Simply Knitting




"The time and effort Angela has put into this amazing design is second to none. I can’t get over how identical it is to everyone’s favourite cute squishy bear!"



■ Sirdar Hayfield Bonus DK (100% acrylic, 100g/280m) 1 ball of each

Yarn A Blonde 579

Yarn B Aran 993

Yarn C Oyster Pink 614

Yarn D Cream 812

Yarn E Signal Red 977

Yarn F Mahogany 563

■ A pair of 3mm needles

■ Toy filling

■ 2 x 6mm black safety toy eyes ■ 1 x black triangular safety toy nose (12x8mm)

■ Circle of white card with a diameter of 4.5cm ■ Black embroidery thread ■ Red colouring pencil


24 sts and 34 rows to measure 10x10cm (4x4in) over stocking stitch using 3mm needles


33cm (13in) tall


For a full list see page 84

TM & © Hallmark, used under license

Cast on 7 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn A.

Rows 1, 3 and 5 Purl.

Row 2 (Kfb) 7 times. [14 sts]

Row 4 (K1, kfb) 7 times. [21 sts]

Row 6 (K2, kfb) 7 times. [28 sts]

Rows 7 to 11 Starting on a WS purl row work in st st.

Row 12 K10, cast off 8 sts, knit to end. [20 sts]

Work set of 10 sts attached to working yarn only. Leave rem 10 sts on hold.

Row 13 P8, p2tog. [9 sts]

Row 14 K2tog, K7. [8 sts]

Rows 15 to 29 Starting on a WS purl row work in st st.

Cast off.

With WS facing, rejoin yarn to held 10 sts.

Row 13 (WS) P2tog, P8. [9 sts]

Row 14 K7, k2tog. [8 sts]

Rows 15 to 29 Starting on a WS purl row work in st st.

Cast off.

Join cast-on and cast-off edges together (seam runs down back of heel).


Cast on 7 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn A. Start at heel.

Row 1 (RS) Kfb, knit to last st, kfb. [2 sts inc’d]

Rows 2 to 5 Rep Row 1. [17 sts]

Rows 6 to 21 Knit.

Row 22 K2tog, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog. [2 sts dec’d]

Row 23 Knit.

Rows 24 to 29 Rep Rows 22 and 23. [9 sts] Cast off.

Sew heel edge of Sole to back of Upper then sew front of Sole to front of Upper. Now sew all the way around both sides.


Cast on 27 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn A. Start at top.

Row 1 (RS) (K2, kfb) 9 times. [36 sts]

Rows 2 to 14 Starting on a WS purl row work in st st.

Cast off.

Join row edges of each Leg tog (seam runs down back). Join back of Upper to back of Leg. Pin Leg to Upper to check seam is even, then sew in place. Add stuffing.


Cast on 56 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn A.

Start at the bottom.

Row 1 (RS) Knit.

Row 2 Purl.

Row 3 K2, (kfb, K2) 8 times, K6, (kfb, K2) 8 times. [72 sts]

Row 4 P36, K1, P35.

Row 5 Knit.

Row 6 P36, K1, P35.

Row 7 K3, (kfb, K3) 8 times, K6, (kfb, K3) 7 times, kfb, K2. [88 sts]

Row 8 P44, K1, P43.

Row 9 Knit.

Row 10 P44, K1, P43.

Rows 11 to 36 Rep Rows 9 and 10 another 13 times.

Row 37 (K6, k2tog) 5 times, K8, (k2tog, K6) 5 times. [78 sts]

Row 38 P39, K1, P38.

Row 39 (K5, k2tog) 5 times, K7, (k2tog, K5) 5 times, K1. [68 sts]

Row 40 P34, K1, P33.

Row 41 (K4, k2tog) 5 times, K6, (k2tog, K4) 5 times, k2tog. [57 sts]

Row 42 P28, K1, P28.

Row 43 (K3, k2tog) 5 times, K5, (k2tog, K3) 5 times, k2tog. [46 sts]

Row 44 P22, K1, P23.

Row 45 (K2, k2tog) 5 times, K4, (k2tog, K2) 5 times, K2. [36 sts]

Row 46 P17, K1, P18.

Row 47 (K2tog) 18 times. [18 sts]

Row 48 Purl.

Cast off.

Use mattress stitch to sew back seam. Find centre front at base and attach to centre back with a few stitches. Add filling to body, then sew tops of legs to body, adding more filling if necessary. Add more filling at neck.


Cast on 6 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn A.

Row 1 (RS) (Kfb) 6 times. [12 sts]

Row 2 and all WS rows Purl.

Row 3 (Kfb, K1) 6 times. [18 sts]

Row 5 (Kfb, K2) 6 times. [24 sts]

Row 7 (Kfb, K3) 6 times. [30 sts]

Row 9 (Kfb, K4) 6 times. [36 sts]

Rows 10 to 26 Starting on a WS purl row work in st st.

Row 27 (K4, k2tog) 6 times. [30 sts]

Rows 28 to 32 Starting on a WS purl row work in st st.

Row 33 (K3, k2tog) 6 times. [24 sts]

Rows 34 to 36 Starting on a WS purl row work in st st.

Row 37 (K2, k2tog) 6 times. [18 sts]

Rows 38 to 40 Starting on a WS purl row work in st st. Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Gather around cast-on sts and pull up tightly. Sew seam along arm, leaving a 3cm gap and add filling. Pull up sts tightly at top and secure. Close gap in seam adding filling as you go.


Cast on 20 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn A.

Row 1 (RS) (Kfb) 20 times. [40 sts]

Row 2 Purl.

Row 3 (Kfb, K1) 20 times. [60 sts]

Row 4 P30, K1, P29.

Row 5 (Kfb, K2) 20 times. [80 sts]

Row 6 P40, K1, P39.

Row 7 Knit.

Row 8 P40, K1, P39.

Row 9 (Kfb, K3) 20 times. [100 sts]

Row 10 P50, K1, P49.

Row 11 Knit.

Row 12 P50, K1, P49.

Rows 13 to 36 Rep Rows 11 and 12 another 12 times. Row 37 (K4, k2tog) 16 times, K4. [84 sts]

Row 38 P42, K1, P41.

Row 39 Knit.

Row 40 P42, K1, P41.

Row 41 (K3, k2tog) 16 times, K4. [68 sts]

Row 42 P34, K1, P33.

Row 43 (K2, k2tog) 17 times. [51 sts]

Row 44 P25, K1, P25.

Row 45 (K1, k2tog) 17 times. [34 sts]

Row 46 (P2tog) 17 times. [17 sts]

Row 47 (K2tog) 8 times, K1. [9 sts]

Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Find front centre seam line and starting 13 sts up from final increase row, place eyes in position 5 sts to each side of seam line. Check they are even then add backs to secure in place. Sew seam, leaving a gap at the base and stuff with filling, a little at a time.


Cast on 6 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn B.

Row 1 (RS) (Kfb) twice, K2, (kfb) twice. [10 sts]

Row 2 Purl.

Row 3 (Kfb, K2) 3 times, kfb. [14 sts]

Row 4 Purl.

Row 5 Kfb, knit to last st, kfb. [16 sts]

Rows 6 to 10 Starting on a WS purl row work in st st.

Row 11 Ssk, K9, turn. [15 sts]

Row 12 Sl 1, P4, p2tog, turn. [14 sts]

Row 13 Sl 1, K4, k2tog, turn. [13 sts]

Row 14 Sl 1, P4, p2tog, turn. [12 sts]

Row 15 Sl 1, K4, k2tog, turn. [11 sts]

Row 16 Purl.

Row 17 K9, k2tog. [10 sts]

Row 18 P2tog, P6, p2tog. [8 sts]

Cast off.

Place safety nose at front centre of Muzzle so that top of nose is 6 rows down from cast-off edge, then secure at back. Pin Muzzle in place at front of face placing cast-off edge between the eyes, two rows above. Then sew across top, curving upwards slightly as you go. Stuff, then sew rem Muzzle to face in a circular shape. Using 2 strands of black embroidery thread, work a 2cm line vertically from lower tip of nose downwards. Now work a 4cm curved line under nose for mouth, adding a tiny straight stitch at each corner. Using side of red pencil tip, work in a gentle circular motion to highlight space at outer edges of mouth corners, going on to below the eyes on the face to represent cheeks.


Cast on 5 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn C. Start at base.

Row 1 (RS) Knit.

Row 2 Purl.

Row 3 Ssk, K1, k2tog. [3 sts] Row 4 P3tog and fasten off.


Cast on 9 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn A. Start at base.

Row 1 (RS) Knit.

Row 2 K1, purl to last st, K1.

Row 3 K1, ssk, K3, k2tog, K1. [7 sts]

Row 4 K1, purl to last st, K1.

Row 5 K1, ssk, K1, k2tog, K1. [5 sts]

Row 6 K1, k3tog, K1. [3 sts]

Row 7 K3tog and fasten off.

With WS together, place Inner Ear on top of Outer Ear, with bases of both level with each other. Sew tog using Yarn A, working the stitches close together to make them less visible, and sewing Inner Ear to inside of garter st border of outer ear. This will allow garter st border to overlap Inner Ear. Pin Ears in position on each side of Head, with top of each Ear 7cm down from top centre of Head. Check they look even then sew in place securely. Pin Head to neck of Body, check head is sitting straight then sew in place, adding a little filling if necessary.


Cast on 6 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn D.

Row 1 (RS) (Kfb) 6 times. [12 sts]

Row 2 Purl.

Row 3 (Kfb, K1) 6 times. [18 sts]

Row 4 Purl.

Row 5 (Kfb, K2) 6 times. [24 sts]

Row 6 Purl.

Row 7 (Kfb, K3) 6 times. [30 sts]

Row 8 Knit.

Row 9 Knit.

Break Yarn D and change to Yarn F.

Rows 10 to 12 Starting on a WS purl row work in st st.

Row 13 (Kfb, K5) 5 times. [35 sts]

Rows 14 to 21 Starting on a WS purl row work in st st.

Row 22 (WS) Knit.

Rows 23 and 24 Starting on a RS knit row work in st st.

Row 25 (K3, k2tog) 7 times. [28 sts]

Rows 26 to 28 Starting on a WS purl row.

Row 29 (K2, k2tog) 7 times. [21 sts]

Row 30 Purl.

Row 31 (K1, k2tog) 7 times. [14 sts]

Row 32 (P2tog) 7 times. [7 sts]

Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Gather around cast-on sts and pull up tightly. Sew seam along base of Cupcake and up the side. Cut a 4.5cm circle of white card, insert into base and add filling. Pull up sts tightly at top and secure. Sew rem seam, adding some filling as you go.


Cast on 10 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn D.

Rows 1 to 3 Knit.

Row 4 (WS) K7, turn.

Row 5 Knit to end.

Rows 6 to 9 Knit.

Rows 10 to 87 Rep Rows 4 to 9 another 13 times.

Cast off.

Join side seams and place on Cupcake with shorter circumfere­nce to base. Join base of Paper Case to base of Cupcake then sew top to Cupcake about 3 sts down from edge.


Cast on 6 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn B.

Row 1 (RS) (Kfb) twice, K2, (kfb) twice. [10 sts]

Row 2 Purl.

Row 3 (Kfb, K2) 3 times, kfb. [14 sts]

Rows 4 to 6 Starting on a WS purl row work in st st.

Row 7 Ssk, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog. [12 sts]

Rows 8 to 10 Starting on a WS purl row work in st st.

Row 11 Kfb, knit to last st, kfb. [14 sts]

Row 12 Purl.

Row 13 Ssk, K2, ssk, (K2, k2tog) twice. [10 sts]

Row 14 Purl.

Row 15 Ssk, K2, k2tog, K2, k2tog. [7 sts]

Row 16 P2tog, P3, p2tog. [5 sts]

Cast off.

Place Icing on top of cake and attach securely.


Cast on 3 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn E.

Start at base.

Row 1 (RS) (Kfb) 3 times. [6 sts]

Rows 2 to 5 Starting on a WS purl row work in st st.

Row 6 (P2tog) 3 times. [3 sts]

Break yarn and thread through rem sts. Pull tight to fasten.

Oversew around edge of piece and pull up gently to form a ball. Add a little filling then pull again. Place Cherry on centre of Icing and attach through Cupcake, securing at back just under Paper Case. Secure Arms at sides of Body, working a long length of yarn from one side of Body to other and back again at same position. Place Cupcake between hands of bear and secure with a few stitches. Attach arms more securely to body to finish.

 ?? ?? Angela has created the character’s rounded paws perfectly
Angela has created the character’s rounded paws perfectly
 ?? ?? The sole, feet and legs are knitted separately and joined together later
The sole, feet and legs are knitted separately and joined together later
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Correct placement of the facial features is key so take your time
Correct placement of the facial features is key so take your time
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? The ears are constructe­d with an inner and outer piece
The ears are constructe­d with an inner and outer piece
 ?? ?? This cupcake looks good enough to eat!
This cupcake looks good enough to eat!

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