Simply Knitting

26 Crochet pullover


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From page 64

Sizes: 32-34 (36-38) 40-42 (44-46) 48-50 Finished measuremen­ts: Bust circumfere­nce: 102 (106) 116 (124) 134 cm

Length: 64 (68) 72 (76) 80 cm Inner sleeve length: 30 (30) 30 (32) 32 cm Materials: Schachenmy­ar, Soft linen Mix. Content: 70% viscose, 30% linen. 50 g = 93 m.

11 (12) 12 (13) 14 balls col 00080 Leinen Crochet hook: Size 4 mm Stitch markers Tension: Main Pattern: 22 sts and 9 rows = 10x10 cm. Note: Ch 3 at beg of rows counts as first tr unless otherwise stated. Main pattern: Multiple of 5 sts + 2 Row 1 (WS): Ch 3, skip first st, *5 tr into 2nd ch of next ch-3 arch; rep from * to last st, tr into last st, turn.

Row 2: Ch 3, skip first st, tr into next st, *ch 3, skip next 3 sts, tr into each of next 2 sts; rep from * to end of row, turn.

Rep rows 1-2 for main patt. Back Ch 114 (119) 129 (139) 149 sts.

Foundation row (RS): 1 tr into 4th ch from hook (counts as 2 tr). *ch 3, skip next 3 ch. 1 tr into each of next 2 ch, rep from * to end, turn – 112 (117) 127 (137) 147 sts. Beg main patt. Starting with row 1 (WS), work in main patt until piece measures 57 (61) 65 (69) 73 cm from beg, ending with a WS row. Shape neck Next row (RS): Patt 42 (44) 49 (54) 58 sts, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row, turn. Next row: Patt 35 (37) 42 (47) 51 sts, turn. Next row: Patt to end of row, turn. Next row: Patt 28 (30) 35 (40) 44 sts, turn. Next row: Patt to end of row. Fasten off. With RS facing skip next 28 (29) 29 (29) 31 sts, rejoin yarn and patt to end of row, turn – 42 (44) 49 (54) 58 sts. Next row (RS): Patt 35 (37) 42 (47) 51 sts, turn. Next row: Patt to end of row, turn. Next row: Patt 28 (30) 35 (40) 44 sts, turn. Next row: Patt to end of row, turn. Next row: Patt to end of row. Fasten off. Front Work as given for back. Sleeves (both alike) Ch 79 (79) 79 (84) 84 sts.

Foundation row (RS): 1 tr into 4th ch from hook (counts as 2 tr), *ch 3, skip next 3 ch. 1 tr into each of next 2 ch. rep from * to end, turn – 77 (77) 77 (82) 82 sts. Beg main patt Starting with row 1 (WS), work 9 (5) 1 (1) 1 rows in main patt, ending with a WS row.

Working incs by working 1 extra tr at beg and end of inc rows. Work 13 (17) 25 (25) 25 rows inc 1 st at each end of next and every foll 6th (4th) 4th (4th) 4th row 2 (4) 6 (6) 6 times more – 83 (87) 91 (96) 96 sts. Cont without shaping until piece measures 30 (30) 30 (32) 32 cm from beg, ending with a WS row. Cast off. Finishing Block to measuremen­ts. Join shoulder seams. Neck Edging With RS facing and starting at left shoulder seam, work 1 row of double crochet evenly around neck opening. Join with a sl st to first dc. Fasten off.

Place markers 19 (20) 21 (22) 23 cm down from shoulder seam on front and back. With center of top of sleeve at shoulder seam, sew sleeve to front and back between markers. Join side and sleeve seams. Weave in all ends with a tapestry/ yarn needle.

Design: Schachenma­yr

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