Simply Knitting

Long cardigan



34-36 (38-40) 42-44 (46) Finished measuremen­ts: Chest circumfere­nce: 90 (97) 107 (117) cm

Width lower rim total: 120 (130) 137 (145) cm

Length: 87 (87) 91 (94) cm Inner sleeve length: 54 (54) 54 (54) cm (cuff is worn flipped over) Materials: BC Garn, Semilla Cablé. Blend: 100% wool.

50 g = 145 m.

7 (8) 8 (9) balls col. 101 silver BC Garn, Babyalpaca. Blend: 100% baby alpaca.

50 g = 250 m.

4 (5) 5 (5) balls col. 101 silver

4 (5) 5 (5) balls col. 51 dusty rose Needles: Circular needles size 7 mm (100 cm) Gauge: With needle size 7 mm or size to obtain gauge and all 3 strands held together (one each of each yarn/ colour): 13 stitches and 22 rows = 10 x 10 cm. Rib pattern: knit 4, purl 4


CO 78 (86) 90 (95) sts. Work in rib pattern and at the same time decrease 1 on both sides 10 x in every 8th row (= 58 (66) 70 (75) sts). Work straight on in establishe­d pattern until total length is 63 (63) 65 (66) cm (or desired length). Next (RS) row: For armhole, work these decreases on both sides in each RS row: 1x3, 1x2, 2x1 sts. Work straight in establishe­d pattern until armhole measures 22 cm starting with the first decrease. cast off all sts

Left front

Cast on 30 (34) 36 (39) sts. Work in stockinett­e st and at the same time decrease 1 on the right side 10 x in every 8th row. Work straight on in establishe­d pattern until total length from beginning decreases is 63 (63) 65 (66) cm (or desired length). Next (RS) row: For armhole, work these decreases on the same side as previous decreases in each RS row: 1x3, 1x2, 2x1 sts.

Work straight in establishe­d pattern until armhole measures 24 (24) 26 (28) cm starting with the first decrease.

Cast off all sts

Right front

Work as left front, decreases worked on the opposite side.

Sleeves (work 2x)

Cast on 32 (32) 34 (36) sts. Work straight in rib pattern for 30 rows. Starting with the next RS row increase 1 st on each side 11x in each 6th row (= 54 (54) 56 (58) sts) Continue in rib pattern until total length of 54 (54) 54 (54) cm. For armhole shaping decrease as follows on both sides: 4x2, 3x3, 2x4 sts. Cast off all remaining sts.


Sew shoulder seems. Starting from the lower rim with RS facing, working with 3 strands again, pick up sts along the rim of the right front.

Tip for pick up ratio: * Pick up 1 stitch from 1st selvedge stitch, pick up 2 stitches from 2nd selvedge stitch – by knitting one from first leg and one from second leg of the stitch - repeat from * to last selvedge stitch. With this pick up ratio you will assure that there is no puckering or ripple.

Pick up one st from each cast off st of the back and then pick up sts down the left front as described above.

Work 33 rows in rib pattern or until desired width is obtained.


Sew in sleeves, close side seems. Close sleeve seems, make sure to sew the lower 5 cm with RS facing, to obtain an invisible seem at the cuffs when flipped over. Weave in all ends. Design: Kremke / Britta Kremke

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