Simply Knitting

Long rib cardigan



34-36 (38-40) 42-44 (46) Finished measuremen­ts: Chest circumfere­nce: 95 (104) 116 (128) cm

Back length: 74 (75) 76 (78) cm Inner sleeve length: 51 (51) 51 (51) cm Materials: BC Garn, Babyalpaca. Blend: 100% alpaca.

50 g = 250 m.

7 (7) 8 (9) balls col. 37 jeans (col. 1) 1 (1) 1 (1) ball col. 51 dusty rose (col. 2) Other supplies: 4 buttons, 18 mm Needles: Circular needles size 3 mm (40 cm and 60-80 cm) x2

Double pointed needles size 3 mm Gauge: Stocking stitch on size 3 mm needles: 26 sts x 34 rows = 10 x 10 cm. k2p2 rib: * k2, p2 *. Repeat from * to * to end of row. k4p4 rib: * k4, p4 *. Repeat from * to * to end of row. k5p4 rib: * k5, p4 *. Repeat from * to * to end of row. k5p5 rib: * k5, p5 *. Repeat from * to * to end of row k6p5 rib: * k6, p5 *. Repeat from * to * to end of row.

All ribs are described from RS. On WS, work as st shows. Edge sts on front edges and armhole edge: k first and last sts on each row. Inc on sleeves: Inc 2 sts in each round: k1 purlwise in loop after first st and k1 purlwise in loop before last st.

NB: If only one figure is given in the instructio­ns, this figure applies to all sizes.


Using circular knitting needle size 3 mm and Col 1, cast on 324 (357) 401 (445) sts. Tip: To make counting easier, ssm after 50 sts. Work back and forth on circular needle. Work r1 (WS). * k5, p6 *. Repeat from * to * until 5 sts rem, k5. Work r2 (RS): p5, * k6p5 rib *. Repeat from * to * to end of row. Work k6p5 rib until your work measures 16 (16) 15 (15) cm. Work first dec row on RS: p5, * k2 tog, k4, p5 *. Repeat from * to * to end of row. Work k5p5 rib until your work measures 16 (16) 15 (15) cm. Work second dec row on RS: p3, p2 tog, * k5, p3, p2 tog *. Repeat from * to * to end of row. Work k5p4 rib until your work measures 16 (16) 15 (15) cm. Work third dec row on RS: p4, * k2 tog, k3, p4 *. Repeat from * to * to end of row. Work k4p4 rib until your work measures 49 (49) 48 (48) cm from the bottom edge. There are 236 (260) 292 (324) sts on needle. Work each front and the back separately.

Continue working k4p4 rib. Work right front of cardigan = 56 (64) 72 (80) sts, ssm = side seam, work back of cardigan = 124 (132) 148 (164) sts, ssm = side seam. Work left front of cardigan on rem 56 (64) 72 (80) sts.

Work on left front sts until your work measures 65 cm from bottom edge. To shape neck edge: On alternate rows, cast off at neck edge: 5, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 (6, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1) 7, 5, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1 (7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1) sts. There are now 40 (43) 49 (56) shoulder sts. Work until armhole measures 21 (22) 24 (26) cm. To shape shoulder: On alternate rows, cast off at armhole edge 5 sts x 2, 6 sts x 5 (6 sts x 6, 7 sts x 1) 7 sts x 7 (8 sts x 7). Work right front with neck shaping in reverse.

Cardigan back

Work rib pattern until armhole measures 21 (22) 24 (26) cm. To shape shoulder: On alternate row, cast off at both ends of r: 5 sts x 2, 6 sts x 5 (6 sts x 6, 7 sts x 1) 7 sts x 7 (8 sts x 7). Transfer rem sts 44 (46) 50 (52) (back neck) to stitch holder/ thread.

Front bands

On RS of right front edge, using circular knitting needle size 3 mm, pick up and k 170 sts. (= 13 sts per 5 cm). On WS, work k2p2 rib until 2 sts rem, k2. Work a total of 7 rows k2p2 rib. Buttonhole­s: On RS, work 80 sts * cast off 2 sts, work 28 sts *. Repeat from * to * twice. Next row: Cast on 2 sts over each buttonhole. Work a further 4 rows in k2p2 rib. Cast off all sts in rib. Work left front band in same way: 13 rows in k2p2 rib. Cast off all sts in rib.


Starting on RS of right front using circular knitting needle size 3 mm, pick up and k about 134 (142) 150 (158) sts on front edge, front neck edge, back neck, front neck edge and front edge. Back neck sts on stitch holder are included in st count. St count must be divisible by 4 sts + 2 sts. Work collar in k2p2 rib. Work 7 rows. Buttonhole: On RS, work 4 sts, cast off 2 sts, work to end. Next row: Cast on 2 sts over each buttonhole. Work a further 4 rows in k2p2 rib. Cast off all sts in rib.


Using circular knitting needle size 3 mm and Col 2, cast on 64 (64) 72 (72) sts. Transfer sts to double pointed needles. Work k4p4 rib until work measures 1 cm. With Col 1 work k4p4 rib and inc 2 sts every 7th (6th) 6th (5th) row, 22 (26) 26 (30) times in all. New sts blend into k4p4 rib. Transfer sts to circular knitting needle as soon as there are sufficient sts in rnd. There are now 108 (116) 124 (132) sts in rnd. Work until your work measures 51 cm from bottom edge (or to desired sleeve length). Cast off all sts in rib. Work one more sleeve.


Sew in sleeves. Sew on buttons. Design: Kremke / Kirsten Nyboe

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