Simply Knitting



Note The Jumper is worked mainly in stocking stitch with the motif being worked in the intarsia method (where each colour block is worked using a separate ball of yarn). It is recommende­d, before starting to knit the front of the Jumper, to wind off an appropriat­e number of smaller balls of yarn.


Cast on 60 (68: 76: 84: 92: 100: 108: 116) sts using 5.5mm needles and Yarn A.

Row 1 (RS) P1, *K2, P2; rep from * to the last 3 sts; K2, P1. Row 2 (WS) K1, *P2, K2; rep from * to the last 3 sts; P2, K1. Repeat last 2 rows another 4 times.**

Change to 6mm needles.

Beginning with a RS (knit) row, work in st st for 118 (120: 122: 122: 124: 124: 126: 126) rows, ending after a WS (purl) row.


Next row (RS) K18 (21: 25: 28: 32: 35: 39: 42), turn, leaving 42 (47:

51: 56: 60: 65: 69: 74) sts on a holder.

[18 (21: 25: 28: 32: 35: 39: 42) sts]

Next row Purl.

Next row Knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, K1.

[17 (20: 24: 27: 31: 34: 38: 41) sts]

Beginning with a WS (purl) row, work 7 rows in st st, ending after a WS (purl) row.

Leave the remaining 17 (20: 24: 27: 31: 34: 38: 41) sts on a holder for the shoulder.

With RS facing, place the first 24 (26: 26: 28: 28: 30: 30: 32) sts onto a holder for the centre back neck.

Rejoin the yarn to the remaining 18 (21: 25: 28: 32: 35: 39: 42) sts.

Next row Knit.

Next row Purl.

Next row K1, ssk, knit to the end of the row.

[17 (20: 24: 27: 31: 34: 38: 41) sts]

Beginning with a WS (purl) row, work 7 rows in st st, ending after a

WS (purl) row.

Leave the remaining 17 (20: 24: 27: 31: 34: 38: 41) sts on a holder for the shoulder.


Work as for Back to **.

Change to 6mm needles.

Next row (RS) K5 (9: 13: 17: 21: 25: 29: 33), work 51 sts of Row 1 of

Chart, knit to end.

Next row P4 (8: 12: 16: 20: 24: 28: 32), work 51 sts of Row 2 of

Chart, purl to end.

Continue as set until all 76 rows of Chart have been worked, ending after a WS row.

Cont in Yarn A and st st until you have worked another 34 (34: 36: 36: 36: 36: 38: 36) rows, ending after a WS row.


Next row (RS) K25 (28: 32: 35: 39: 43: 46: 50), turn, leaving 35 (40:

44: 49: 53: 57: 62: 66) sts on a holder.

[25 (28: 32: 35: 39: 43: 46: 50) sts]

Next row (WS) P1, p2tog, purl to end of row.

[24 (27: 31: 34: 38: 42: 45: 49) sts]

Next row Knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, K1.

[23 (26: 30: 33: 37: 41: 44: 48) sts]

Rep last 2 rows once more. [21 (24: 28: 31: 35: 39: 42: 46) sts]

Next row and every WS row Purl.

Next row Knit to the last 3 sts, k2tog, K1.

[20 (23: 27: 30: 34: 38: 41: 45) sts]

Rep last 2 rows another 3 (3: 3: 3: 3: 4: 3: 4) times.

[17 (20: 24: 27: 31: 34: 38: 41) sts]

Cont straight in st st until Front matches Back, ending at shoulder edge.

Leave the remaining 17 (20: 24: 27: 31: 34: 38: 41) sts on a holder for the shoulder.


With RS facing, place the first 10 (12: 12: 14: 14: 14: 16: 16) sts onto a

holder for the centre front neck.

Rejoin the yarn to the remaining 25 (28: 32: 35: 39: 43: 46: 50) sts.

Next row (RS) Knit to end.

Next row (WS) Purl to last 3 sts, p2tog tbl, P1.

[24 (27: 31: 34: 38: 42: 45: 49) sts]

Next row K1, ssk, knit to end of row.

[23 (26: 30: 33: 37: 41: 44: 48) sts]

Rep last 2 rows once more. [21 (24: 28: 31: 35: 39: 42: 46) sts]

Next row and every WS row Purl.

Next row K1, ssk, knit to end of row.

[20 (23: 27: 30: 34: 38: 41: 45) sts]

Rep last 2 rows another 3 (3: 3: 3: 3: 4: 3: 4) times.

[17 (20: 24: 27: 31: 34: 38: 41) sts]

Cont straight in st st until Front matches Back, ending at shoulder edge.

Leave the remaining 17 (20: 24: 27: 31: 34: 38: 41) sts on a holder for the shoulder.


With RS tog, join right shoulder seam using the three-needle cast off method.

Turn garment right-side out.

Beginning at left shoulder, using 5.5mm needles and Yarn A, pick up and knit 13 (13: 15: 15: 17: 16: 17: 18) sts down left front neck, knit across 10 (12: 12: 14: 14: 14: 16: 16) sts for centre front neck, pick up and knit 13 (13: 15: 15: 17: 16: 17: 18) sts up right front neck, pick up and knit 8 sts down the right back neck, knit across 24 (26: 26: 28: 28: 30: 30: 32) sts for centre back neck, pick up and knit 8 sts up the left back neck. [76 (80: 84: 88: 92: 92: 96: 100) sts]

Work 7 rows in rib as for Back.

Cast off in rib.


Cast on 32 (36: 36: 36: 40: 40: 44: 44) sts using 5.5mm needles and Yarn A.

Work rib as for Back, ending after a WS row.

Change to 6mm needles.

Next row (RS) Knit.

Next row (WS) Purl.

Next row (inc) Kfb, knit to the last 2 sts, kfb, K1. [2 sts inc’d] Work 5 (5: 3: 3: 3: 3: 3: 3) rows straight.

Rep inc row. [2 sts inc’d]

Rep last 6 (6: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4) rows another 8 (8: 4: 10: 9: 14: 14: 16) times. [52 (56: 48: 60: 62: 72: 76: 80) sts]

SIZES 14-16, 18-20 AND 22-24 ONLY

Work 5 rows straight.

Rep inc row. [2 sts inc’d]

Rep last 6 (rows another - (-: 5: 1: 2: -: -: -) times. [- (-: 60: 64: 68: -: -: -) sts]


Cont straight until Sleeve measures 46 (46: 47: 47: 47: 46: 46: 45) cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.

Cast off 10 (11: 12: 13: 14: 14: 15: 16) sts at the beginning of the next four rows.

Cast off rem 12 (12: 12: 12: 12: 16: 16: 16) sts.


1 Weave in ends.

2 Join left shoulder and neckband.

3 Place markers 18.5 (20: 21.5: 23: 24: 25.5: 27: 28.5)cm down from the shoulder seam on the Front and Back to indicate Sleeve placement. Fold Sleeves in half and with RS tog, pin to the sides of the Front and Back, with the centre of the Sleeve at the shoulder seam and the Sleeve edges at the markers.

4 Sew the top edge of the Sleeves to the Front and Back of the Jumper.

5 Sew Sleeve and side seams.

6 Using a matching sewing thread, sew the sequins randomly to the ‘snow’ on top of the chimney.

7 Block gently to measuremen­ts, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band.

 ??  ?? This oversized knit is cosy and leaves plenty of room for your Chrismas meal...
This oversized knit is cosy and leaves plenty of room for your Chrismas meal...
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? The large motif on the front of the jumper is worked using the intarsia colourwork method
The large motif on the front of the jumper is worked using the intarsia colourwork method

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