Simply Knitting


Traditiona­l knits are always the best and this tiny stocking combines Christmas colours and fun stitches all in one



Cast on 18 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn B. Rows 1 to 6 Knit.

Rows 7 to 18 Work in st st, beg with a WS row.


Change to Yarn A. Cont on first 5 sts only and leave rem 13 sts on waste yarn.

Row 19 (WS) P5, turn.

Row 20 K5.

Row 21 P5, turn.

Row 22 K1, k2tog, K2. [4 sts]

Row 23 P4, turn.

Row 24 K1, k2tog, K1. [3 sts]

Row 25 P3, turn.

Row 26 K2tog, K1. [2 sts]

Row 27 P2tog, DO NOT TURN. [1 st]


With WS facing, slip the single st in Yarn A and next 8 sts in Yarn B onto waste yarn, rejoin Yarn A to rem 5 sts and work as follows:

Row 28 (WS) P5.

Row 29 K5, turn.

Row 30 P5.

Row 31 K2, k2tog, K1, turn. [4 sts]

Row 32 P4.

Row 33 K1, k2tog, K1, turn. [3 sts]

Row 34 P3.

Row 35 K1, k2tog, turn. [2 sts]

Row 36 P2tog. [1 st]


Note Cut yarn when changing colours on the following row.

Row 37 (RS) K1 from Heel Flap, pick up and knit 4 sts down first side of Heel Flap, change to Yarn B, K8 across main part of Stocking, change to Yarn A, pick up and knit 4 sts up second side of Heel Flap, K1 from Heel Flap. [18 sts]

Turn and cont in Yarn B only.

Rows 38 to 42 Work 5 rows in st st, beg with a WS (purl) row.

Row 43 (K2tog, K3) 3 times, k2tog, K1. [14 sts] Row 44 Purl.

Row 45 (K2tog, K2) 3 times, k2tog, [10 sts]. Row 46 Purl.

Change to Yarn A.

Row 47 (RS) K2tog, K6, k2tog. [8 sts] Work 2 rows in st st, beg with a WS (purl) row.

Cut yarn, leaving a long tail for sewing up. Thread end through sts on needle. Pull up tight leaving long tail. Sew up any holes at sides of Heel Flap. Join seam using yarn tail, running up foot and Leg using mattress stitch. Embroider the polka dots on the toe cap with Yarn A. Thread a small bell onto a loop of Yarn B and stitch to inside of cuff for a hanging loop.

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