Simply Knitting

Loose lacy cardigan

Graceful and flowing, this draped cardigan comes with elegant lace stitches and a unique constructi­on.



Note This cardigan is worked in two pieces, sideways. You cast on at the front edge and work straight until you reach the armhole. Stitches for the armhole are cast off and then cast back on again to create an opening. You then work straight in pattern until you reach the centre back. Then a small garter stitch wedge is worked with short rows before all stitches are worked once more and then cast off. The Sleeves are worked top down. First the Sleeve cap is worked back and forth straight and then the Sleeve is joined to work in the round. The Sleeves are sewn into the armholes to finish.


If your cast off tends to be tight, try working with a larger needle. If the edge is still tight, make 1 yarn over after roughly every 4th stitch at the same time as casting off, casting off the yarn overs as for normal sts.


Cast on 157 (157: 173: 173: 187: 187) sts using 4.5mm circular needle, 80cm long. Do not join.


Rows 1, 3, 5, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33 and 35 (RS) Work Edging Chart A over first 9 sts, knit to last 9 sts, work Edging Chart B over last 9 sts.

Rows 2, 4, 10, 12, 18, 20, 26, 28, 34 and 36 (WS) Work Edging Chart B, knit to last 9 sts, work Edging Chart A.

Rows 7 and 23 (RS) Work Edging Chart A, *k2tog, yo; rep from * to last 10 sts, K1, work Edging Chart B.

Rows 6, 8, 14, 22, 24, 30 and 32 (WS) Work Edging Chart B, purl to last 9 sts, work Edging Chart A.

When you have completed all 36 rows once only proceed to Main Section.


Note that Body Charts C and D are different depending on your size. Ensure you work with the charts that are correct for your size. Row 1 (RS) Work Edging Chart A, (work Body Chart C, work Body Chart D) 3 times, work Body Chart C once more, work Edging Chart B.

Row 2 (WS) Work Edging Chart B, (work Body Chart C, work Body Chart D) 3 times, work Body Chart C once more, work Edging Chart A.

These two rows set pattern.

Charts C and D have different numbers of rows so it is recommende­d that you make a note of which row you are on for each chart at all times.

Continue in pattern as set until the piece measures 46 (47: 48: 49: 50: 51)cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row. **


Next row (RS) Pattern 81 (79: 93: 91: 103: 101) sts as set, cast off the next 36 (38: 40: 42: 44: 46) sts and pattern 40 sts to end. Next row (WS) Work to end, casting on 36 (38: 40: 42: 44: 46) sts over the cast-off sts.

Continue straight as set until piece measures 63 (65: 67: 69: 71: 73) cm from cast-on edge, ending after a RS row.

Change to 4mm circular needles. Knit 2 rows.

You will now work in garter stitch and short rows to create a small wedge at the top edge, so that the top of the jacket lies neatly at the back of the neck. When working garter stitch short rows there is no need to wrap a stitch when you turn and work back, but tighten the first stitch of each row to keep your finish neat.

Next row (WS) K39, turn.

Next row (RS) Tighten first st, K36, turn.

Next row Tighten first st, K33, turn.

Continue as set, working 3 fewer sts each time you turn until you have worked back and forth over the last 3 sts.

Next row (WS) Knit to end across all sts.

Cast off knitwise.


Work as for Left Front and Back piece to **. [157 (157: 173: 173: 187: 187) sts]


Next row (RS) Pattern 40 sts as set, cast off the next 36 (38: 40: 42: 44: 46) sts, pattern 81 (79: 93: 91: 103: 101) sts to end.

Next row Work to end, casting on 36 (38: 40: 42: 44: 46) sts over the cast-off sts.

Continue straight as set until piece measures 63 (65: 67: 69: 71: 73) cm from cast-on row, ending after a RS row.

Change to 4mm circular needles. Knit 1 row.

You will now work a short row wedge as before, but this time you are beginning on a RS row.

Next row (RS) K39, turn.

Next row (WS) K36, turn.

Next row K33, turn.

Continue as set, working 3 fewer sts each time you turn until you have worked back and forth over the last 3 sts.

Next row (RS) Knit to end across all sts.

Cast off knitwise.


Cast on 28 (32: 36: 40: 44: 48) sts using 4.5mm circular needles

40cm long. Do not join.

Working in stocking stitch throughout and beg with a RS (knit) row, cast on 5 sts at beg of next 8 rows. [68 (72: 76: 80: 84: 88) sts] Sleeve should measure approx 3cm from the cast-on edge. Join sts to work in the round and place marker for beg of round, being careful not to twist sts.

Work straight in st st (knit every round) until Sleeve measures 3 (3: 2.5: 2.5: 2: 2)cm from the join.

Decrease round K1, skpo, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, K1. [2 sts dec’d] Continue in stocking stitch, decreasing as set every 3.5 (3: 2.5: 2.5: 2.5: 2)cm another 9 (10: 11: 12: 13: 14) times and changing to double-pointed needles when desired.

[48 (50: 52: 54: 56: 58) sts]

Continue straight in stocking stitch until Sleeve measures 38cm from the join.

Change to 4mm DPNs.

Work cuff pattern as follows:

Round 1 Knit.

Round 2 Purl.

Rep last 2 rounds once more.

Rounds 5 and 6 Knit.

Round 7 (K2tog, yo) to end of round.

Rounds 8 and 9 Knit.

Round 9 Purl.

Round 10 Knit.

Round 11 Purl.

Cuff should measure 4cm.

Cast off knitwise.

Work other Sleeve in the same way.


Join body pieces together at cast-off edges. Sew in the Sleeves. Block gently to measuremen­ts, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band.

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 ??  ?? Cool and loose, this lacy cardigan picks up the summer breeze with ease
Cool and loose, this lacy cardigan picks up the summer breeze with ease
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 ??  ??
 ??  ?? The hankerchie­f edge of this cardi creates a very flattering fit
The hankerchie­f edge of this cardi creates a very flattering fit
 ??  ??

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