Simply Knitting




Cast on 56 (60: 64) sts using 2.5mm needles. Join into the round, being careful not to twist sts. Place marker at the beginning of the round.

Work in K2, P2 ribbing until leg measures approx 5 (6: 7)cm.


Knit 13 (15: 15) sts, turn work. Heel is worked on 13 (15: 15) sts each side of the marker. [26 (30: 30) sts]

Place the sts for the instep on hold.


Work back and forth in st st until the heel flap measures approx 5 (5.5: 6)cm, ending with a RS row.


Row 1 (WS) P15 (17: 17), p2tog, P1, turn.

Row 2 (RS) Slip 1, K5, k2tog tbl, K1, turn.

*Row 3 (WS) Slip 1, purl until 1 stitch before the ‘space’, p2tog, P1, turn.

Row 4 (RS) Slip 1, knit until 1 st before the ‘space’, k2tog tbl, K1, turn.*

Repeat from * to * until all sts on the needle have been worked. With RS facing, pick up and knit 15 (16: 17) sts along the heel flap, knit the stitches on the instep, pick up and knit 15 (16: 17) sts along the heel flap.

Place a marker in each side between the instep and the heel flap.


Work in the round across all sts.

Round 1 Knit until 2 sts before the marker between heel and instep, k2tog, knit the sts on the instep, k2tog tbl (through the back loop), knit until end of round.

Round 2 Knit 1 round.

Rep Rounds 1 and 2 until 56 (60: 64) sts remain.


Work even until work measures approx 19 (21: 23)cm measured in the middle of the heel flap or try on the sock and stop knitting once it reaches your little toe.

The toe measures approx 5cm.

End at the beginning of your round.

Place marker A 14 (15: 16) sts after the round marker, place marker B 14 (15: 16) sts before the round marker. [28 (30: 32) sts each for instep and sole]


Decreases for the little toe:

Round 1 Knit until 3 sts before marker A, k2tog, K2, k2tog tbl. [2 sts dec]

Round 2 Knit.

Work these 2 rounds 2 more times. [6 sts dec] Continue working decreases on every round until 32 (34: 36) sts remain on the round.

Decreases for both little and big toe:

Next round Knit until 3 sts before marker A, k2tog, K2, k2tog tbl, knit until 3 sts before marker B, k2tog, K2, k2tog tbl. [4 sts dec]

Repeat last round until 12 sts remain.

Cast off and sew the hole closed.


Worked the same as the Right Sock until the toe, which is worked laterally reversed.

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Hobbii Silly Socks is 75% wool for a super-cosy finish!

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