Simply Knitting

28 Crochet top


•• ••• From page 13 Sizes: 32-34 (36-38) 40-42 (44-46) 48-50 Finished measuremen­ts: Bust circumfere­nce: 83 (90) 100 (110) 121 cm

Length: 53 (55) 57 (59) 61 cm Materials: Schachenma­yr, Soft Linen Mix. Content: 70% viscose, 30% linen. 50 g = 93 m.

9 (10) 10 (11) 11 balls col 0081 Gold Crochet hook: Size 3 mm Tension: Basic pattern: 23 sts and 25 rows = 10x10 cm.

Basic pattern:

Row 1: Ch 1, dc into first st and each st across, turn. Repeat row 1 for basic patt.

Special abbrevatio­n:

Dc2tog: [lnsert hook in next stitch and pull up a loop] twice, yo, draw through all 3 loops on hook. Back Ch 96 (106) 116 (128) 140.

Foundation row (RS): 1 dc into 2nd ch from hook, dc into each ch across, turn – 95 (105) 115 (127) 139 sts.

Row 1 (WS): Ch 1, dc into first st and each st across, turn.

Row 2: Ch 4 (counts as 1 tr, ch 1), skip first 2 sts, * tr into next st, ch 1, skip next st; rep from * to last st, tr into last st, turn.

Row 3: Ch 1, dc into first st, * dc into ch-1 sp, dc into next st; rep from * to end of row, turn.

Beg with a RS row, work in basic patt until piece measures 33 (34) 35 (36) 37 cm from beg, ending with a RS row.

Shape armholes

Next row (WS): Sl st across first 5 (6) 6 (7) 7 sts, ch 1, work in patt to last 5 (6) 6 (7) 7 sts, turn – 85 (93) 103 (113) 125 sts.

Next row: Ch 1, dc2tog, work in patt to last 2 sts, dc2tog, turn – 83 (91) 101 (111) 123 sts.

Next row (WS): Ch 1, work in patt to end of row, turn.

Shape neck

Next row (RS): Ch 1, dc2tog, dc into next 39 (43, 48, 53, 59) sts, turn – 40 (44) 49 (54) 60 sts.

Next row: Ch 1, dc2tog, work in patt to end of row, turn – 39 (43) 48 (53) 59 sts.

Next row: Ch 1, dc2tog, work in patt to end of row, turn – 38 (42) 47 (52) 58 sts.

Next row: Ch 1, dc2tog, work in patt to end of row, turn – 37 (41) 46 (51) 57 sts. Rep last 2 rows 3 (3) 3 (1) 1 times more – 31 (35) 40 (49) 55 sts.

Next row (RS): Ch 1, work in patt to end of row, turn.

Next row: Ch 1, dc2tog, work in patt to end of row, turn – 30 (34) 39 (48) 54 sts.

Rep last 2 rows 12 (14) 16 (22) 25 times more – 18 (20) 23 (26) 29 sts. Cont even in patt until armhole measures 20 (21) 22 (23) 24 cm, ending with a WS row.

Fasten off.

With RS facing, skip st at centre neck and rejoin yarn to next st.

Next row (RS): Ch 1, work in patt to last 2 sts, dc2tog, turn – 40 (44) 49 (54) 60 sts.

Next row: Ch 1, work in patt to last 2 sts, dc2tog, turn – 39 (43) 48 (53) 59 sts. Next row: Ch 1, work in patt to last 2 sts, dc2tog, turn – 38 (42) 47 (52) 58 sts.

Next row: Ch 1, work in patt to last 2 sts, dc2tog, turn – 37 (41) 46 (51) 57 sts.

Rep last 2 rows 3 (3) 3 (1) 1 times more – 31 (35) 40 (49) 55 sts.

Next row (RS): Ch 1, work in patt to end of row, turn.

Next row: Ch 1, work in patt to last 2 sts, dc2tog, turn – 30 (34) 39 (48) 54 sts.

Rep last 2 rows 12 (14) 16 (22) 25 times more – 18 (20) 23 (26) 29 sts. Cont even in patt until armhole measures 20 (21) 22 (23) 24 cm, ending with a WS row.

Fasten off. Front Work as given for Back. Finishing Block to measuremen­ts. Join shoulder seams. Neck Edging Starting at left shoulder seam, work 1 row of double crochet evenly around neck opening. Join with a sl st to first dc.

Rnd 1: Ch 4 (counts as 1 tr, ch l), skip first 2 sts, * tr in next st, ch 1, skip next st, rep from * around. Join with a sl st to first tr.

Rnd 2: Ch 1, dc into first st, * dc into

ch-1 sp, dc into next st; rep from * to last ch-1 sp, dc into ch-1 sp. Join with a sl st.

Fasten off. Armhole edgings (both alike) Join side seams.

Starting at underarm, work 1 row of double crochet evenly around armhole opening. Join with a sl st to first dc.

Rnd 1: Ch 4 (counts as 1 tr, ch 1), skip first 2 sts, * tr in next st, ch 1, skip next st; rep from * around. Join with a sl st to first tr.

Rnd 2: Ch 1. dc into first st, * dc into ch-1 sp, dc into next st; rep from * to last ch-1 sp, dc into ch-1 sp. Join with a sl st.

Fasten off.

Weave in all ends with a tapestry/ yarn needle.

Design: Schachenma­yr

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