Simply Knitting

Cape sweater


From page 49 Sizes: 36-40 (42-46) Finished measuremen­ts: Bust circumfere­nce: 120 (130) cm Back length: 74 (74) cm

Inner sleeve length: 42 (42) cm Materials: Langyarns, Wooladdict­s Trust. 55% alpaca superfine, 45% merino extrafine.

50 g = 75 m.

10 (12) balls col. 1026.0015 amber mélange Needles: Size 7 mm and 8 mm Circular needles size 8 mm (40 cm) Gauge: Pattern II, 8 mm needles: 11 sts = 10 cm wide. 15 rows = 10 cm high. Patterns Pattern I: 7 mm + 8 mm needles: k1, p1. Pattern II: 8 mm needles: stocking st = RS k, WS p.

Tip: Work edge sts in pattern, when making up sew seams just half an inch in from the edge. Back Cast on 79 (87) sts with 8 mm needles. Knit in pattern I. At 6 cm from cast-on edge continue in pattern II, decreasing 12 (14) sts evenly over the first row = 67 (73) sts. Armholes: At 45 (43) cm from cast-on place a marker at each end of the row. Keep knitting straight.

Shoulders: At 21 (23) cm from markers cast off at each end of every other row as foll: 3 sts twice + 4 sts 4 times (4 sts 6 times). At the

same time, at 72 cm from cast-on, cast off the middle 19 (21) sts for the

neck, then after 2 more rows cast off 2 sts at neck edge either side. Front Cast on 79 (87) sts with 8 mm needles. Knit in pattern I. At 6 cm from cast-on edge continue in pattern II, decreasing 12 (14) sts evenly over the first row = 67 (73) sts. Armholes: At 32 (30) cm from cast-on place a marker at each end of the row. Keep knitting straight. At 21 (23) cm from markers shape shoulders as for back. Neck: At

the same time, as you begin shoulder shaping, cast off the middle 7 (9) sts, then on every other

row cast off 3 sts at neck edge once and 2 sts once, then dec 1 st 3 times. Sleeves Cast on 31 (37) sts with 7 mm needles. Knit in pattern I. At 7 cm from cast-on change to 8 mm needles and knit in pattern II, increasing 16 sts evenly over the first row = 47 (53) sts. Cast off all sts when sleeve measures 42 cm. Finishing Close shoulder and sleeve seams. Leave side seams open at lower edge for side slits (25 cm from lower edge of back and 12 cm from front).

Neckband: With 8mm circular needle pick up 58 (62) sts (back = 28 (30) sts, front = 30 (32) sts). Knit pattern I in the rnd. Loosely cast off all sts purlwise after about 20 cm.

Side slit edging: With 8 mm needles pick up 27 sts along the front and back of the side slit. Purl 1 row, casting off at the same time. Design: Langyarns

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