Simply Knitting



Note If you are working with DPNs, rearrange the number of sts on each needle by one or two every few rows to avoid developing ladders of looser sts.


Cast on 60 (72: 84) sts using 2.5mm DPNs and Yarn A, and join to work in the round, taking care not to twist stitches. PM to mark beg of round.

Round 1 (K1, P1) to end.

Rounds 2 to 12 Rep round 1.

Cont in st st (knit every round) for 5 (5: 7) rounds.

Next round Join in Yarn B and work 12-st Chart repeat 5 (6: 7) times around. Cont as set until Chart is complete.

Change to 2.25mm needles for remainder of sock.

Work 5 (5: 7) rounds in st st, finishing 2 (0: 0) sts before marker. Remove marker.


Row 1 K2 (8: 6) in Yarn A, (K1 in Yarn B, K1 in Yarn A) 13 (17: 19) times, K1 in Yarn A, turn.

Row 2 Sl 1 wyif, P1 in Yarn A, (P1 in Yarn B, P1 in Yarn A) 13 (17: 19) times, P1 in Yarn A, turn.

Cont on these 29 (37: 41) sts only.

Row 3 Sl 1, K1 in Yarn A, (K1 in Yarn B, K1 in Yarn A) 13 (17: 19) times, K1 in Yarn A, turn.

Row 4 As Row 2.

Rep Rows 3 and 4 another 12 (16: 18) times.


Cont in Yarn A only.

Row 1 Sl 1 knitwise, K15 (19: 21), ssk, K1, turn.

Row 2 Sl 1 purlwise, P4, p2tog, P1, turn.

Row 3 Sl 1 knitwise, K to one st before gap, ssk, K1, turn.

Row 4 Sl 1 purlwise, P to one st before gap, p2tog, P1, turn.

Rep Rows 3 and 4 until all heel sts have been worked. [17 (21: 23) sts]


Round 1 Sl 1 knitwise, K16 (20: 22) heel sts, pick up and knit 14 (18: 20) sts up side of heel flap, pick up and knit one more st in gap between side of heel and top of sock, PM, K31 (35: 43) sts, PM, pick up and knit one st in gap between top of sock and side of heel, pick up and K14 (18: 20) sts down other side of heel flap.

[78 (94: 108) sts]

Rejoin to work in the round.

Round 2 K to first SM (new start of round), K to second SM, ssk, K to 2 sts before next SM, k2tog. [76 (92: 106) sts]

Round 3 K to end.

Rep rounds 2 and 3 until 58 (74: 82) sts rem.

Next round Knit to end, removing second SM.

Cont in st st until foot meas 3 (3.5: 4)cm less than desired foot length.


Join in Yarn B.

Round 1 *K2 in Yarn A, (K1 in Yarn B, K1 in Yarn A) 13 (17: 19) times, K1 in Yarn A, PM; rep from * once more.

Round 2 *Ssk in Yarn A, patt in alt colours as set to 2 sts before SM, k2tog in Yarn A; rep from * once more. [54 (70: 78) sts]

Round 3 *K1 in Yarn A, patt in alt colours to 1 st before SM, K1 in Yarn A; rep from * once more.

Rep rounds 2 and 3 another 2 (2: 3) times. [46 (62: 66) sts]

Rep round 2 until 30 (34: 38) sts rem.

Cut yarn leaving at least 20cm tail.

Divide rem sts between two needles and join toe using Kitchener st.


Weave in ends and block following instructio­ns on the ball band.

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