Simply Knitting

Cardigan with crocheted sleeves


From page 34


34-36 (38-42) Finished measuremen­ts: Actual measuremen­t: 114 (124) cm To fit bust circumfere­nce: 81-86 (91-97) cm

Length: 52 (56) cm

Inner sleeve length: 55 (55) cm Materials: Rico, Fashion Light Luxury: Blend: 74% alpaca, 22% wool, 4% polyamide.

50 g = 130 m.

13 (15) balls col. 024 (pastel green) Needles: Size 4 mm and 5 mm Crochet hooks: Size 5 mm Gauge: 17 sts and 24 rows to 10 cm, over patt on 5 mm needles; 5 sts and 6 rows to 10 cm, over patt on 5 mm hook, or the size required to give the correct gauge.

Check your gauge – if less stitches use thinner needles, if more use thicker needles.


Where only one figure is given this applies to all sizes.

Where the figure 0 appears, no sts, times or rows are worked for this size. After casting off one stitch will remain on the right hand needle which is not included in the instructio­ns that follow.

Circle the size you wish to make

Special instructio­n

1 cl = 1 cluster - insert hook into next st, (yrh and pull through, yrh, insert hook into same st) 3 times, (6 loops on hook) yrh, pull yarn through all loops on hook.


Using 4 mm needles and thumb method cast on 62 [70] sts.

1st Row. K2, *p2, k2, rep from * to end.

2nd row. P2, *k2, p2, rep from * to end.

Last 2 rows set rib patt.

Cont in rib patt until Back measures 18 [20] cm ending with a rs row. Next Row. Rib 1, (m1, rib 1) 5 (1) times, (m1, rib 2) 25 (33) times, (m1, rib 1) 5 (1) times, m1, rib 1. 98 (106) sts.

Change to 5 mm needles.

Cont in rib patt (note that patt is shifted and does not match lower rib patt) until Back measures 52 (56) cm ending with a ws row.

Cast off.

Left front

Using 4 mm needles and thumb method cast on 28 (32) sts.

1st Row. *P2, k2, rep from * to end. Last row sets rib patt.

Cont in rib patt until Left Front measures 18 (20) cm ending with a rs row.

Next Row. Rib 1, (m1, k1) 6 (4) times, (m1, k2), 7 (11) times), (m1, k1) 6 (4) times, m1, k1. 48 (52) sts. Change to 5 mm needles.

Cont in rib patt (note that patt is shifted and does not match lower rib patt) until Left Front measures 25 (28) cm ending with a ws row. Shape neck

Next Row. Patt to last 4 sts, p2tog, k2. 47 (51) sts.

Next Row. P2, k1, patt to end. Next Row. Patt to last 3 sts, p1, k2. Next Row. P2, k1, patt to end. Next Row. Patt to last 5 sts, k2tog, p1, k2. 46 (50) sts.

Next Row. P2, k1, p1, patt to end. Next Row. Patt to last 4 sts, k1, p1, k2.

Next Row. P2, k1, p1, patt to end. Work 37 (41) rows dec 1 st at neck edge as set on next and every foll 4th row, keeping patt correct, and working each dec st as it presents. 36 (39) sts.

Cont in rib patt until Left Front measures 52 (56) cm ending with a ws row.

Shape shoulder

Next Row. Cast off 31 (34) sts, patt to end. 5 sts.


Cont in patt until border measures 8 cm ending with a ws row.

Cast off.

Right front

Using 4 mm needles and thumb method cast on 28 (32) sts.

1st Row. *K2, p2, rep from * to end. Cont in rib patt until Right Front measures 18 (20) cm ending with a rs row.

Next Row. Rib 1, (m1, k1) 6 (4) times, (m1, k2) 7 (11) times), (m1, k1) 6 (4) times, m1, k1. 48 (52) sts. Change to 5 mm needles.

Cont in rib patt (note that patt is shifted and does not match lower rib patt) until Right Front measures 25 (28) cm ending with a ws row. Shape neck Next Row. K2, p2tog, patt to end. 47 (51) sts.

Next Row. Patt to last 3 sts, k1, p2. Next Row. K2, p1, patt to end. Next Row. Patt to last 3 sts, k1, p2. Next Row. k2, p1, k2tog, patt to end. 46 (50) sts.

Next Row. Patt to last 4 sts, p1, k1, p2.

Next Row. K2, p1, k1, patt to end. Next Row. Patt to last 4 sts, p1, k1, p2.

Work 37 (41) rows dec 1 st at neck edge as set on next and every foll 4th row, keeping patt correct, and working each dec st as it presents. 36 (39) sts.

Cont in rib patt until Right Front measures 52 (56) cm ending with a rs row.

Shape shoulder

Next Row. Cast off 31 (34) sts, patt to end. 5 sts.


Cont in patt until border measures 8 cm ending with a ws row.

Cast off.

Sleeves (Both alike)

Using 5 mm crochet hook make 87 (93) ch.

Foundation Row (RS). 1cl into 5th ch from hook, 1ch, *miss next 2 sts, 1cl into next st, 1ch, rep from * to last st, 1tr into last st. 84 (90) sts.

1st Row. 2ch, 1cl into next st, *miss next 2 sts, 1cl into next st, 1ch, rep from * to last 2 sts, miss next st, 1tr into last st.

2nd Row. 3ch, *miss next 2 sts, 1cl into next st, 1ch, rep from * to last st, 1tr into last st.

Last 2 rows set patt.

Cont in patt (throughout) until Sleeve measures 35 cm ending with a ws row.

Fasten off.


Using 5 mm hook and rs facing, work a row of 42 (46) dc into cast on border.

Fasten off.

Using 4 mm needles and with rs facing, pick up and knit 42 (46) sts from 42 (46) dc.

Work in rib patt as set for Back until cuff measures 20 cm ending with a ws row.

Cast off.


Join shoulder seams. Fold sleeves in half lengthways, then placing folds to shoulder seams, sew sleeves in position. Join side seams. Join sleeve seams. Sew cast off edges of border together and sew border to back neck.

Block out garment to the measuremen­ts given and place under damp cloths and leave until dry. Design: Rico

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