Simply Knitting

Hedgehog pincushion

This hedgehog pincushion uses reverse stocking stitch for a simple textured finish – knit an array and sell at charity events!



■ Any DK yarn in brown and beige ■ A pair of 3.5mm needles

■ A small amount of toy stuffing ■ Safety eyes


22 sts and 30 rows to measure 10x10cm (4x4in) over rev st st using 3.5mm needles


11cm (4 in) long


For a full list see page 87

Who can resist this cuddly little pincushion? Not us, and not any charity shoppers either, we’d bet! She’s a super quick and simple knit too, so it’s easy to make a batch up for a local charity shop or stall. Use 3.5mm needles to ensure you keep a tight tension – this will make sure none of the stuffing pokes out and will help keep Hedgie’s spikes in place. And if you don’t have safety eyes handy, embroider your hedgie’s features on,or use black-headed pins!


Cast on 6 sts using 3.5mm needles and beige yarn.

Row 1 and every alt row (RS) Purl. Row 2 (Kfb) into every st. [12 sts]

Row 4 (K1, Kfb) to end of row. [18 sts] Row 6 (K2, Kfb) to end of row. [24 sts] Row 8 (K3, Kfb) to end of row. [30 sts] Continue in rev stocking st for 17 more rows, ending on a purl row.

Change to brown yarn.

Next row and every alt row (WS) Purl. Next row (K3, k2tog) to end of row. [24 sts]

Next row (K2, k2tog) to end of row. [18 sts]

Next row (K1, k2tog) to end of row. [12 sts]

Next row (K2tog) to end of row. [6 sts] Next row (K2tog) to end of row. [3 sts] Break yarn and thread yarn through the remaining sts.


Using the picture as a guide add the safety eyes. Turn the knitting inside out, so right sides are facing and sew up the seam. When halfway down the body, turn the right way out and fill with stu ng. Close up the seam and weave in any loose ends.

 ??  ?? Kirstie McLeod’s cute critter makes a great charity shop buy
Kirstie McLeod’s cute critter makes a great charity shop buy

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