Simply Knitting




Cast on 20 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn A.

Row 1 (RS) (Kfb) 20 times. [40 sts]

Rows 2 to 21 Starting on a WS purl row, work in st st. Row 22 (P2tog) 20 times. [20 sts]

Break yarn.


Row 23 Slip first 5 sts on to a holder, rejoin yarn and cast on 8 sts,

K18, place rem 5 unworked sts on a second holder. [18 sts] ***Row 24 Cast on 8 sts, purl to end. [26 sts]

Row 25 (Kfb) 26 times. [52 sts]

Rows 26 to 37 Starting with a WS purl row, work in st st.

Row 38 (P2tog) 8 times, P20, (p2tog) 8 times. [36 sts]

Row 39 Cast off 8 sts, knit to end. [28 sts]

Row 40 Cast off 8 sts, purl to end. [20 sts]

Rows 41 to 48 Starting with a RS knit row, work in st st.

Row 49 Kfb, K18, kfb. [22 sts]

Rows 50 to 56 Starting with a WS purl row, work in st st.

Row 57 Cast on 6 sts, knit to end. [28 sts]

Row 58 Cast on 6 sts, (kfb) 6 times, P11, place rem 17 sts on hold. [23 sts]

Rows 59 to 72 Starting with a RS knit row, work in st st.

Row 73 (K2tog, K1) 7 times, k2tog. [15 sts]

Cast off.

With WS facing, rejoin Yarn A to held 17 sts.

Row 58 P11, (kfb) 6 times. [23 sts]

Rows 59 to 72 Starting with a RS knit row, work in st st.

Row 73 (K2tog, K1) 7 times, k2tog. [15 sts]

Cast off.


Row 23 With RS facing, rejoin yarn to 2 sets of 5 held sts, K10. [10 sts]

Complete as for Front from ***.


Cast on 10 sts using 3 mm needles and Yarn D.

Row 1 (RS) Knit.

Row 2 Knit.

Row 3 Cast on 6 sts, knit to end. [16 sts]

Row 4 Knit.

Join in Yarn C.

Rows 5 and 6 With Yarn C, K10, turn.

Rows 7 and 8 With Yarn C, K16.

Rows 9 and 10 With Yarn D, K10, turn.

Rows 11 and 12 With Yarn D, K16.

Rep Rows 5 to 12 a further 8 times, then rep Rows 5 to 8 once more. Cast off.


1 Join the row edges at the back of the Head and stuff, taking care to make the right shape. Join the Front to the Back leaving a hole for stuffing. Stuff lightly and close remainder of seam.

2 From white felt cut 2 small flowers of 5 petals each and attach these to the face. Attach the eye beads firmly using the photograph as a guide.

3 Embroider the hair with Yarn B. Embroider the nose as a French knot between the eyes using Yarn E. Embroider the mouth with red 4 ply or embroidery thread.

4 Decorate the body by attaching the white ric rac and tiny red buttons at the front of the trousers using the photograph as a guide. Thread Yarn A onto a large-holed sewing needs and weave a

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