Simply Knitting

Feminine knitwear


- Design: Rico



This gorgeous sweater is destined to become a real favourite this season. Knitted in a fabulous dusky cherry shade with a stunning rounded garter stitch yoke and fine cables. The rest of the sweater is knitted in stocking stitch with rib edges. The jaunty, easy-to-make hat is knitted in a lovely chunky yarn with flecks.

Sweater with cable pattern

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36-38 (40-42) 44-46 (48) 50-52

Finished measuremen­ts:

Bust circumfere­nce: 98 (110) 119 (129) 138 cm

Length: 62 (64) 68 (71) 73 cm Inner sleeve length: 46 (46) 47 (48) 48 cm


Rico, Luxury Super 100 Superfine Wool dk.

Content: 100% wool.

50 g = 165 m.

8 (9) 10 (11) 12 balls – col 014 purple


Circular needle size 4 mm (40, 60 and 80 cm)

Size 3 and 4 mm Double-pointed needles size 3 and 4 mm

Cable needle

Stitch holders

Stitch markers


21 sts and 29 rows to 10 cm over stocking stitch on 4 mm needles.

Check your tension – if less stitches use thinner needles, if more use thicker needles.


C3B slip next st onto cn and leave at back of work, k2, then k1 from cn

C3F slip next 2 sts onto cn and leave at front of work, k1, then k2 from cn

C4B slip next 2 sts onto cn and leave at back of work, k2, then k2 from cn

C4F slip next 2 sts onto cn and leave at front of work, k2, then k2 from cn

C5B slip next 2 sts onto cn and leave at back of work, k3, then k2 from cn

C5F slip next 3 sts onto cn and leave at front of work, k2, then k3 from cn

C6B slip next 3 sts onto cn and leave at back of work, k3, then k3 from cn

C6F slip next 3 sts onto cn and leave at front of work, k3, then k3 from cn


The yarn amounts stated are based on average requiremen­ts and are therefore approximat­e. Where only one figure is given this applies to all sizes.

Where the figure 0 appears, no sts, times or rows are worked for this size.

After casting off one stitch will remain on the right hand needle which is not included in the instructio­ns that follow.

Back and front (both alike)

Using 3 mm needles and thumb method cast on 117 (131) 141 (153) 165 sts.

1st row (RS). K1, *p1, k1, rep from * to end.

2nd row. P1, *k1, p1, rep from * to end.

These 2 rows form rib.

Work in rib for a further 17 rows, ending with a RS row.

20th row. Rib 5 (4) 9 (7) 5, work 2 tog, [rib 6, work 2 tog] 13 (15) 15 (17) 19 times, rib 6 (5) 10 (8) 6. 103 (115) 125 (135) 145 sts.

Change to 4 mm needles.

Next row. Knit.

Next row. Purl.

These 2 rows form st-st.

Cont in st-st until work measures 40 (40) 42 (44) 45 cm, ending with a RS row.

Next row. Cast off 3 sts, p to last 3 sts, cast off rem 3 sts.

Break yarn and leave rem 97 (109) 119 (129) 139 sts on holders (for Yoke) as follows: for front, slip all 97 (109) 119 (129) 139 sts onto one holder. For back, slip first 48 (54) 59 (64) 69 sts onto one holder (for right side of back) and rem 49 (55) 60 (65) 70 sts onto another holder (for left side of back).

Sleeves (both alike)

Using 3 mm needles and thumb method cast on 49 (51) 53 (55) 57 sts.

Work in rib as given for back for 19 rows, ending with a RS row. Change to 4 mm needles.

20th row. [P1, inc purlwise in next st] 11 (25) 11 (11) 11 times, [p2, inc purlwise in next st]) 2 (0) 0 (0) 0 times, inc once purlwise in each of next 0 (0) 10 (12) 14 sts, [p1, inc purlwise in next st] 10 (0) 10 (10) 10 times, p1. 72 (76) 84 (88) 92 sts. Beg with a k row, work in st-st until sleeve measures 46 (46) 47 (48) 48 cm, ending with a RS row.

Next row. Cast off 3 sts, p to last 3 sts, cast off rem 3 sts.

Break yarn and leave rem 66 (70) 78 (82) 86 sts on a holder (for yoke).


With RS facing and using circular 4 mm needle, k across 49 (55) 60 (65) 70 sts on left back holder dec 1 st at beg of row, k across 66 (70) 78 (82) 86 sts of first sleeve, k across 97 (109) 119 (129) 139 sts on front holder dec 1 st at centre, k across 66 (70) 78 (82) 86 sts of second sleeve, then k across rem 48 (54) 59 (64) 69 sts on right back holder. 324 (356) 392 (420) 448 sts.

Next round. K39 (12) 13 (9) 20, k2tog, [k79 (20) 31 (19) 13, k2tog] 3 (15) 11 (19) 27 times, k40 (12) 14 (10) 21. 320 (340) 380 (400) 420 sts.

Next round. [Inc once in each of next 3 sts, p1, k24 (26) 30 (32) 34, p1, inc once in each of next 3 sts, place marker on needle] 10 times. 380 (400) 440 (460) 480 sts, 10 markers.

Now work in yoke patt as follows:

1st round. [K6, p26 (28) 32 (34) 36, k6, slip marker onto right needle] 10 times.

2nd round. [C6F, p1, k24 (26) 30 (32) 34, p1, C6B, slip marker onto right needle] 10 times.

These 2 rounds set the sts – cables at each end of every rep with a p st next to cable and all other sts worked in g-st in the round [k one round, p one round]. Keeping cable and g-st sections correct as now set, and working cables on every 6th round (so 5 rounds to be worked before next cable), cont as follows:

Work 3 (4) 4 (3) 3 rounds.

Next round. [Patt 6 sts, p2tog, patt to 8 sts before next marker, p2tog tbl, patt 6 sts, slip marker onto right needle] 10 times. [20 sts decreased.]

Work 5 (6) 5 (5) 5 rounds.

Rep last 6 (7) 6 (6) 6 rounds again and then first 0 (0) 3 (4) 4 of these rounds again. 340 (360) 380 (400) 420 sts.

Next round. *K3, sl 1, k1, psso, k1, [p2tog] 1 (1) 0 (0) 0 times, patt to 8 (8) 6 (6) 6 sts before next marker, [p2tog tbl] 1 (1) 0 (0) 0 times, k1, k2tog, k3, slip marker onto right

needle rep from * 9 times more. 300 (320) 360 (380) 400 sts. Noting that there are now only 5 sts for cables at each end of rep, cont as follows:

For 3rd, 4th and 5th sizes only Work 2 (1) 1 rounds.

Next round. [K5, p2tog, patt to 7 sts before next marker, p2tog tbl, k5, slip marker onto right needle] 10 times. 340 (360) 380 sts.

All sizes

Work 1 (4) 0 (1) 1 rounds.

Next round. [C5F, p1, patt to 6 sts before next marker, p1, C5B, slip marker onto right needle] 10 times. Last round sets position of 5 st cables at beg and end of each rep. Working 5 st cables as set by last round on 6th and every foll 6th round, cont as follows: Working decreases either side of g-st sections as set by previous rounds, work 16 (18) 16 (16) 16 rounds, dec 1 st at each side of g-st section on 4th (2nd) 5th (4th) 4th and 2 (2) 1 (2) 2 foll 6th (7th) 6th (6th) 6th rounds. 240 (260) 300 (300) 320 sts.

For 3rd size only

Next round. [C5F, p2tog, patt to 7 sts from next marker, p2tog tbl, C5B, slip marker onto right needle] 10 times. 280 sts.

All sizes

Next round. [K2, sl 1, k1, psso, k1, patt to 5 sts before next marker, k1, k2tog, k2, slip marker onto right needle] 10 times. 220 (240) 260 (280) 300 sts.

Noting that there are now only 4 sts for cables at each end of rep, cont as follows:

Work 0 (3) 3 (0) 0 rounds.

Next round. * C4F, [p2tog] 0 (1) 0 (0) 0 time, patt to 4 (6) 4 (4) 4 sts before next marker, [p2tog tbl] 0 (1) 0 (0) 0 time, C4B, slip marker onto right needle rep from * to end. 220 (220) 260 (280) 300 sts.

Last round sets position of 4 st cables at beg and end of each rep. Working 4 st cables as set by last round on 5th and every foll 5th round, cont as follows:

Work 13 (13) 15 (15) 17 rounds, decreasing 1 st at each side of g-st section on 4th (7th) next (4th) 4th and 1 (1) 2 (1) 2 foll 6th rounds. 180 (180) 200 (240) 240 sts.

Next round. * K1, sl 1, k1, psso, k1, [p2tog] 0 (0) 0 (1) 0 times, patt to 4 (4) 4 (6) 4 sts before next marker, [p2tog tbl] 0 (0) 0 (1) 0 times, k1, k2tog, k1, slip marker onto right needle, rep from * to end. 160 (160) 180 (200) 220 sts.

Noting that there are now only 3 sts for cables at each end of rep, cont as follows:

Work 0 (0) 3 (3) 1 rounds, dec 0 (0) 1 (0) 0 st at each side of g-st section on 0 (0) 3rd (0) 0 of these rounds. 160 (160) 160 (200) 220] sts.

Next round. * C3F, [p2tog] 1 (0) 0 (0) 0 times, patt to 5 (3) 3 (3) 3 sts before next marker, [p2tog tbl] 1 (0) 0 (0) 0 time, C3B, slip marker onto right needle, rep from * to end. 140 (160) 160 (200) 220 sts.

Last round sets position of 3 st cables at beg and end of each rep. Working 3 st cables as set by last round on 5th and every foll 5th round, cont as follows:

Work 15 (15) 15 (15) 20 rounds, dec 1 st at each side of g-st section as before on 5th (4th) 5th (2nd) 2nd and 1 (1) 1 (2) 3 foll 5th rounds, ending after a cable round. 100 (120) 120 (140) 140 sts.

Change to 3 mm double-pointed needles.

Distributi­ng sts evenly over 3 of the 4 needles and using 4th needle, cont in rounds as folls: Keeping 3 st cables correct on every 5th round as now set and keeping the 2 (4) 4 (6) 6 st g-st section correct, work 22 (22) 23 (23) 23 rounds.

Cast off in patt.


Join side seams. Join sleeve seams. Join cast-off edges at underarms.

Design: Rico

For 1st, 2nd and 3rd sizes only

Keeping patt correct, cast off 3 (3) 4 sts at beg of next and foll 4 (0) 2 alt rows, then 4 (4) 5 sts at beg of foll 2 (6) 4 alt rows and at same time dec 1 st at neck edge of next 6 rows, then on foll 3 alt rows.

For 4th and 5th sizes only

Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at neck edge of next 6 rows, then on foll 4 alt rows and at same time

cast off 5 sts at beg of 3rd row, then (5) 6 sts at beg of foll 6 alt rows.

For all sizes

Work 1 row.

Cast off rem 4 (4) 5 (6) 6 sts.

Left front

Using 3 mm needles and thumb method cast on 50 (56) 62 (66) 72 sts.

1st row (RS). K1, *p1, k1, rep from * to last st, k1.

2nd row. *K1, p1, rep from * to end. These 2 rows form rib.

Work in rib for a further 6 rows, inc 0 (0) 0 (1) 1 st at end of last row and ending with a WS row. 50 (56) 62 (67) 73 sts.

Change to 4 mm needles.

Beg with a k row, work in st-st until left front measures 32 (32) 34 (36) 37 cm, ending with a RS row. Place marker at end of last row – to denote base of armhole opening.

Next row. P11 (8) 9 (9) 10, p2tog, [p23 (17) 19 (21) 23, p2tog] 1 (2) 2 (2) 2 times, p12 (8) 9 (10) 11. 48 (53) 59 (64) 70 sts.

Now work in lace patt as follows:

1st row. Knit.

2nd and every foll alt row. Purl.

3rd row. Knit.

5th row. K6 (1) 7 (2) 8, * k2, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, k6, rep from * to last 2 sts, k2.

7th row. K6 (1) 7 (2) 8, * k2tog, yfwd, k1, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, k5, rep from * to last 2 sts, k2.

9th row. Knit.

11th row. Knit.

13th row. Knit.

15th row. K1 (6) 2 (7) 3, * k2, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, k6, rep from * to last 7 sts, k2, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, k3.

17th row. K1 (6) 2 (7) 3, * k2tog, yfwd, k1, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, k5, rep from * to last 7 sts, k2tog, yfwd, k1, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, k2.

19th row. Knit.

20th row. Purl.

These 20 rows form lace patt. Cont in lace patt until work measures 21 (23) 25 (25) 26 cm,

from marker, ending with a WS row.

For 1st, 2nd and 3rd sizes only Shape neck and shoulders Next row. Cast off 3 (3) 4 sts, patt until there are 33 (37) 42 sts on right needle and turn, leaving rem 12 (13) 13 sts on a holder (for neckband). Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at neck edge of next 6 rows, then on foll 3 alt rows and at same time cast off 3 (4) 4 sts at beg of 2nd and foll 3 (5) 1 alt rows, then 4 (0) 5 sts at beg of foll 2 (0) 4 alt rows.

For 4th and 5th sizes only Shape neck and shoulders Next row. Patt (51) 57 sts and turn, leaving rem 13 sts on a holder (for neckband).

Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at neck edge of next 6 rows, then on foll 4 alt rows ant at same time

cast off 5 sts at beg of 2nd row, then (5) 6 sts at beg of foll 6 alt rows.

For all sizes

Work 1 row.

Cast off rem 4 (4) 5 (6) 6 sts.

Right front

Using 3 mm needles and thumb method cast on 50 (56) 62 (66) 72 sts.

1st row (RS). K2, * p1, k1, rep from

* to end.

2nd row. * P1, k1, rep from * to end. These 2 rows form rib.

Work in rib for a further 6 rows, inc 0 (0) 0 (1) 1 st at beg of last row and ending with a WS row. 50

56) 62 (67) 73 sts.

Change to 4 mm needles.

Beg with a k row, work in st-st until right front measures 32 (32) 34 (36) 37 cm, ending with a RS row. Place marker at beg of last row – to denote base of armhole opening.

Next row. P11 (8) 9 (9) 10, p2tog, [p23 (17) 19 (21) 23, p2tog] 1 (2) 2 (2) 2 times, p12 (8) 9 (10) 11. 48 (53) 59 (64) 70 sts.

Now work in lace patt as follows:

1st row. Knit.

2nd and every foll alt row. Purl.

3rd row. Knit.

5th row. K7, * k2, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, k6, rep from * to last 1 (6) 2 (7) 3 sts, [k2, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso] 0 (1) 0 (1) 0 time, k1 (2) 2 (3) 3.

7th row. K7, * k2tog, yfwd, k1, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, k5, rep from * to last 1 (6) 2 (7) 3 sts, [k2tog, yfwd, k1, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso] 0 (1) 0 (1) 0 time, k1 (1) 2 (2) 3.

9th row. Knit.

11th row. Knit.

13th row. Knit.

15th row. K2, * k2, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, k6, rep from * to last 6 (1) 7 (2) 8 sts, [k2, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso] 1 (0) 1 (0) 1 time, k2 (1) 3 (2) 4.

17th row. K2, * k2tog, yfwd, k1, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, k5, rep from * to last 6 (1) 7 (2) 8 sts, [k2tog, yfwd, k1, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso] 1 (0) 1 (0) 1 time, k1 (1) 2 (2) 3.

19th row. Knit.

20th row. Purl.

These 20 rows form lace patt. Cont in lace patt until work measures 21(23) 25 (25) 26 cm,

from marker, ending with a WS row.

Shape neck and shoulders Next row. Patt 12 (13) 13 (13) 13 sts and slip these sts onto a holder (for neckband), patt to end. 33 (37) 42 (51) 57 sts.

For 1st, 2nd and 3rd sizes only Keeping patt correct, cast off 3 (3) 4 sts at beg of next and foll 4 (0) 2 alt rows, then 4 (4) 5 sts at beg of foll 2 (6) 4 alt rows and at same time dec 1 st at neck edge of next 6 rows, then on foll 3 alt rows.

For 4th and 5th sizes only

Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at neck edge of next 6 rows, then on foll 4 alt rows and at same time

cast off 5 sts at beg of 3rd row, then (5) 6 sts at beg of foll 6 alt rows.

For all sizes

Work 1 row.

Cast off rem 4 (4) 5 (6) 6 sts.

Sleeves (both alike)

Using 3 mm needles and thumb method cast on 51 (53) 55 (57) 59 sts.

Beg with a k row, work in st-st for 4 rows, ending with a WS row. Change to 4 mm needles.

Now work in lace patt as follows:

1st row (RS). Knit.

2nd and every foll alt row. Purl.

3rd row. [Inc in first st] 0 (1) 1 (1) 1 time, k to last 0 (1) 1 (1) 1 st, [inc in last st] 0 (1) 1 (1) 1 time. 51 (55) 57 (59) 61 sts.

5th row. [Inc in first st] 1 (0) 0 (0) 0 time, k2 (5) 6 (7) 8, *k2, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, k6, rep from * to last 8 (0) 1 (2) 3 sts, [k2, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso] 1 (0) 0 (0) 0 time, k3 (0) 1 (2) 3, [inc in last st] 1 (0) 0 (0) 0 time. 53 (55) 57 (59) 61 sts.

7th row. [Inc in first st] 0 (1) 1 (1) 1 time, k4 (4) 5 (6) 7, * k2tog, yfwd, k1, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, k5, rep from * to last 9 (10) 1 (2) 3 sts, [k2tog, yfwd, k1, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso] 1 (1) 0 (0) 0 time, k4 (4) 0 (1) 2, [inc in last st] 0 (1) 1 (1) 1 time. 53 (57) 59 (61) 63 sts.

8th row. Purl.

These 8 rows set position of lace patt as given for back.

Cont in lace patt, shaping sides by inc 1 st at each end of 3rd (5th) 3rd (3rd) 3rd and 3 (2) 4 (4) 4 foll 6th (6th) 4th (4th) 4th rows, taking inc sts into patt. 61 (63) 69 (71) 73 sts. Work 0 (4) 2 (2) 2 rows, ending with a RS row.

Last 29 rows complete lace patt section.

Next row. P8 (6) 9 (7) 8, M1P, [p15 (17) 17 (19) 19, M1P] 3 times, p8 (6) 9 (7) 8. 65 (67) 73 (75) 77 sts. Beg with a k row, now complete sleeve in st-st throughout as follows: Inc 1 st at each end of 5th (next) next (next) next and every foll 6th (6th) 4th (4th) 4th row until there are 73 (79) 85 (89) 97 sts.

For 1st, 3rd and 4th sizes only

Inc 1 st at each end of 8th (6th) 6th and 0 (1) 1 foll 6th row. 75 (89) 93 sts.

For all sizes

Cont straight until sleeve measures 28 (28) 29 (30) 30 cm, ending with a WS row.

Cast off.

Button band

Using 3 mm needles and with RS facing, pick up and knit 133 (143) 149 (153) 159 sts evenly down left front opening edge, from neck shaping to cast-on edge.

1st row (WS). K1, *p1, k1, rep from * to end.

2nd row. K2, *p1, k1, rep from * to last st, k1.

These 2 rows form rib.

Work in rib for a further 4 rows, ending with a RS row.

Cast off in rib (on WS).

Buttonhole band

Using 3 mm needles and with RS facing, pick up and knit 133 (143) 149 (153) 159 sts evenly up right front opening edge, from cast-on edge to neck shaping.

Work in rib as given for button band for 2 rows, ending with a RS row.

Next row. Rib 3 (3) 4 (3) 4, * yrn, work 2 tog (to make a buttonhole), rib 23 (25) 26 (27) 28, rep from * 4 times more, yrn, work 2 tog (to make 6th buttonhole), rib 3. Work in rib for a further 3 rows, ending with a RS row.

Cast off in rib (on WS).


Join both shoulder seams.

With RS facing and using 4 mm needles, and starting half way across buttonhole band pick up and knit 4 sts across top of buttonhole band, k across 12 (13) 13 (13) 13 sts on right front holder, pick up and knit 14 (14) 16 (16) 16 sts up right side of front neck, and 14 (14)16 (16) 16 sts down right side of back neck, k across 25 (27) 27 (27) 27 sts on back holder, pick up and knit 14 (14) 16 (16) 16 sts up left side of back neck, and 14 (14) 16 (16) 16 sts down left side of front neck, k across 12 (13) 13 (13) 13 sts on left front holder, then pick up and knit 4 sts to half way across top of button band. 113 (117) 125 (125) 125 sts. Beg with a purl row, work in st-st for 4 rows, ending with a RS row. Change to 3 mm needles. Work in st-st for a further 4 rows, ending with a RS row.

Cast off loosely purlwise (on WS).


Fold sleeves in half lengthwise and placing folds to shoulder seams, sew cast-off edge of sleeves to back and fronts between markers. Join side and sleeve seams, reversing sleeve seams for first 4 rows (for st-st roll). Sew on buttons.

Design: Rico

Content: 60% wool, 20% nylon, 20% viscose.

50 g = 95 m.

6 (8) 9 (11) 12 balls – col 014 Green


Size 4 and 5 mm


14 sts and 24 rows to 10 cm, over pattern on 5 mm needles.

Check your tension – if less stitches use thinner needles, if more use thicker needles.

It is essential to work to the stated tension to ensure the correct size of garment.


The yarn amounts stated are based on average requiremen­ts and are therefore approximat­e. Where only one figure is given this applies to all sizes.

Where the figure 0 appears, no sts, times or rows are worked for this size.

After casting off one stitch will remain on the right hand needle which is not included in the instructio­ns that follow.


Using 4 mm needles and thumb method cast on 77 (87) 97 (109) 119 sts.

1st row (RS). K1, *p1, k1, rep from

* to end.

2nd row. P1, *k1, p1, rep from * to end.

These 2 rows form rib.

Work in rib for a further 13 rows, ending with a RS row. Change to 5 mm needles.

16th row. P9 (9) 11 (8) 8, p2tog, [p17 (20) 22 (16) 18, p2tog] 3 (3) 3 (5) 5 times, p9 (10) 12 (9) 9.

73 (83) 93 (103) 113 sts.

Now work in patt as follows:

1st row. K1, * k1, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, k5, k2tog, yfwd, rep from * to last 2 sts, k2.

2nd and every foll alt row. Purl.

3rd row. K1, * k2, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, k3, k2tog, yfwd, k1, rep from * to last 2 sts, k2.

5th row. K1, * k3, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, k1, k2tog, yfwd, k2, rep from * to last 2 sts, k2.

7th row. K1, * k4, yfwd, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, k3, rep from * to last 2 sts, k2.

9th row. K1, * k3, k2tog, yfwd, k1, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, k2, rep from * to last 2 sts, k2.

11th row. K1, * k2, k2tog, yfwd, k3, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, k1, rep from * to last 2 sts, k2.

13th row. K1, * k1, k2tog, yfwd, k5, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, rep from * to last 2 sts, k2.

15th row. K1, k2tog, yfwd, k7,

* yfwd, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, k7, rep from * to last 3 sts, yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, k1.

16th row. Purl.

These 16 rows form patt.

Cont in patt until back measures 59 (65,5) 69 (72) 73 cm, ending with a WS row.

Shape back neck

Next row. Patt 27 (32) 36 (41) 46 sts and turn, leaving rem 46 (51) 57 (62) 67 sts on a holder.

Work on this set of 27 (32) 36 (41) 46 sts only for first side of neck as follows:

Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at neck edge of next 5 rows, ending with a WS row. 22 (27) 31 (36) 41 sts.

Shape shoulder

Keeping patt correct, cast off 7 (8) 10 (11) 13 sts at beg and dec 1 st at end of next row.

Work 1 row.

Rep last 2 rows once more. Cast off rem 6 (9) 9 (12) 13 sts. Return to sts left on holder and slip centre 19 (19) 21 (21) 21 sts onto another holder (for neckband). Rejoin yarn with RS facing and patt to end. 27 (32) 36 (41) 46 sts. Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at neck edge of next 5 rows, ending with a WS row. 22 (27) 31 (36) 41 sts.

Shape shoulder

Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at neck edge of next row, then cast off 7 (8) 10 (11) 13 sts at beg of foll row. Rep last 2 rows once more. Work 1 row.

Cast off rem 6 (9) 9 (12) 13 sts.


Work as given for back until 20 (20) 22 (22) 22 rows less have been worked than on back to start of shoulder shaping, ending with a WS row.

Shape front neck

Next row. Patt 31 (36) 41 (46) 51 sts and turn, leaving rem 42 (47) 52 (57) 62 sts on a holder.

Work on this set of 31 (36) 41 (46) 51 sts only for first side of neck as follows:

Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at neck edge of next 6 rows, then on foll 5 (5) 6 (6) 6 alt rows. 20 (25) 29 (34) 39 sts.

Work 3 rows, ending with a WS row.

Shape shoulder

Keeping patt correct, cast off 7 (8) 10 (11) 13 sts at beg of next and foll alt row.

Work 1 row.

Cast off rem 6 (9) 9 (12) 13 sts. Return to sts left on holder and slip centre 11 sts onto another holder (for neckband). Rejoin yarn with RS facing and patt to end. 31 (36) 41 (46) 51 sts.

Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at neck edge of next 6 rows, then on foll 5 (5) 6 (6) 6 alt rows. 20 (25) 29 (34) 39 sts.

Work 4 rows, ending with a RS row.

Shape shoulder

Keeping patt correct, cast off 7 (8) 10 (11) 13 sts at beg of next and foll alt row.

Work 1 row.

Cast off rem 6 (9) 9 (12) 13 sts.


Join right shoulder seam.

With RS facing and using 4 mm needles, pick up and knit 20 (20) 22 (22) 22 sts down left side of front neck, k across 11 sts on front holder, pick up and knit 20 (20) 22 (22) 22 sts up right side of front neck, and 9 sts down right side of back neck, k across 19 (19) 21 (21) 21 sts on back holder inc 1 st at centre, then pick up and knit 9 sts up left side of back neck. 89 (89) 95 (95) 95 sts.

Starting with 2nd row, work in rib as given for back for 9 rows, ending with a WS row.

Cast off in rib.

Armhole borders (both alike)

Join left shoulder and neckband seam.

Mark points along side seam edges of back and front 25 (27) 29 (30) 31 cm, either side of shoulder seams (to denote base of armhole openings).

With RS facing and using 4 mm needles, pick up and knit 77 (83) 89 (93) 97 sts evenly along armhole opening edge between markers. Starting with 2nd row, work in rib as given for back for 9 rows, ending with a WS row.

Cast off in rib.


Join side and armhole border seams.

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 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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