Simply Knitting

Zigzag lace T-shirt

Finish o a classic, versatile T-shirt with a flurry of cool-looking lacework when you cast on this sideways knit by Fran Morgan



Note The yoke is worked first from Sleeve to Sleeve, beginning at Left Sleeve edge. The Back and Front are worked down from yoke on picked up stitches. When picking up stitches for Front and Back, a good rule of thumb is to pick up 3 sts for every 4 rows worked but you may need to make minor adjustment­s to obtain the specified stitch count. When working the neck shaping, continue working in the pattern but do not work a dec/inc unless you have room to work a correspond­ing yarn over to keep the stitch count correct.


The purpose of the provisiona­l cast-on is to create stitches that can be worked as ‘live’ stitches at a later stage. This can be achieved by working a few rows in scrap yarn, before changing to the main yarn. You could also make a crochet chain and then knit into the ‘bumps’ on the underside of the chain. There are other, more complex options, but both of these choices are simple to work and will give the necessary result. If working the first option you will need to unpick or cut off these stitches later, making sure not to cut into the live stitches. For the second option you can ‘unzip’ the crochet chain to produce the live stitches.


Row 1 (RS) P1, *P1, yo, ssk, K4 (5: 5: 6: 6), yo, ssk, P3 (3: 4: 4: 5); rep from * another 5 times, P1.

Row 2 and all WS rows Purl. Row 3 P1, *P2, yo, ssk, K4 (5: 5: 6: 6), yo, ssk, P2 (2: 3: 3: 4); rep from * another 5 times, P1.

Row 5 P1, *P3, yo, ssk, K4 (5: 5: 6: 6), yo, ssk, P1 (1: 2: 2: 3); rep from * another 5 times, P1.

Row 7 P1, *P4, yo, ssk, K4 (5: 5: 6: 6), yo, ssk, P0 (0: 1: 1: 2); rep from * another 5 times, P1.

Row 9 P1, *P3, k2tog, yo, K4 (5: 5: 6: 6), k2tog, yo, P1 (1: 2: 2: 3); rep from * another 5 times, P1.

Row 11 P1, *P2, k2tog, yo, K4 (5: 5: 6: 6), k2tog, yo, P2 (2: 3: 3: 4); rep from * another 5 times, P1. Row 13 P1, *P1, k2tog, yo, K4 (5: 5: 6: 6), k2tog, yo, P3 (3: 4: 4: 5) rep from * another 5 times, P1. Row 15 P1, *k2tog, yo, K4 (5: 5: 6: 6), k2tog, yo, P4 (4: 5: 5: 6) rep from * another 5 times, P1.

Row 16 Purl.

Rep Rows 1 to 16 for patt.


Worked sideways.

Cast on 74 (80: 86: 92: 98) sts, using 4mm needles and a provisiona­l cast-on.

Join in working yarn.

Set-up row (WS) Purl.

Each size will start at different rows of the pattern repeat. Beginning with Row 7 (15: 7: 13: 3) of Lace Pattern, continue

straight until you have worked 26 rows in total, ending after Row 16 (8: 16: 6: 12) of Lace Pattern.

Sleeve should measure 8cm from cast-on edge.

Place markers at each end of last row to denote start of yoke.


Cont in patt for another 32 (40: 48: 58: 68) rows, ending after row 16 of Lace Pattern.

Yoke should measure 10 (12.5: 15: 18: 21)cm from markers.


The next row places the neckband and patt.

Next row (RS dec) Patt 32 (35: 38: 41: 44), P5, PM, P5, ssk, patt to end. [73 (79: 85: 91: 97) sts]

Next row P36 (39: 42: 45: 48) turn and work on these sts only for Front Neck, leave 37 (40: 43: 46: 49) rem sts on a spare needle for Back Neck later.

Row 1 (RS dec) P5, ssk, patt to end. [1 st dec’d].

Row 2 Purl.

Rep last 2 rows another 7 times. [28 (31: 34: 37: 40) sts]

Row 1 P5, patt to end.

Row 2 Patt to end.

Rep last 2 rows another 21 times.

Row 1 (RS inc) P5, LI, patt to end. [1 st inc’d].

Row 2 Purl.

Rep the last 2 rows another 7 times and the inc row once more, ending after a Row 15 of patt (a RS row). [37 (40: 43: 46: 49) sts]

Leave sts on a spare needle, leaving a ball of yarn attached, or a very long tail.


Rejoin yarn to sts left on spare needle.

Next row Purl.

Row 1 Patt to last 5 sts, P5.

Row 2 Purl.

Rep the last 2 rows until you have worked the same number of rows for Front Neck, ending after a Row 15 of patt (a RS row).

Leave sts on a spare needle and break yarn, leaving a tail to weave in later.


Return Front Neck sts to working needle.

With WS facing, working across Front sts first and then Back sts, purl to end. [74 (80: 86: 92: 98) sts]

Cont in patt until you have worked another 32 (40: 48: 58: 68) rows. Place a marker for beg of Sleeve.

Work another 26 rows, ending after a Row 10 (2: 10: 4: 14) of pattern.


Next row K3 (6: 2: 8: 10), *k2tog, K5 (4: 4: 3: 2); rep from * to last 1 (2: 0: 4: 8) sts, K1 (2: 0: 4: 8). [64 (68: 72: 76: 78) sts]

Change to 3.5mm needles. Next row (K1, P1) to end. The last row sets the rib. Rib for 11 more rows.

Cast off in rib.


Using 3.5mm needles, undo the provisiona­l cast on and slip the 74 (80: 86: 92: 98) resulting live sts onto your needle. You may need to pick up a stitch at the ‘corner’ of the cast on to get the correct number of sts.

Rejoin yarn with RS facing and work as foll:

Next row K3 (6: 2: 8: 10), *k2tog, K5 (4: 4: 3: 2) rep from * to last 1 (2: 0: 4: 8) sts, K1 (2: 0: 4: 8). [64 (68: 72: 76: 78) sts]

Next row K1, P1 to end.

The last row sets the rib. Rib for 11 more rows. Cast off in rib.


Using 4mm needles, pick up and knit 100 (112: 124: 134: 146) sts between the two marked points for yoke.

Beg with a purl row, cont in st st until Back measures 33cm from picked up edge.

Change to 3.5mm needles. Next row K1, P1 to end. The last row sets the rib. Rib for 11 more rows.


Work the same as Back.


Sew side and Sleeve seams. Block gently to measuremen­ts, following any yarn care instructio­ns on ballband. Weave in ends.

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