Cont straight until Sleeve meas 45cm from bottom edge.


Cast off 7 (7: 8: 8: 8: 9) sts at beg of the next 2 rows.

[51 (55: 57: 61: 65: 67) sts]

Dec 1 st at each end of next row and every following alternativ­e row 6 (7: 7: 8: 9: 9) times. [37 (39: 41: 43: 45: 47) sts]

Dec 1 st at each end of 6 foll 4th rows.

[25 (27: 29: 31: 33: 35) sts]

Work 1 row.

Dec 1 st at each end of next row. [23 (25: 27: 29: 31: 33) sts] Work 1 row.

Cast off 2 sts at beg of next 4 rows. [15 (17: 19: 21: 23: 25) sts] Cast off.


Join shoulder seams.

Using 3.75mm circular needle and with RS facing, rejoin yarn at right shoulder and pick up and knit 23 (23: 26: 26: 26: 29) sts down left front neck, K32 (32: 32: 32: 32: 32) sts from Front holder, pick up and knit 23 (23: 26: 26: 26: 29) sts up right front neck, K40 (40: 40: 40: 40: 40) sts from Back holder.

[118 (118: 124: 124: 124: 130) sts]

Join to work in the round. PM to mark beg of round. Starting with a purl round, work 5 rounds of garter st (alternate knit and purl rounds).

Cast off using sewn cast-off method.


Sew in Sleeves, easing to fit. Join Sleeve and side seams using mattress stitch to match direction of loops for horizontal and vertical sections.

Block gently to measuremen­ts, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band.

 ??  ?? To create the neck edging you’ll need to join the shoulder seams and pick up and knit at the right shoulder
To create the neck edging you’ll need to join the shoulder seams and pick up and knit at the right shoulder

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