Simply Knitting



Starting at the Head:

Cast on 20 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn A.

Row 1 (RS) (Kfb) to end [40 sts].

Work Rows 1 to 40 as given for Master Gingerbrea­d. [20 sts] **** Row 41 Knit.

Row 42 Kfb, P18, kfb. [22 sts]

Rows 43 to 44 Starting with a RS knit row, work in st st. Row 45 Kfb, K20, kfb. [24 sts]

Rows 46 to 47 Starting with a WS purl row, work in st st. Row 48 Kfb, P22, kfb. [26 sts]

Rows 49 to 50 Starting with a RS knit row, work in st st. Row 51 Kfb, K24, kfb. [28 sts]

Rows 52 to 53 Starting with a WS purl row, work in st st. Row 54 Kfb, P26, kfb. [30 sts]

Rows 55 to 56 Starting with a RS knit row, work in st st. Rows 57 to 58 Purl.

Cast off.


Row 23 With RS facing, rejoin yarn to 2 sets of 5 held sts, K10. [10 sts]

Work Rows 24 to 40 as given for Master Gingerbrea­d. [20 sts] Complete as for Front from **** .


Cast on 15 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn A.

Row 1 (RS) (Kfb) 15 times. [30 sts]

Rows 2 to 11 Starting with a WS purl row, work in st st. Row 12 P2tog, P26, p2tog. [28 sts]

Row 13 K2tog, K24, k2tog. [26 sts]

Row 14 P2tog, P22, p2tog. [24 sts]

Row 15 K2tog, K20, k2tog. [22 sts]

Cast off.


Cast on 10 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn B.

Row 1 (RS) (Kfb) 10 times. [20 sts]

Row 2 Purl.

Row 3 (Kfb, K1) 10 times. [30 sts]

Row 4 Purl.

Row 5 Kfb, K27, kfb, K1. [32 sts]

Row 6 Purl.

Row 7 Kfb, K29, kfb, K1. [34 sts]

Rows 8 to 10 Starting with a WS purl row, work in st st. Row 11 K13, turn, leaving rem 21 sts on hold. [13 sts] Rows 12 to 23 Starting with a WS purl row, work in st st. Cast off.

With RS facing, rejoin yarn to held 21 sts.

Row 11 Cast off 8 sts, knit to end. [13 sts]

Rows 12 to 23 Starting with a WS purl row, work in st st. Cast off.


1 Join the row edges at the back of the Head and stuff, taking care to make the right shape.

2 Join the Front to the Back leaving a hole for stuffing. Stuff lightly and close remainder of seam.

3 From white felt cut 2 small flowers of 5 petals each and attach these to the face. Attach the eye beads firmly using the photograph as a guide.

4 Embroider the nose as a French knot between the eyes using Yarn E. Embroider the mouth with red 4ply or embroidery thread.

5 Decorate the body by attaching the white and red ric rac. Tie the red ribbon around the waist and make a bow at the back. Thread Yarn A onto a large-holed sewing needs and weave a length around the neck, pull tightly and fasten off to create neck.

6 Seam the feet and stuff lightly. Attach them to the hemline of the dress.

7 Join row edges at the back of the Hair. Put the Hair on the Head like a wig, secure with a few sts and attach a pigtail with Yarn B to each side of the face using the photograph as a guide. Decorate pigtails with a bow in red ribbon.

 ??  ?? Ric rac is used to represent the sweet icing of a real gingerbrea­d man biscuit
Ric rac is used to represent the sweet icing of a real gingerbrea­d man biscuit
 ??  ?? For a vintage look cut flower shapes out of white felt and fix them behind the eye beads
For a vintage look cut flower shapes out of white felt and fix them behind the eye beads
 ??  ?? Simple shaping and stitches allow for clever detail: add neat ric rac and bold ribbon to recreate the perfect gingerbrea­d look 10% of !
The Knitting Network are offering 10% off SIrdar Hayfield Bonus DK! Call 01795 570303 or visit www. theknittin­ to order quoting code SK192. Offer ends 12 Dec 2019.
Simple shaping and stitches allow for clever detail: add neat ric rac and bold ribbon to recreate the perfect gingerbrea­d look 10% of ! The Knitting Network are offering 10% off SIrdar Hayfield Bonus DK! Call 01795 570303 or visit www. theknittin­ to order quoting code SK192. Offer ends 12 Dec 2019.

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