Simply Knitting

Kid’s llama jumper & bag

This colourful set is sure to go down a treat with your little ones, with a fun textured yarn for extra snugglines­s!

- By Jane Burns and Nicola Valiji


Note This jumper has a nice close fitting neck; be careful not to cast off too tightly. Elizabeth Zimmerman’s Sewn Bind Off is highly recommende­d.­U


Cast on 72 (76: 84: 88: 94) sts using 3.25mm needles and Yarn B. Row 1 (RS) *K2, P2; rep from * to end.

Work another 7 (9: 11: 13: 13) rows in 2x2 rib as set.

Change to 4mm needles.

Note You will begin working Chart from Row 11 (11: 9: 1: 1).

Row 1 (RS) K11 (13: 17: 19: 22), work Row 11 (11: 9: 1: 1) from Chart, knit to end.

Row 2 P11 (13: 17: 19: 22), work Row 12 (12: 10: 2: 2) from Chart, purl to end.

Continue to work from Chart as set and AT THE SAME TIME, when Back measures 22.5 (25: 30: 32: 34.5)cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row, work as follows:


Note Keep Chart correct throughout until Chart is complete. Next row (RS) Cast off 3 (4: 5: 6: 6) sts, knit to end.

[69 (72: 79: 82: 88) sts]

Next row Cast off 3 (4: 5: 6: 6) sts, purl to end. [66 (68: 74: 76: 82) sts] **

Continue to work straight as set until Chart is complete, then continue straight in stocking stitch until Back measures 35 (39: 45: 49: 53)cm from cast-on edge, ending after a RS row.

Next row (WS) P17 (17: 19: 18: 21), PM, P32 (34: 36: 40: 40), PM, P17 (17: 19: 18: 21).

Cast off all sts, keeping markers in place.


Work as Back to **. [66 (68: 74: 76: 82) sts]

Continue to work straight as set until Chart is complete, then continue straight in stocking stitch until Front measures 27.5 (31.5: 37.5: 41.5: 45.5)cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.


Next row (RS) K28 (28: 31: 31: 34) turn, leave rem 38 (40: 43: 45: 48) sts on holder.

Next row Purl.

Working on these 28 (28: 31: 31: 34) sts only continue as follows: Decrease 1 st as neck edge of next 5 (5: 6: 6: 6) rows.

[23 (23: 25: 25: 28) sts]

Decrease 1 st at neck edge of 6 (6: 6: 7: 7) foll RS rows. [17 (17: 19: 18: 21) sts].

Continue working in stocking stitch until piece measures 35 (39: 45: 49: 53)cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row. This should be just a few more rows.

Cast off.


With RS facing, and working on rem 38 (40: 43: 45: 48) sts, slip first 10 (12: 12: 14: 14) sts onto stitch holder, rejoin Yarn B to rem 28 (28: 31: 31: 34) sts and knit to end.

Next row (WS) Purl.

Working on these 28 (28: 31: 31: 34) sts only continue as follows: Decrease 1 st at neck edge of next 5 (5: 6: 6: 6) rows.

[23 (23: 25: 25: 28) sts].

Decrease 1 st at neck edge of 6 (6: 6: 7: 7) foll RS rows. [17 (17: 19: 18: 21) sts].

Continue working in stocking stitch until piece measures 35 (39: 45: 49: 53)cm from cast-on edge, ending after a RS row. This should be just a few more rows.

Cast off.


Stripe pattern for Sleeves:

Work 2 rows in st st in Yarn B. Work 4 rows in st st in Yarn E. Work 4 rows in st st in Yarn C. Work 4 rows in st st in Yarn F. Work 4 rows in st st in Yarn D.

Cast on 40 (44: 48: 52: 56) sts using 3.25mm needles and Yarn B. Row 1 (RS) *K2, P2; rep from * to end.

Work another 7 (9: 11: 13: 13) rows in 2x2 rib as set.

Change to 4mm needles.

Work stripe sequence as above for Sleeves once then continue in Yarn B to end of Sleeve AT THE SAME TIME working shaping as follows:

Rows 1 to 4 Beg with a RS (knit) row, work straight in st st stripe sequence for Sleeves.

Inc 1 st at each end of next and 2 (3: 0: 4: 4) following 6th rows. [46 (52: 50: 62: 66) sts]

Inc 1 st at each end of 5 (5: 8: 7: 8) following 8th rows.

[56 (62: 66: 76: 82) sts]

Continue working straight in stocking stitch as set until Sleeve measures 31.5 (33.5: 37: 41: 45)cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.

Cast off.


Join right shoulder seam.

With RS facing, using 3.25mm needles and Yarn B, pick up and knit 23 (23: 24: 23: 23) sts evenly down left side of neck, knit across 10 (12: 12: 14: 14) sts left on holder at front of neck, pick up and knit 23 (23: 24: 23: 23) sts evenly up right side of neck, pick up and knit 32 (34: 36: 40: 40) from cast-off stitches at back of neck. [88 (92: 96: 100: 100) sts]

Row 1 (WS) *K2, P2; rep from * to end. Work another 5 (5: 5: 7: 9) rows in 2x2 rib as set. Cast off using a stretchy method.


Make 2 in Yarn A and 1 in Yarn B.

Cast on 13 sts using 4mm needles.

Rows 1 to 8 Beg with a RS (knit) row, work 8 rows in st st.

Row 9 Knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, K1. [12 sts]

Row 10 Purl.

Rep last 2 rows twice more. [10 sts]

Row 15 K1, ssk, K4, k2tog, K1. [8 sts]

Row 16 Purl.

Rows 17 and 18 Rep last 2 rows once more. [6 sts]

Row 19 Ssk, K2, k2tog. [4 sts]

Cut yarn leaving a long tail, thread through rem 4 sts and pull tight to form tip of Ear, secure with sts.


Make 2 in Yarn A and 1 in Yarn B.

Cast on 13 sts using 4mm needles.

Rows 1 to 8 Beg with a knit row, work 8 rows in st st.

Row 9 K1, ssk, knit to end. [12 sts]

Row 10 Purl.

Rep last 2 rows twice more. [10 sts]

Row 15 K1, ssk, K4, k2tog, K1. [8 sts]

Row 16 Purl.

Rows 17 and 18 Rep last 2 rows once more. [6 sts]

Row 19 Ssk, K2, k2tog. [4 sts]

Cut yarn leaving a long tail, thread through rem 4 sts and pull tight to form tip of Ear, secure with sts.


Set one Left and Right Ear worked in Yarn A to one side for Back of sweater. Place one Ear worked in Yarn A and one in Yarn B with RS tog, making sure they are a mirror image of each other so that the shaping matches up, and over sew edges, leaving bottom edge open. Turn right side out and sew bottom edge closed. Fold Ear in half along the bottom edge and sew to secure.


Make 2 in Yarn D, 4 each in Yarns C and F.

Cast on 3 sts using 4mm needles.

Row 1 (RS) Kfb, knit to end. [4 sts]

Row 2 P3, pfb. [5 sts]

Row 3 and 4 Beg with a RS (knit) row, work 2 rows in st st.

Row 5 Skpo, knit to end. [4 sts]

Row 6 P2, p2tog. [3 sts]

Rows 7 to 18 Rep last 6 rows twice more.

Row 19 Kfb, knit to end. [4 sts]

Row 20 Purl to last 2 sts, pfb. [5 sts]

Row 21 Kfb, knit to end. [6 sts]

Row 22 Purl to last 2 sts, pfb. [7 sts]

Rows 23 and 24 Beg with a RS (knit) row, work 2 rows in st st.

Row 25 Skpo, knit to end. [6 sts]

Row 26 Purl to last 2 sts, p2tog. [5 sts]

Rows 27 and 28 Rep last 2 rows once more. [3 sts]

Rows 29 to 38 Rep Rows 19 to 28 once more.

Cast off.


Cast on 8 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn E. Row 1 (RS) K6, turn.

Row 2 Purl to end.

Row 3 Knit to end. Cast off.


Cast on 7 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn H.

Row 1 (WS) Purl.

Row 2 (K1, M1) twice, K3, (M1, K1) twice. [11 sts]

Row 3 Purl.

Row 4 K1, M1, K9, M1, K1. [13 sts]

Rows 5 to 9 Beg with a WS (purl) row, work 5 rows in st st.

Row 10 K1, ssk, K7, k2tog, K1. [11 sts]

Row 11 Purl.

Row 12 K1, (ssk) twice, K1, (k2tog) twice, K1. [7 sts]

Cast off.

Using Yarn G and image as a guide embroider on nose and mouth.


Join left shoulder and neck band seams, fold Sleeves in half lengthwise and place stitch marker, use this stitch marker to line the centre of the Sleeve cap with the shoulder seam, pin Sleeve into place. Once happy, sew into position. Using the image embroider on eyes. Sew on Ears and Muzzle.

To sew the Flowers on, run a strand of waste yarn through the base of each Flower in the desired colour order to hold them together, pin into position and sew in place. Remove waste yarn and sew on Leaves.

Join side and Sleeve seams. Block gently to measuremen­ts, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band.


Note All pieces are worked flat on straight knitting needles and seamed using mattress stitch. Use the thumb method to cast on.


Cast on 35 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn A.

Row 1 (RS) Knit.

Row 2 to 4 Starting with a WS (purl) row, work 3 rows in st st.

Row 5 K2tog, knit to 2 sts before end, k2tog. [33 sts]

Rows 6 to 8 Starting with a WS (purl) row, work 3 rows in st st.

Row 9 As Row 5. [31 sts]

Rows 10 to 50 Starting with a WS (purl) row, work 41 rows in st st.

Cast off knitwise.


Cast on 35 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn A. Row 1 (RS) Knit.

Rows 2 to 44 Work as for Bag Front.

Change to Yarn B.

Rows 45 to 64 Starting with a RS (knit) row, work 20 rows in st st.

Row 65 K2tog, knit to 2 sts before end, k2tog. [29 sts]

Row 66 Purl.

Rows 67 to 70 Rep last 2 rows twice more. [25 sts]

Row 71 K2tog, knit to 2 sts before end, k2tog. [23 sts]

Row 72 P2tog, purl to 2 sts before end, p2tog. [21 sts]

Rep last 2 rows another 3 times. [9 sts]

Cast off knitwise.


Cast on 31 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn B.

Row 1 (RS) Knit

Rows 2 to 20 Starting with a WS (purl) row, work 19 rows in st st.

Row 21 K2tog, knit to 2 sts before end, k2tog. [29 sts]

Row 22 Purl.

Row 23 K2tog, knit to 2 sts before end, k2tog. [27 sts]

Row 24 Purl.

Rep last 2 rows once more. [25 sts]

Row 27 K2tog, knit to 2 sts before end, k2tog. [23 sts]

Row 28 P2tog, purl to 2 sts before end, p2tog. [21 sts] Rep last 2 rows another 3 times. [9 sts]

Cast off knitwise.


Cast on 7 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn B.

Row 1 (RS) Knit.

Rows 2 to 6 Starting with a WS (purl) row, work 5 rows in st st.

Row 7 K2tog, knit to 2 sts before end, k2tog. [5 sts]

Row 8 P2tog, purl to 2 sts before end, p2tog. [3 sts]

Row 9 Sk2po. [1 st]

Fasten off


Work as for Back of Ears using Yarn H.


Cast on 6 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn B.

Knit every row until piece measures 65cm from cast-on edge. Cast off.


Make 1 in Yarn D and 2 each in Yarns C and F.

Cast on 3 sts using 4mm needles

Row 1 (RS) Kfb knit to end. [4 sts]

Row 2 P3, pfb. [5 sts]

Row 3 and 4 Beg with a RS (knit) row, work 2 rows in st st.

Row 5 Skpo, knit to end. [4 sts]

Row 6 P2, p2tog. [3 sts]

Rows 7 to 18 Rep last 6 rows twice more.

Row 19 Kfb, knit to end. [4 sts]

Row 20 P3, pfb. [5 sts]

Row 21 Kfb, knit to end. [6 sts]

Row 22 P5, pfb. [7 sts]

Rows 23 and 24 Beg with a RS (knit) row, work 2 rows in st st.

Row 25 Skpo, knit to end. [6 sts]

Row 26 P4, p2tog. [5 sts]

Row 27 Skpo, knit to end. [4 sts]

Row 28 P4, p2tog. [3 sts]

Rep Rows 19 to 28 once more.

Cast off.


Cast on 8 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn E.

Row 1 (RS) K6, turn.

Row 2 Purl.

Row 3 Knit.

Cast off.


Sew the Front and Back of the bag’s side and bottom seams together on the wrong side of the fluffy white. Turn RS out. Place the flap of the Bag on the underside of the Oatmeal section and sew into place. The Ears are made by sewing the Ear Front and Ear Backs together along the row edges on the wrong side, leaving the cast-on edge open, then turning them right side out. Sew both Ears to the top of the Llama Bag. The Flowers are made by rolling the knitted piece from the smaller petals to the larger petals to make a rose shape. Sew the bottom of the Flowers to secure into place, sew one leaf to each Flower. Place the Flowers at the top of the Bag. Sew the Strap to the back of the Bag. Make seven small 5cm tassels and attach these to the bottom of the Bag. Using Yarn G, embroider eyes and a nose to the front of the Bag flap.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Three-dimensiona­l finishing touches will make your jumper extra special!
Three-dimensiona­l finishing touches will make your jumper extra special!
 ??  ?? The colourful flower garland continues around the back of the llama’s head!
The colourful flower garland continues around the back of the llama’s head!
 ??  ?? Take your time with the face embroidery to give a llama their sweet personalit­y
Take your time with the face embroidery to give a llama their sweet personalit­y
 ??  ?? Attach the flowers and leaves securely to prevent them falling off during play
Attach the flowers and leaves securely to prevent them falling off during play
 ??  ?? The double-sided bag flap is nice and sturdy
The double-sided bag flap is nice and sturdy

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