Simply Knitting



Note This loose jumper is knitted sideways from cuff to cuff in one piece. It is knitted using two yarns together – mohair and cotton – to form a lightweigh­t, fluffy texture. The Roman Stripe stitch pattern is easy to work and gives an open, lacy pattern that looks more complicate­d than it is. Where stitch counts are given, if you have just worked a Row 1, Row 2, Row 8 or Row 9 of Roman Stripe pattern, note that all but first and last stitch of each row should be counted as doubled (ie, a stitch and its neighbouri­ng increased stitch count as one stitch). Stitch counts return to their original on Rows 3 and 10 of Roman Stripe pattern. The jumper has an integral fringe along the Sleeve seam and at the Front and Back hems, which is knitted with the body, then stitches are unravelled to create the fringe.


Row 1 (RS) K1, *yo, K1; rep from * to last st, K1. Row 2 K1, purl to last st, K1.

Row 3 K1, *k2tog; rep from * to last st, K1. Row 4 K1, *yo, k2tog; rep from * to last st, K1. Row 5 As Row 4.

Row 6 Knit.

Row 7 Knit.

Rows 8 to 14 As Rows 1 to 7.


Worked over 8 sts.

Row 1 (RS) K5, yo, k2tog, K1. Row 2 K2, yo, k2tog, K4.

Cast on 50 (54: 58: 66: 70: 78) sts using 4mm needles and both yarns together.

Knit 4 rows.

Next row (RS) Cast on 8 sts at beg of row for fringe patt, work these 8 sts in fringe patt Row 1, then work Row 1 of Roman Stripe patt to end.

Next row Work Row 2 of Roman Stripe patt to last 8 sts, work Row 2 of fringe patt to end.

Cont in patt as set, repeating 14 rows of Roman Stripe patt and 2 rows of fringe patt until Sleeve measures 30 (30: 30: 34.5: 34.5: 34.5)cm, ending after a Row 14 of Roman Stripe patt, and Row 2 of fringe pattern, but without working last 4 sts of fringe pattern. Drop these rem 4 sts from needle and unravel.

[54 (58: 62: 70: 74: 82) sts]


Next row (RS) Cast on 44 (46: 46: 46: 46: 46) sts for Front Body, then on these sts work 8 sts of Row 1 of fringe patt, work Row 1 of Roman Stripe over next 36 (38: 38: 38: 38: 38) sts, 4 sts remaining from Sleeve fringe, and 20 (22: 24: 28: 30: 34) sts of Sleeve, K5. Put last 25 (27: 29: 33: 35: 39) sts of Sleeve on holder.


Next row (WS) K5, work Row 2 of Roman Stripe patt to last 8 sts, work Row 2 of fringe patt to end.

Cont on these sts in patt as set, working 8 sts fringe patt, 60 (64: 66: 70: 72: 76) sts Roman Stripe, and 5 sts garter st at shoulder until 57 (57: 71: 71: 85: 85) more rows have been worked, ending after a Row 3 of Roman Stripe patt and Row 1 of fringe patt.

Next row (WS) K11 (neck band), work Row 4 of Roman Stripe to last 8 sts, work Row 2 of fringe patt to end.

Next row Work 8 sts fringe patt, work Row 5 of Roman Stripe to last 11 sts, K11.

Work in patt as set for 8 more rows, ending after a Row 13 of Roman Stripe patt and Row 1 of fringe patt.


Next row (WS) Cast off 6 sts, K5 (1 of these sts will already be on right needle after casting off), work Row 14 of Roman Stripe to last 8 sts, work Row 2 of fringe patt to end. [67 (71: 73: 77: 79: 83) sts]

Next row Work 8 sts Fringe, work Row 1 of Roman Stripe to last 5 sts, K5.

Cont in patt as set until you have worked 56 (70: 56: 70: 56: 70) rows across neck opening, which should measure 17.25 (21.5: 17.25: 21.5: 17.25: 21.5)cm, ending after a Row 14 of Roman Stripe patt.

Next row (RS) Patt as set to last 5 sts, K5.

Next row Cast on 6 sts, K these and next 5 sts, patt to end

Cont to work with these 11 garter sts at neck for 9 more rows, from Row 3 of Roman Stripe patt,

Next row (WS) Work 5 sts in garter st, 60 (64: 66: 70: 72: 76) sts patt, 8 sts fringe patt for 59 (59: 73: 73: 87: 87) rows, ending after a Row 14 of Roman Stripe patt, and Row 2 of fringe patt, but without working last 4 sts of fringe patt. Drop these from needle and unravel.

Next row Knit and cast off 44 (46: 46: 46: 46: 46) sts loosely. Knit to end of row and leave these last 25 (27: 29: 33: 35: 39) sts on holder for Left Sleeve.


Return to 25 (27: 29: 33: 35: 39) sts rem on holder from Right Sleeve and rejoin yarn with RS facing.

Next row (RS) K5, work Row 1 of Roman Stripe patt over 20 (22: 24: 28: 30: 34) sts, cast on 48 (50: 50: 50: 50: 50) sts.

Next row K48 (50: 50: 50: 50: 50) sts, turn and cont to work Row 1 of Roman Stripe patt over 40 (42: 42: 42: 42: 42) sts, then work Row 1 of fringe patt for last 8 sts.

Next row Work Row 2 of fringe patt for 8 sts, work Row 2 of Roman Stripe patt to last 5 sts, K5.

Next row K5, work Roman Stripe patt to last 8 sts, work fringe patt to end.

Cont in patt as set for further 56 (56: 70: 70: 84: 84) rows, ending after a Row 3 of Roman Stripe patt.

Next row (WS) Work fringe patt for 8 sts, work Roman Stripe patt to last 11 sts, K11.

Next row K11, work Roman Stripe patt to last 8 sts, work fringe patt to end.

 ??  ?? A flattering wide neck allows for t-shirts in winter and keeps you cool during spring
A flattering wide neck allows for t-shirts in winter and keeps you cool during spring

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