Simply Knitting

Work 1 row straight. Next row (RS) Cast off rem 4 (4: 4: 5: 5) sts.



Work as for Left Front, reversing all shaping and noting that Armhole shaping should begin on WS rows, Neck shaping should begin on RS rows and Shoulder shaping should begin on WS rows.


Cast on 39 (41: 43: 45: 47) sts using 3mm needles and Yarn A. Beg with a RS (knit) row, work in st st for 4 rows.

Change to 3.5mm needles

Continue in st st until Sleeve measures 3cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.

Inc row (RS) K1, M1, knit to last st, M1, K1. [2 sts inc’d] Work 9 rows straight.

Rep inc row. [2 sts inc’d]

Rep last 10 rows another 3 (5: 6: 9: 10) times.

[49 (55: 59: 67: 71) sts]


Work 7 rows straight.

Rep inc row. [2 sts inc’d]

Rep last 8 rows another 2 (1: 1: -: -) times. [55 (59: 63: -: -) sts]


Continue straight in st st until Sleeve measures 28 (32: 35: 40: 43) cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.


Cast off 3 sts at beg of next 2 (2: 2: 2: 4) rows.

[49 (53: 57: 61: 59) sts]

Cast off 2 sts at beg of next 4 (6: 6: 8: 6) rows.

[41 (41: 45: 45: 47) sts]

Cast off 1 st at beg of next 12 (8: 12: 8: 12) sts.

[29 (33: 33: 37: 35) sts]

Cast off 2 sts at beg of next 4 (6: 6: 8: 4) rows.

[21 (21: 21: 21: 27) sts]

Cast off 3 sts at beg of next 2 (2: 2: 2: 4) rows. [15 sts] Cast off rem 15 sts.


Cast on 61 (69: 77: 87: 95) sts using 3mm needles and Yarn A. Work in Moss st for 7 rows and leave the sts on hold.


Cast on 61 (69: 77: 87: 95) sts using 3mm needles and Yarn A. Work in Moss st for 3 rows.

Next row (RS buttonhole) Patt 7 (7: 7: 9: 9), [yo, patt 2 tog, patt 10 (12: 14: 16: 18)] 4 times, yo, patt 2 tog, patt to end.

Work in Moss st for another 3 rows and leave the sts on hold.


Cast on 65 (71: 75: 81: 85) sts using 3mm needles and Yarn A. Work in Moss st for 3 rows.

Next row (RS buttonhole) Patt 3, yo, patt 2 tog, patt to end. Work in Moss st for another 3 rows and leave the sts on hold.


Join shoulder seams. Graft one border to edge of each front. Graft Collar to edge of neck, from one end of border to the other. Sew top of Sleeves to edge of armholes. Sew Sleeve seams and sides of Cardigan. Sew on buttons opposite buttonhole­s. Block gently to measuremen­ts, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ballband.


Using 2.5mm crochet hook and Yarn B, make a crochet magic loop (see walkthroug­h below) and crochet inside the ring as follows: Round 1 6 dc.

Round 2 (1 dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc) 3 times. [9 dc]

Round 3 (1 dc in each of the next 2 sts, 2 dc in next dc) 3 times. [12 dc]

Round 4 and 5 1 dc in each dc.

Round 6 (1 dc in next dc, 2 dc tog) 4 times. [8 dc]

Cut yarn and thread end through the remaining 8 sts.

Stuff yarn inside Cherry, pull tight and weave in ends.


Using Yarn C, make a foundation chain of 15 ch sts.

* 1 dc in 2nd ch, 1 htr in next ch, 1 tr in each of the following 2 ch, 1 htr in next ch, 1 dc in next ch *, 7 ch.


Repeat from * to * of 1st leaf on the 7 ch, then 1 sl st inserting hook in the last dc of 1st leaf and at the same time in the 9th starting ch (at the same place as the 1st dc), 9 ch and fasten off.


Sew end of Stems to Cherries. Sew Leaves and Cherries to Cardigan, using the image as a guide. Weave in ends.

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