Simply Knitting




Cast on 40 (44: 48) sts using 4.5mm needles and Yarn B, using a long-tail or loose cast on. Join in the round,being careful not to twist the stitches.

Rounds 1 to 9 (K2, P2) to end of round.


Break Yarn B, begin knitting with Yarn A. Rounds 10 to 15 Knit to end of round. Break Yarn A, begin knitting with Yarn C. Rounds 16 to 19 Knit to end of round.

Continue in this way, working 6 rounds in Yarn A and 4 in Yarn C, until 5 stripes in each colour have been completed.

Break off Yarn C.



Turn sock so WS facing.

Start knitting in Yarn A, then follow the pattern below for both socks.


With Yarn A, K20 (22: 24), turn to WS facing, then follow the pattern below for both socks.


Row 1 P20 (22: 24), turn.

Row 2 (Sl1, K1) 10 (11: 12) times, turn.

Row 3 Sl1, P19 (21: 23), turn.

Row 4 (Sl1, K1) 10 (11: 12) times, turn.

Repeat Rows 3 and 4 a further 8 (9: 10) times (heel flap is 20 (22: 24) rows in total).

Next row Sl1 purlwise, P11 (12: 13), p2tog, P1, turn.

Next row Sl1, K5, ssk, K1, turn.

Next row Sl1, P6, p2tog, P1, turn.

Next row Sl1, K7, ssk, K1, turn.

Next row Sl1, P8, p2tog, P1, turn.

Continue in this way until all the stitches have been used up. Resume working in rounds.


Next row Pick up 11 (12: 13) sts down left side of flap, place marker (marker 1), break Yarn A and using Yarn B, K across top of foot, place marker (marker 2), pick up 11 (12: 13) sts up right side of flap.

K to marker 1.

Decrease round Knit across top of foot to marker 2, K1, ssk, K to 3 sts before marker 1, k2tog, K1.

Plain round Knit.

Repeat these 2 rounds until 40 (44: 48) sts remain. Continue in stocking st (K every round) until foot is 7.5cm less than desired length.


K to marker 1. New start of round is straight after marker 1, then follow the pattern below for both socks.


K to marker 2. New start of round is straight after marker 2, then follow the pattern below for both socks.


Break Yarn B and knit 6 rounds in Yarn A. Break Yarn A and knit 4 rounds in Yarn B.


Break Yarn B, start knitting with Yarn A.

Plain round Knit.

Decrease round K1, ssk, K to 3 sts before marker, k2tog, K2 (1st either side of marker), ssk, K to 3 sts before marker, k2tog, K1. Repeat these 2 rounds until 16 sts remain.

Distribute so there are 8 sts on each needle.

Cast off 1st at end of each needle, lifting end stitch over the one next to it, then off the needles. Graft the remaining 12 sts using Kitchener stitch (p94), then weave in all ends, to finish.

 ?? ?? Knit these socks in the round to do away with unsightly seams
Knit these socks in the round to do away with unsightly seams
 ?? ??

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