Simply Knitting




Make 12 – 1 of each in the following colour combinatio­ns:

• Yarn D as Colour 1, Yarn F as Colour 2 and Yarn A as Colour 3.

• Yarn A as Colour 1, Yarn D as Colour 2 and Yarn E as Colour 3.

• Yarn B as Colour 1, Yarn A as Colour 2 and Yarn E as Colour 3.

• Yarn A as Colour 1, Yarn B as Colour 2 and Yarn D as Colour 3.

• Yarn B as Colour 1, Yarn E as Colour 2 and Yarn F as Colour 3.

• Yarn C as Colour 1, Yarn A as Colour 2 and Yarn D as Colour 3.

• Yarn A as Colour 1, Yarn C as Colour 2 and Yarn D as Colour 3.

• Yarn B as Colour 1, Yarn F as Colour 2 and Yarn C as Colour 3.

• Yarn F as Colour 1, Yarn E as Colour 2 and Yarn C as Colour 3.

• Yarn C as Colour 1, Yarn D as Colour 2 and Yarn F as Colour 3.

• Yarn A as Colour 1, Yarn F as Colour 2 and Yarn

B as Colour 3.

• Yarn E as Colour 1, Yarn B as Colour 2 and Yarn A as Colour 3.


With Colour 2: 4 rounds. With Colour 3: 4 rounds. These 8 rounds form Stripe Patt.


Cast on 28 sts using Colour 1.

Divide sts onto 3 needles as follows: 9 sts on 1st and 2nd needles, 10 sts on 3rd needle.

PM and join to work in the round,

Work 7 rounds in (K1, P1) ribbing.

With Colour 2, knit 4 rounds.

First 4 rounds of stripe patt complete.


Cont in stripe patt, proceed as follows:

Round 1 K1, (kfb) twice, knit to end of round. [30 sts]

Round 2 and alt rounds Knit.

Round 3 K1, kfb, K2, kfb, knit to end of round. [32 sts]


Next row Kfb twice. [4 sts]

Next row Work 1 row even in Moss st.

PM at beginning of next row to indicate edge being shaped.


Beg with a RS row, kfb at beginning of every other row 28 times, working increased sts in Moss st. [32 sts]

Keep marker in place after last increase row. Work even in Moss st until piece measures 99cm from marker (last increase row), ending with a WS row.


Next row (RS) Work in Moss st across to last 2 sts, k2tog.

Next row Patt to end.

Rep last 2 rows until 1 st remains.

Note The dec shaping is worked at the opposite edge of the Bow piece to the inc shaping. Fasten off.


Weave in ends. Sew buttons opposite buttonhole­s on Sash; wrap Sash around Cushion and button in place. Tie Sash in a large bow (see photo); attach to Front of Cushion.

 ?? ?? The sash is attached at the back by buttons
The sash is attached at the back by buttons

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