Simply Knitting

Kid’s bunny jumper

Jane Burns’ flu y rabbit jumper comes packed with detail. Cast on to try out its intarsia colourwork, 3D flowers and simple embroidery



Note This sweater has a nice close-fitting neck, be careful not to cast off too tightly. We highly recommend using Elizabeth Zimmermans sewn cast off as directed at the end of the pattern.


Cast on 72 (76: 84: 88: 94) sts using 3.25mm needles and Yarn A. Row 1 *K1, P1; rep from * to end.

Row 2 *P1, K1; rep from * to end.

Repeat Rows 1 and 2 another 3 (4: 5: 6: 6) times.**

Change to 4mm needles.

Row 1 Knit. Row 2 Purl.

Continue working in stocking stitch as set until piece measures 23 (25.5: 30: 32: 34.5)cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.

Cast off 3 (4: 5: 6: 6) sts at beg of next 2 rows. [66 (68: 74: 76: 82) sts]

Continue to work in stocking stitch without further shaping until piece measures: 35.5 (39.5: 45: 49: 53)cm from cast-on edge ending after a RS row.

Next row (WS) P17 (17: 19: 18: 21), PM, P32 (34: 36: 40: 40), PM, P17 (17: 19: 18: 21).

Cast off, keeping markers in place.


Work as Back from to **.

Change to 4mm needles.

Commence working from Chart as folls:

Row 1 K11 (13: 17: 19: 22), work Row 1 from Chart, knit to end. Row 2 P11 (13: 17: 19: 22), work Row 2 from Chart, purl to end. These two rows set Chart placement.

Continue working Chart as set until piece measures 23 (25.5: 30: 32: 34.5)cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.

Note When all 76 rows of Chart are complete, cut Yarn B and cont in Yarn A.


Cast off 3 (4: 5: 6: 6) sts at beg of next 2 rows, keeping pattern correct. [66 (68: 74: 76: 82) sts]

Continue to work as set until piece measures 28 (32: 37.5: 41.5: 45.5)cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.


Next row (RS) K28 (28: 31: 31: 34) turn, leave rem 38 (40: 43: 45: 48) sts on holder.

Next row Purl.

Working on these 28 (28: 31: 31: 34) sts only continue as folls: Dec 1 stitch as neck edge every row 5 (5: 6: 6: 6) times.

[23 (23: 25: 25: 28) sts]

Dec 1 st at neck edge every RS row 6 (6: 6: 7: 7) times.

[17 (17: 19: 18: 21) sts]

Continue working in stocking stitch until piece measures 35.5 (39.5: 45: 49: 53)cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row. Cast off.

With RS facing, and working on rem 38 (40: 43: 45: 48) sts, slip next 10 (12: 12: 14: 14) sts onto a stitch holder, rejoin Yarn A to rem 28 (28: 31: 31: 34) sts and knit to end.

Next row P to end.

Working on these 28 (28: 31: 31: 34) sts only continue as follows: Dec 1 stitch at neck edge every row 5 (5: 6: 6: 6) times.

[23 (23: 25: 25: 28) sts]

Dec 1 st at neck edge every RS row 6 (6: 6: 7: 7) times.

[17 (17: 19: 18: 21) sts]

Continue working in stocking stitch until piece 35.5 (39.5: 45: 49: 53)cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.

Cast off.


6 rows Yarn B.

6 rows Yarn A.

These 12 rows set stripe pattern for Right Sleeve. Repeat these 12 rows twice more. Continue to work in Yarn A to end.


2 rows Yarn B.

2 rows Yarn A.

These 4 rows set stripe pattern for Left Sleeve. Repeat these 4 rows another 6 times.

Continue to work in Yarn A to end.

Cast on 40 (44: 48: 52: 56) sts using 3.25mm needles and Yarn A. Row 1 *K1, P1; rep from * to end.

Row 2 *P1, K1; rep from * to end.

Repeat Rows 1 and 2 another 3 (4: 5: 6: 6) times.

Change to 4mm needles and Yarn B. Row 1 K to end.

Row 2 P to end.

Work stripe sequence as above for Left or Right Sleeve, shaping as folls:

Inc 1 st at each end of next row and every following 6th row 2 (3: 0: 4: 4) times. [46 (52: 50: 62: 66) sts]

Inc 1 st at each end of every following 8th row 5 (5: 8: 7: 8) times. [56 (62: 66: 76: 82) sts]

Continue working in stocking stitch as set until piece measures 31.5 (33.5: 37: 39: 43)cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row. Cast off.


Join right shoulder seam. With RS facing, using 3.25mm needles and Yarn A, pick up and knit 23 sts evenly along left side of neck, work across 10 (12: 12: 14: 14) sts left on holder at front of neck, pick up and knit 23 sts evenly along right side of neck, pick up and knit 32 (34: 36: 40: 40) from cast off stitches at back of neck.

[88 (92: 94: 100: 100) sts]

Row 1 *K1, P1; rep from * to end.

Row 2 *P1, K1; rep from * to end.

Repeat Rows 1 and 2 another 2 (2: 2: 3: 4) times in total.

Cast off using Elizabeth Zimmerman’s sewn cast off as follows, (or a stretchy cast off of your choice):


1 Cut a length of yarn approx 3 times the length of your work and thread into a tapestry needle.

2 Holding the knitting needle with the stitches in the left hand and the tapestry needle in your right hand: *Insert the tapestry needle into the first 2 sts on the knitting needle as if to purl and draw the length of yarn all the way through.

3 Without taking the sts off the LH needle, insert the tapestry needle into the first st on the knitting needle again as if to knit, draw the yarn through and slip the stitch off.

4 Rep from * until all sts are cast off.



Cast on 9 sts using 3.25mm needles and Yarn C.

Rows 1 to 14 Beg with a knit row, work in st st.

Row 15 K1, M1, knit to last st, M1, K1. [11 sts]

Row 16 Purl.

Row 17 K1, M1, knit to last st, M1, K1. [13 sts]

Rows 18 to 22 Beg with a purl row, work in st st.

Row 23 K1, M1, knit to last st, M1, K1. [15 sts]

Rows 24 to 28 Beg with a purl row, work in st st.

Row 29 K1, ssk, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, K1. [2 sts dec’d]

Rows 30 to 32 Beg with a purl row, work in st st.

Rep Rows 29 to 32 to another 3 times. [7 sts]

Next row K1, ssk, K1, k2tog, K1. [5 sts]

Cast off.


Cast on 17 sts using 3.25mm needles and Yarn B.

Row 1 (WS) Purl.

Row 2 K2, M1, knit to last st, M1, K1. [19 sts]

Row 3 Purl.

Row 4 K6, P1, K5, P1, K6.

Row 5 P6, K1, P5, K1, P6.

Rep Rows 4 and 5 once more.

Row 8 (K5, k2tog) twice, K5. [17 sts]

Rows 9 to 11 Beg with a purl row, work in st st.

Row 12 K1, ssk, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, K1. [15 sts]

Rows 13 to 15 Beg with a purl row, work in st st.

Row 16 K1, ssk, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, K1. [2 sts dec’d]

Row 17 Purl.

Rep last 2 rows until 9 sts remain, ending after a dec row.

Next row Purl.

Next row Knit.

Next row Purl.

Next row K1, ssk, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. [7 sts]

Cast off.


Cast on 5 sts using 3.25mm needles and Yarn A.

Row 1 (WS) Purl.

Row 2 K1, M1, K3, M1, K1. [7 sts]

Row 3 Purl.

Row 4 K1, M1, K5, M1, K1. [9 sts]

Row 5 Purl.

Row 6 Ssk, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog. [2 sts dec’d]

Row 7 Purl.

Rep last 2 rows once more. [5 sts]

Cut yarn leaving a long tail, thread through rem 5 sts and pull to form curve. Secure with sts.


Cast on 3 sts using 3.25mm needles and Yarn A.

Row 1 (WS) Purl.

Row 2 K1, M1, K1, M1, K1. [5 sts]

Row 3 Purl.

Row 4 Ssk, k1, k2tog. [3 sts]

Cut yarn leaving a long tail, thread through rem 3 sts and pull to form curve. Secure with sts.


Cast on 9 sts using 3.25mm needles and Yarn A. Row 1 Knit.

Row 2 Purl.

Rows 3 to 8 Beg with a knit row, work in st st.

Cut yarn leaving a long tail, using a darning needle, thread through all 9 sts on needle, work a running st along the side of the Nose, across the cast-on sts, along the remaining side of the Nose. Pull yarn to form a ball, stuff the cast-on tail inside the Nose as stuffing. Secure with sts.


Make 1 each in Lavender, Yarn B (White) and Yellow.

Cast on 47 sts using 3.25mm needles.

Row 1 Purl.

Row 2 K2, *K1, slip st just worked back to left needle, pass next 6 sts over it and off the needle, knit slipped st again, K2; rep from * to end. [17 sts]

Row 3 P1, (p3tog) 5 times, P1. [7 sts]

Cut yarn leaving a long tail, thread through rem 7 sts and pull to form centre of Flower. Secure with sts and sew side seam.


Make 1 in Yellow and 2 in Yarn B (White).

Cast on 5 sts using 3.25mm needles.

Row 1 Knit.

Row 2 Purl.

Rows 3 to 6 Beg with a knit row, work in st st.

Cut yarn leaving a long tail, using a darning needle, thread through all 5 sts on needle, work a running st along the side of the piece, across the cast-on sts, along the remaining side of the piece. Pull yarn to form a ball, stuff the cast-on tail inside the Flower centre as stuffing. Secure with sts.



1 The small rows of purl sts mark the separation between the toes. Using Yarn B work sts to define these. Using image as a guide, sew on Large and Small pads.

2 Sew on Ears, folding as shown in image and leaving the tip unattached. Sew on Flowers and using Dark Grey yarn embroider on eyes and mouth, using image as a guide.

3 Join left shoulder and neckband seams of sweater, fold Sleeves in half lengthwise and place stitch marker, use this stitch marker to line the centre of the Sleeve top with the shoulder seam, pin Sleeve into place. Sew side and Sleeve seams.

4 Weave in ends and gently block to measuremen­ts, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Use a stretchy cast off for the neckband, Elizabeth Zimmerman’s technique is included in the pattern
Use a stretchy cast off for the neckband, Elizabeth Zimmerman’s technique is included in the pattern
 ??  ?? Sew the flowers to the top of the bunny’s head with yarn, securing them firmly in place
Sew the flowers to the top of the bunny’s head with yarn, securing them firmly in place

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