Simply Knitting



Cast on 90 (95: 101: 106: 113) sts using 4mm needles.

Row 1 (RS) *K1, P1, rep from * to last 0 (1: 1: 0: 1) st, K0 (1: 1: 0: 1).

Row 2 (WS) P0 (1: 1: 0: 1), *K1, P1, rep from * to end.

Row 3 As Row 2.

Row 4 As Row 1.

Work 9 rows more in double moss stitch, ending with WS facing for next row.

Next row (WS) Double moss st 9 sts, purl to end.

Change to 4.5mm needles.

Next row Starting at the line in the Chart marked for your size, work up to the pattern repeat section (marked with a red box), repeat Pattern 4 (4: 4: 5: 5) times, work sts 1 to 3 of 18-st rep once more, work 2 sts in st st, double moss st last 9 sts. These last 11 sts of the set pattern are now referred to as double moss st and st st.

Working 11 sts at front edge in double moss stitch and st st throughout, work 20-row rep as set on Chart three times, then Rows 1 and 2 once more, ending with RS facing for next row.

Work 7 rows in double moss st, ending with WS facing for next row.

Next row (WS) Double moss st 9, purl to end. Working 11 sts at front edge in double moss stitch and st st throughout, work 42 rows as set on Chart, then cont in double moss stitch as set until work meas 48 (49: 50: 51: 52)cm, ending with a WS row.


Dec 1 st at beg of next 5 (5: 5: 5: 7) rows, then on 3 (3: 5: 5: 5) foll alt rows.

[82 (87: 91: 96: 101) sts]

Cont without shaping until armhole meas 21 (22: 23: 24: 25)cm, ending with RS facing for next row.


Cast off 6 (7: 8: 9: 10) sts at beg of next row and 2 foll RS rows. [64 (66: 67: 69: 71) sts]

Work 1 row.

Next row Cast off 6 (8: 8: 10: 11) sts, patt to end. Work 1 row.

Leave rem 58 (58: 59: 59: 60) sts on a holder.

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