Simply Knitting

02 Waistcoat


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From page 18

Sizes: 36-40 (42-46) Finished measuremen­ts: Bust circumfere­nce: 122 (136) cm To Fit Bust: 81 – 91 (97 – 107) cm Length: 55 (59) cm Materials: Rico Creative So Cool + So Soft Cotton chunky. Content: 100% cotton.

100 g = 100 m.

8 (9) balls col 001 cream

Needles: Size 6 mm Cable needle Tension: 18 sts and 20 rows to 10 cm, over pattern on 6 mm needles or the size required to give the correct tension.

Back Using 6 mm needles and thumb method cast on 110 (122) sts.

1st row. Knit. 2nd and every foll alt row. Purl. 3rd row. K1, *k2, slip 2 sts onto CN and hold at back of work, k2 then k2 from CN, rep from * to last st, k1. 5th row. Knit.

7th row. K1, *slip 2 sts onto CN and hold at front of work, k2 then k2 from CN, k2, rep from * to last st, k1. 8th row. Purl.

From 1st to 8th row sets patt. Keeping continuity of patt as set (throughout) cont until work measures 51 (55) cm, ending with a WS row. Shape shoulders Cast off 9 (10) sts in patt at beg of next 2 rows. 92 (102) sts. Cast off 8 (9) sts in patt at beg of next 2 rows. 76 (84) sts. Cast off 5 (6) sts in patt at beg of next 4 rows. 56 (60). Cast off rem 56 (60) sts in patt.

Left front Using 6 mm needles and thumb method cast on 57 (63) sts.

1st row. Knit to last 8 sts, (p1, k1) 4 times. 2nd and every foll alt row. K2, (p1, k1) 3 times, purl to end.

3rd row. K1, *k2, slip 2 sts onto CN and hold at back of work, k2 then k2 from CN, rep from * to last 8 sts, (p1, k1) 4 times.

5th ow. As 1st row.

7th row. K1, *slip 2 sts onto CN and hold at front of work, k2 then k2 from CN, k2, rep from * to last 8 sts, (p1, k1) 4 times.

8th row. K2, (p1, k1) 3 times, purl to end.

From 1st to 8th row patt and front border.

Keeping continuity of patt and front border as set (throughout) cont until work measures 33 (37) cm, ending with a WS row. Shape neck Next row. Patt to last 10 sts, k2tog (neck edge), patt to end. 56 (62) sts.

Next row. Patt 8, p2tog, purl to end. 55 (61) sts.

Last 2 rows set neck shaping. Work 12 (14) rows dec 1 st at neck edge as before in every row. 43 (47) sts. Work 15 rows dec 1 st at neck edge as before in next and every foll alt row. 35 (39) sts.

Cont without shaping until work measures 51 (55) cm, ending with a WS row. Shape shoulder Next row. Cast off 9 (10) sts in patt, patt to end. 26 (29) sts.

Next row. Patt.

Next row. Cast off 8 (9) sts in patt, patt to end. 18 (20) sts.

Next row. Patt.

Next row. Cast off 5 (6) sts in patt, patt to end. 13 (14) sts.

Next row. Patt.

Next row. Cast off 5 (6) sts in patt, patt to end. 8 sts.

Working on rem 8 sts proceed as follows:

Next row. k2, (p1, k1) 3 times, cast on 1 st. 9 sts (cast on st will be used for sewing border to back of neck). Next row. k1, (p1, k1) 4 times. Next row. k2, (p1, k1) 3 times, k1. Last 2 rows set patt.

Cont in patt until border measures 15 (16) cm, when slightly stretched, from last cast off sts, ending with a WS row. Cast off in patt.

Right front Using 6 mm needles and thumb method cast on 57 (63) sts.

1st row. (k1, p1) 4 times, knit to end.

2nd and every foll alt row. Purl to last 8 sts, (k1, p1) 3 times, k2.

3rd row. (k1, p1) 4 times, *k2, slip 2 sts onto CN and hold at back of work, k2 then k2 from CN, rep from * to last st, k1.

5th row. As 1st row.

7th row. (k1, p1) 4 times, *slip 2 sts onto CN and hold at front of work, k2 then k2 from CN, k2, rep from * to last st, k1.

8th row. Purl to last 8 sts, (k1, p1) 3 times, k2.

From 1st to 8th row patt and front border.

Keeping continuity of patt and front border as set (throughout) cont until work measures 33 (37) cm, ending with a WS row. Shape neck Next row. Patt 8, s1, k1, psso (neck edge), patt to end. patt to end. 56 (62) sts. Next row. Patt to last 10 sts, p2togtbl, patt 8. 55 (61) sts. Last 2 rows set neck shaping. Work 12 (14) rows dec 1 st at neck edge as before in every row. 43 (47) sts.

Work 15 rows dec 1 st at neck edge as before in next and every foll alt row. 35 (39) sts.

Cont without shaping until work measures 51 (55) cm, ending with a rs row. Shape shoulder Next row. Cast off 9 (10) sts in patt, patt to end. 26 (29) sts.

Next row. Patt.

Next row. Cast off 8 (9) sts in patt, patt to end. 18 (20) sts.

Next row. Patt.

Next row. Cast off 5 (6) sts in patt, patt to end. 13 (14) sts.

Next row. Patt.

Next row. Cast off 5 (6) sts in patt, patt to end. 8 sts.

Working on rem 8 sts proceed as follows: Next row. (k1, p1) 4 times, cast on 1 st. 9 sts (cast on st will be used for sewing border to back of neck).

Next row. k1, (k1, p1) 3 times, k2.

Next row. (k1, p1) 4 times, k1. Cont in patt until border measures 15 (16) cm, when slightly stretched, from last cast off sts, ending with a WS row. Cast off in patt.

Armhole corders (both alike) Join shoulder seams. Place coloured markers approximat­ely 20 (22) cm, down from beg of shoulder shaping on back and fronts. With RS facing, using 6 mm needles pick up and knit 57 (61) sts evenly between markers. 1st row. p1, *k1, p1, rep from * to end. 2nd row. *k1, p1, rep from * to last

st, k1.

These 2 rows set rib. Work 5 rows more in rib. Cast off in rib. Finishing Join side and armhole border seams. Join cast off ends of borders, placing seam to center back of neck, sew evenly in position. Block out garment to the measuremen­t given and place under damp cloths and leave until dry.

Design: Rico

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