Simply Knitting

12 Vest with long stitches


• •••• From page 34 Sizes: 34-40 (42-46) Materials: BC Garn, Colori. Content: 55% wool, 25% linen, 20% mulberry silk.

50 g = 250 m.

6 (7) skeins col 15 light blue Finished measuremen­ts: Bust circumfere­nce: approx. 104 (118) cm

Length: approx. 90 (95) cm Needles: Circular needle size 3 mm (80 cm) Tension: 23 sts = 10 cm. Pattern Work 7 rows in garter stitch (first row is on WS).

** k1 (pull the stitch until it is about 1 cm long), * yo needle twice, k1 *, repeat from * to * to end. Pull the last knit stitch long.

Work one row in garter stitch, work stitches only (not loops). Slide yarn loops off the needle and pull the worked stitches long.

Then work a further 6 rows in garter stitch: k to end**.

Repeat from ** to ** throughout. End with 7 rows of garter stitch. Next row: Cast off knit wise. Sides

These are worked from side to side, i.e. from the side seam to centre front. Cast on 242 (308) sts and work the pattern until your work measures 26 (29) cm. Cast off loosely.

Work one more side piece (identical). Back

The back is worked from the bottom up. Cast on 120 (136) sts and work the pattern until your work measures 60 (65) cm. Finishing Sew one end of the side pieces to the cast off edge on the back. The front pieces meet at centre back. Sew side seams to same height as the back. Sew side pieces together about 10 cm up at centre back.

Lower edge: Pick up 5 sts across garter sts, 3 sts in the long sts (pick up the second of the three sts at the centre of the stitch. Pick up both stitch loops on the other two). Along the back, pick up 1 st in each st. The edge must be even (not puckered or wavy). Work 7 rows of garter sts. Next row: Cast off knit wise. Design: BC Garn / Maja Nebsbjerg

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