Simply Knitting

09 Top with flowers


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From page 24 Sizes: 34-36 (38-40) 42 (44) Finished measuremen­ts: Bust circumfere­nce: 85 (91) 98 (102) cm

Length: 43 (43) 52 (52) cm Width bottom: 85 (91) 96 (100) cm Materials: BC Garn, Allino.

Content: 50% linen, 50% cotton. 50 g = 125 m.

5 (5) 6 (6) balls col 05 natural white Needles: Circular needle size 2 mm (40 and 80 cm) Tension: 22 stitches and 32 rows in pattern = 10x10 cm.

Abbreviati­ons: k1tbl = k1 through back loop

k2tog = knit 2 together knitwise ssk = slip, slip knit = slip 2 stitches one after another knitwise, lift them back to left needle and knit from behind

kfb = knit front back = insert needle knitwise into front loop, pull through, insert needle knitwise into back loop, then lift sts to right needle. (1 increased)

CO 188 (200) 212 (220) sts. Rnd 1: rm, k94 (100) 106 (110) sts, pm, k94 (100) 106 (110) sts. Rnd 2-3: p – markers are always slipped unless otherwise noted. Rnd 4-5: k. Rnd 6-7: p. Rnd 8-9: k. Rnd 10: k4 (2) 1 (3), work according to rnd 1 in chart as given for the sizes, end with k4 (2) 1 (3) before m. Work the other half the same way. Note All even rnds: k. For the yarn over twice: k1 + k1tbl. Starting in rnd 30 and then 4 times every 11th rnd decrease for waist as follow: Rnd 30: rm, k1, k2tog, k to 3 sts before m, ssk, k1, sm, k1, k2tog, k to 3 sts before m, ssk, k1. (4 sts decreased per rnd = 20 sts decreased in total).

(If the decreases do not allow flowers to be knit, just k over those stitches and work flowers where possible).

Now start increases 5 (5) 6 (6) times every 11th rnds as follow: Sm, k1, kfb, k to 2 sts before m, kfb, k1, sm, k1, kfb, k to 2 sts before m, kfb, k1 = 188 (200) 216 (224) sts. Yoke After a total of 11 (11) 12 (12) flower repeats, work for armholes as follow: sm, k to 10 (12) 14 (14) sts before m, BO 20 (24) 28 (28) sts, k to 10 (12) 14 (14) sts before m, BO 20 (24) 28 (28) sts, k to first armhole. CO 40 (48) 56 (56) sts, k to next armhole, CO 40 (48) 56 (56) sts, now work in rounds over 224 (246) 272 (280) sts: k 2 rnds, p 2 rnds = pattern. Repeat these 4 rnds until you have worked 4 cm of yoke pattern.

In the next rnd: Decrease a total of 20 sts evenly.

Continue in the pattern and decrease in every 3rd rnd as above until you have worked a total of 8 decrease rounds = 64 (88) 112 (120) sts.

BO all sts, weave in ends.

Design: BC Garn / Jette Hilger and Britta Kremke

First back Continue in seed stitch until work measures 50 (51) 53 (54) cm measured from beginning of seed stitch. BO all sts.

Work 2nd back the same.

Front Work in seed stitch over all 76 (82) 92 (100) sts flat, until front measures 45 (46) 48 (49) cm starting from beginning of seed stitch.

For neckline work as follows: BO the 20 center sts and finish sides separately. Decrease as follows for neck shape: 1 x 2 and 2 x 1 sts. Continue straight on in seed stitch until front measures same length as back.

BO remaining sts for shoulder.

Finishing Sew shoulder seams together.

Neckline: Pick up 76 (80) 88 (90) sts with needle 3 in the neckline and work 4 rows in stockinett­e st: Row 1 (WS): p

Row 2 (buttonhole): k1, k2tog, yo, k to end.

Row 3: p

Row 4: k

BO all sts. Armhole rim Pick up 94 (94) 100 (102) sts with needle 3 mm around in the armhole. Work another k round and at the same time BO all sts. Hollow seam with elastic band Fold half of the stockinett­e stitch edge to the inside and sew the seam. Note! Leave the seam open over a couple of cm, to be able to insert the elastic band. After inserting it, sew it together and close the gap. Sew the button to the top of the back.

Design: BC Garn / Ann Højgaard Slot

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