Simply Knitting

V-neck sweater


Sizes: 34-36 (38-40) 42-44 (46) Finished measuremen­ts: Chest: 89 (100) 111 (122) cm Length: 61 (62) 63 (64) cm Materials: BC Garn, Hamelton Tweed 1 Blend: 100 % wool.

50 g = 100 m

12 (13) 15 (16) balls col. 21 aqua Needles: Circular needles size 5 mm (40 and 80 cm)

Double pointed needles size 5 mm Gauge: On size 5.00 mm knitting needle: 22 sts and 25 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Abbreviati­ons k1p1 rib: * k1, p1 *, repeat from * to * to end of rnd.

Edge stitch: k first and last sts in each row.

Sleeve shaping: In each rnd, inc 1 st purlwise in loop after first st and 1 st purlwise in loop before last st. = inc 2 sts in rnd.

NB: If only one figure is given in the instructio­ns, this figure applies to all sizes. Please read the pattern all the way through before you start work. Some instructio­ns are given later.


Using circular knitting needle size 5.00 mm, cast on 180 (200) 222 (244) sts, ssm at start of rnd = centre front. Work 10 cm k1p1 rib. Last rnd.: inc 17 (21) 23 (25) sts distribute­d evenly in rnd. There are now 197 (221) 245 (269) sts in rnd. Next rnd: Work in stocking stitch. Set stitch markers (ssm) to help you work the pattern correctly. We recommend that you follow these instructio­ns and Chart A at the same time. Ssm at start of rnd. Work 12 sts, ssm = work cable channels on these sts. Work * 12 sts, ssm = work pearl chain on these sts *. Repeat from * to * 7 (8) 9 (10) times in all. Work 5 sts, ssm = centre back sts, work pearl chain on these sts. Work * 12 sts, ssm = work pearl chain on these sts *. Repeat from * to * 7 (8) 9 (10) times in all. Work last 12 sts in rnd. = work cable channels on these sts. Continue working pattern, following Chart A until your work measures 28 (29) 30 (31) cm from bottom edge. Start shifting the cable channels diagonally.

Shift cable channels diagonally

At start of rnd, move sm. Work 2 sts, inc 1 st purlwise in loop between sts. Work 10 sts, move sm, work 2 sts purlwise tog (= dec no. of sts in pearl chain). Work until 14 sts rem to end of rnd. Work 2 tog knitwise (= dec no of sts in pearl chain), move sm, work 10 sts, inc 1 st purlwise in loop between sts, work 2 sts. There is the same no of sts in the rnd (there are now 6 sts purlwise at centre front instead of 4). Repeat diagonal shift: dec and inc sts on outer edge of cable channels. After each inc, there are 2 more sts purlwise at centre front. Repeat on every 3rd rnd, 5 times in all = 14 sts purlwise at centre front between cable channels.

Armhole shaping

When your work measures 38 cm from bottom edge, divide as follows to shape armhole. End with 2nd, 4th, 6th or 8th row in chart. Break off yarn. Slip 49 (55) 61 (67) sts from the right needle back onto the left needle (left side of sweater front). Work back and forth across 98 (110) 122 (134) sts (sweater front). Follow Chart A.


When you have finished shifting cable channels diagonally, divide front at stitch marker to shape V-neck. Work each side separately. Continue to dec at same place as described when shifting cable diagonally. Repeat dec on every 3rd row 18 times in all. When 31 (37) 43 (49) shoulder sts rem on needle, work across these sts until your work measures 61 (62) 63 (64) cm from bottom edge. Last row: dec evenly until 26 (31) 36 (41) shoulder sts rem. Transfer these sts to a stitch holder/thread. Work the opposite side of the front, shaping in reverse.

Sweater back

On 99 (111) 123 (135) sts (sweater back), work pearl chain. No need to adjust no. of sts. Last row: when your work measures 61 (62) 63 (64) cm, dec evenly until 83 (93) 103 (113) sts rem.

Knit shoulder seams together

Lay sweater back and sweater front shoulder sts tog, right sides tog and parallel with each other. Work 2 sts tog – 1 st from each needle – and at the same time cast off 26 (31) 36 (41) shoulder sts. Repeat on opposite side. Transfer rem 31 sts (back neck) to a stitch holder/ thread.

Neck edge

On circular knitting needle size 5 mm and starting at centre front, pick up and work about 123 (125) 127 (129) sts along both front edges and neck edge (including back neck sts). You must have an uneven no. of sts. Ssm on both sides of the centre k st at centre front. Work 3 cm k1p1 rib. At the same time, on alternate rows, at 2 sts before stitch marker, work 2 tog knitwise, move sm, k1, move sm, k2 tog. Cast off all sts in rib.


Using double pointed knitting needles size 5.00 mm, cast on 48 (50) 52 (54) sts. Work in rounds. Set stitch marker at start of rnd = under arm. Work 10 cm k1p1 rib. Last rnd.: inc evenly in rnd until there are 52

(54) 58 (60) sts. Follow Chart B. At the same time, inc 2 sts under arm on every 4th rnd, 23 (20) 16 (10) times and then on every 3rd rnd, 0 (5) 10 (18) times. There are now 98 (104) 110 (116) sts in rnd. Work on these stitches until sleeve measures 51 cm from wrist. Last rnd: dec evenly until 82 (88) 92 (98) sts rem. Cast off all sts. Work a second sleeve identical with the first.


Sew in sleeves. Design: Kremke / Kirsten Nyboe

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