Simply Knitting



Note Divide half Yarn A, B and C balls of wool into two balls so that the yarn can be used as double thickness and knitted up as a single strand. Only use double thickness yarn if the pattern specifies to do so.


**Cast on 28 sts using 5.5mm needles and using Yarn A held double.

Row 1 (RS) K1, P1; rep from * to end. Repeat the last row another 3 times.

Join in Yarn B held double and continue. Starting with a knit row work in st st for 4 rows.

Change to Yarn A held double and continue. Starting with a knit row, work in st st for 4 rows. Repeat last 8 rows once more.

Break Yarns A and B and join in Yarn C held double. Knit 2 rows.

Starting with a knit row work in st st for 4 rows.** Leave the sts on a spare needle.

Make another Main Tea Cosy from ** to **.


Using Yarn C held double, proceed to work across the Main Tea Cosy on the needles and then Main Tea Cosy on the spare needle joining them together as follows:


Row 1 *K5, k2tog; rep from * to end. [48 sts] Next and every alt row Purl.

Row 3 *K4, k2tog,rep from * to end. [40 sts] Row 5 *K3, k2tog, rep from * to end. [32 sts] Row 7 *K2, k2tog, rep from * to end. [24 sts] Row 9 *K1, k2tog, rep from * to end. [16 sts] Row 11 *K2tog, rep from * to end. [8 sts]

Thread the end of the yarn through the remaining stitches and through the loop of the yarn itself and draw up the knitting tightly and finish off. With the front and back right sides together, sew about 9.5cm from the finishing off point, down the side seam towards the cast-on edge. Make the other side match.

At the bottom of each side seam, sew about 3cm upwards. The holes are left for the teapot handle and spout.

Put this part of the tea cosy onto the teapot, it’s easier to sew things into place when the tea cosy is on a teapot.


Cast on 240 sts using Yarn C and 4mm needles.

Row 1 (RS) *K2, P2; rep from * to end.

Row 2 (P2tog, P56, p2tog, PM) 3 times, p2tog, P56, p2tog.

Row 3 (Skpo, K to 2 sts before SM, k2tog, sl SM) 3 times, skpo, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [232 sts]

Row 4 (P2tog, P to 2 sts before SM, p2tog, sl SM) 3 times, p2tog, P to last 2 sts, p2tog. [224 sts]

Repeat last 2 rows another 10 times and then work Row 3 twice more. [48 sts]

Starting with a knit row, work in st st for 20 rows.


Row 1 *K4, k2tog; rep from * to end. [40 sts] Next and every alt row Purl.

Row 3 *K3, k2tog; rep from * to end. [32 sts] Row 5 *K2, k2tog; rep from * to end. [24 sts] Row 7 *K1, k2tog; rep from * to end. [16 sts] Row 9 *K2tog; rep from * to end. [8 sts]

1 Thread the end of the yarn through the remaining sts and through the loop of the yarn itself. Draw up the knitting tightly and finish off. 2 With right-sides together, sew the row ends together from the drawn-up part down to the first of the straight rows. For the lower part of the sheet, bring the row ends together, side by side with right sides facing. With mattress stitch, sew the edges together.

3 Turn right-sides out and stuff the head part from 20 rows of stocking stitch. Sew head seam closed. Position centrally on the drawn-up part on the top of the main cosy, with the seam of the sheet running down the centre back of the back of the main cosy.

4 Sew the sheet to the main cosy on the first row of the straight

rows where it touches the main cosy.


Cast on 10 sts using Yarn G and 4mm needles Row 1 (RS) Knit.

Thread the end of the yarn through the remaining stitches and through the loop of the yarn itself and draw up the knitting tightly and finish off.

Bring the ends of the cast-on edge around to meet one another to create a circle and sew the rows ends together. Give the Eyes a tug to make them a little bit oval.

Position the Eyes on the head part of the Sheet and sew into place.


Cast on 12 sts using Yarn G and 4mm needles Row 1 Cast off 2 sts, (k2tog) 4 times, sl1. [6 sts]

Thread the end of the yarn through the remaining sts and through the loop of the yarn itself. Draw up the knitting tightly and finish off. Bring the ends of the cast-on edge around to meet one another to create a droplet kind of shape and sew the rows ends together. Position the Mouth on the head and sew into place.


Cast on 12 sts using Yarn D and 4mm needles. Starting with a knit row work in st st for 10 rows.

Row 11 *K1, k2tog; rep from * to end. [8 sts] Row 12 Purl.

Row 13 (Kfb, K2, kfb) twice. [12 sts]

Row 14 Purl.

Row 15 (Kfb, K4, kfb) twice. [16 sts]

Starting with a purl row work in st st for 3 rows. Cast off.

With right sides together, sew the row ends together, turn right sides out and stuff. Flatten the cast-off edge and sew along the cast-off edge. Put to one side until the digits are made.


Cast on 4 sts using Yarn D and 4mm needles. Starting with a knit row work in st st for 5 rows.


Cast on 4 sts using Yarn D and 4mm needles. Starting with a knit row work in st st for 7 rows.


Cast on 4 sts using Yarn D and 4mm needles. Starting with a knit row work in st st for 5 rows.


Cast on 4 sts using Yarn D and 4mm needles. Starting with a knit row work in st st for 3 rows.


Cast on 5 sts using Yarn D and 4mm needles. Starting with a knit row work in st st for 3 rows.


Thread the end of the yarn through the remaining stitches and through the loop of the yarn itself. Draw up the knitting tightly and finish off.

With the wrong sides together, allow the row-end edges to curl in. With an invisible stitch, sew the row ends edges together. Position and sew the fingers to the cast-off edge of the Palm. The Thumbs should be positioned about 3 rows down from the cast-off edge of the Palm.

With the Thumbs nearest the head, position the Arms over the Sheet on either side of the Main Tea Cosy, just forward of the decrease lines of the Sheet; and one row down from where you sewed the Sheet to the Main Tea Cosy. Sew into place.


Cast on 6 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn E.

Row 1 (RS) *Kfb; rep from * to end. [12 sts]

Row 2 *K1, P1; rep from * to end.

Row 3 *Kfb, P1; rep from * to end. [18 sts]

Row 4 *K1, P2; rep from * to end.

Row 5 *Kfb, K1, P1; rep from * to end. [24 sts]

Row 6 *K1, P3; rep from * to end.

Row 7 *Kfb, K2, P1; rep from * to end. [30 sts]

Row 8 *K1, P4; rep from * to end.

Row 9 *K4, P1; rep from * to end.

Repeat the last 2 rows another 5 times and then work Row 8 once again.

Row 21 *K1, k2tog, K1, P1; rep from * to end. [24 sts] Row 22 *K1, P3; rep from * to end.

Row 23 *Skpo, K1, P1; rep from * to end. [18 sts] Row 24 *K1, P2; rep from * to end.

Row 25 *K2tog, P1; rep from * to end. [12 sts]

Row 26 *P2tog; rep from * to end. [6 sts]

Break Yarn E and join Yarn F.

Row 27 Knit.

Row 28 *P1, p2tog; rep from * to end. [4 sts] Row 29 Knit.

Row 30 Purl.

1 Thread the end of the yarn through the remaining sts and through the loop of the yarn itself. Draw up the knitting tightly and finish off. 2 With right-sides together, sew the row ends together of the Yarn E part of the Pumpkin, turn right sides out. You will notice that the stalk row-end edges want to curl inwards, allows them to and with an invisible stitch sew the row-ends edges of the stalk together.

3 Stuff the main part of the pumpkin but be aware that you need to

squash your pumpkin down to flatten, so don’t overly stuff.

4 At the cast-on edge, sew a row of running stitches and draw-up the bottom of the pumpkin. Squeeze the stalk down towards the base of the pumpkin until it’s a pleasing shape. Sew a few stitches from the base up to the stalk through the centre of the pumpkin to hold its shape and fasten off.

5 With a length of Yarn G, embroider a face onto your pumpkin.

With your tea cosy on a teapot and with the teapot on a hard surface, position the pumpkin on the front right-hand side of the tea cosy making sure that the pumpkin touches the hard surface. When you’re happy with how it looks, sew into place.


Cast on 6 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn B. Row 1 *Kfb; rep from * to end. [12 sts]

Row 2 and every alt row Purl.

Row 3 *K1, kfb; rep from * to end. [18 sts] Row 5 *K2, kfb; rep from * to end. [24 sts] Row 7 *K3, kfb; rep from * to end. [30 sts] Starting with a P row, work in st st for 3 rows.

Row 11 *K3, k2tog; rep from * to end. [24 sts] Row 13 *K2, k2tog; rep from * to end. [18 sts] Starting with a P row, work in st st for 3 rows.

Row 17 *K1, k2tog; rep from * to end. [12 sts] Repeat last 2 rows once more. [8 sts]

Row 21 *Kfb; rep from * to end. [16 sts]

Row 22 *P1, pfb; rep from * to end. [24 sts] Starting with a K row, work in st st for 6 rows. Row 29 *K1, k2tog; rep from * to end. [16 sts] Row 30 Purl.

Row 31 *K2tog; rep from * to end. [8 sts]

1 Thread the end of the yarn through the remaining sts and through the loop of the yarn itself and draw up the knitting tightly and finish off.

2 With right sides together, sew the row ends together, turn right sides out and stuff. Sew a row of running stitches along the cast-on edge and draw up and fasten off.

3 With a length of Yarn G, embroider a face and some stitches on the Doll’s tummy.

4 With a length of Yarn E and Yarn B, thread a tapestry needle so that you thread both the ends into the needle. Insert the needle into the top of the head and out again after one stitch and pull some of the yarn through, insert your needle through the loop the yarn makes.

5 Pull tightly and take the yarn off the needle. Trim to length and then brush the yarn with the needle to unwind the yarn strands to create wispy hair.


Cast on 8 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn B. Starting with a Knit row (RS), work in st st for 10 rows.

1 Thread the end of the yarn through the remaining stitches and through the loop of the yarn itself and draw up the knitting tightly and finish off.

2 With wrong sides together and using an invisible stitch, sew the row ends together.

3 Three rows down from the drawn-up part of the arm, sew a row of running stitches and draw-up to create a hand.

4 Sew the arms to the Zombie’s body below the neck.


Cast on 10 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn B. Starting with a Knit row (RS), work in st st for 9 rows. Row 10 Knit.

1 Thread the end of the yarn through the remaining stitches and through the loop of the yarn itself and draw up the knitting tightly and finish off.

2 With wrong sides together and using an invisible stitch, sew the row ends together.

3 Pin and sew the legs to the Doll’s body.

With the teapot on a flat surface, pin the Zombie to the right-hand side of the back of the main cosy, making sure that the Zombie rests on the hard surface. When you are happy, sew into place.

 ??  ?? The digits are made separately from the arms and palms
The digits are made separately from the arms and palms
 ??  ?? Attach your plump pumpkin to the base of your tea cosy
Attach your plump pumpkin to the base of your tea cosy
 ??  ?? With a length of black yarn, embroider face and body details onto your zombie doll
With a length of black yarn, embroider face and body details onto your zombie doll

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