Simply Knitting




■ Debbie Bliss Cotton Denim DK (100% cotton, 100g/200m)

■ Debbie Bliss Cotton DK (100% cotton, 50g/84m) For yarn quantities and measuremen­ts see size table

■ A pair of 3.75mm needles ■ A pair of 4mm needles ■ A cable needle (cn) ■ Stitch holders


19 sts and 28 rows to measure 10x10cm (4x4in) over st st using 4mm needles

37 sts and 28 rows to measure 10x10cm (4x4in) over cable patt using 4mm needles


C4B Slip next 2 sts onto cn and hold at back of work, K2, then K2 from cn

C4F Slip next 2 sts onto cn and hold at front of work, K2, then K2 from cn

T4B Slip next 2 sts onto cn and hold at back of work, K2, then P2 from cn

T4F Slip next 2 sts onto cn and hold at front of work, P2, then K2 from cn

For a full list see page 87


(Worked over 28 sts)

Row 1 (RS) P4, (K2, P2) twice, K4, (P2, K2) twice, P4.

Row 2 K4, (P2, K2) twice, P4, (K2, P2) twice, K4.

Row 3 P4, K2, P2, T4F, C4F, T4B, P2, K2, P4.

Row 4 K4, P2, K4, P8, K4, P2, K4.

Row 5 P4, K2, P4, (C4B) twice, P4, K2, P4.

Row 6 As Row 4.

Row 7 P4, K2, P2, T4B, C4F, T4F, P2, K2, P4.

Row 8 As Row 2.

Row 9 P4, K2, T4B, P2, K4, P2, T4F, K2, P4.

Rows 10, 12, 14 and 16 K4, (P4, K4) 3 times.

Row 11 P4, C4F, P4, K4, P4, C4F, P4.

Row 13 P4, K4, P4, C4F, P4, K4, P4.

Row 15 As Row 11.

Row 17 P4, K2, T4F, P2, K4, P2, T4B, K2, P4.

Row 18 As Row 2.

Rows 3 to 18 form the cable and are repeated.


(Worked over 12 sts)

Row 1 (RS) P2, K4, P2, K2, P2.

Row 2 K2, P2, K2, P4, K2.

Row 3 P2, C4F, P2, T4F.

Rows 4, 5 and 6 P2, K4, P4, K2.

Row 7 P2, C4F, P4, K2.

Rows 8, 9 and 10 P2, K4, P4, K2.

Row 11 P2, C4F, P2, T4B.

Row 12 As Row 2.

Row 13 P2, K2, T4F, K2, P2.

Row 14 K2, P4, K2, P2, K2.

Row 15 T4B, P2, C4B, P2.

Rows 16, 17 and 18 K2, P4, K4, P2.

Row 19 K2, P4, C4B, P2.

"Everyone needs a classic cricket jumper in their wardrobe – it’s such a versatile style it’ll never go out of date. I’m tempted to knit the smallest size for myself!"


Rows 20, 21 and 22 K2, P4, K4, P2.

Row 23 T4F, P2, C4B, P2.

Row 24 As Row 14.

Row 25 P2, K2, T4B, K2, P2.

Row 26 As Row 2.

Rows 3 to 26 form the cable panel and are repeated.


Cast on 124 (136: 152: 164: 180: 188: 204: 212) sts using 3.75mm needles and Yarn B.

Rib Row 1 (RS) P0 (2: 2: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0), (K2, P2) 5 (6: 6: 8: 8: 9: 9: 10) times, (K4, P4) 1 (1: 2: 2: 3: 3: 4: 4) times, P2, K4, P2, K2, P6, K4, P4, (K2, P2) twice, K4, (P2, K2) twice, P4, K4, P6, K4, P2, K2, P2, (P4, K4) 1 (1: 2: 2: 3: 3: 4: 4) times, (P2, K2) 5 (6: 6: 8: 8: 9: 9: 10) times, P0 (2: 2: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0).

Rib Row 2 K0 (2: 2: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0), (P2, K2) 5 (6: 6: 8: 8: 9: 9: 10) times, (P4, K4) 1 (1: 2: 2: 3: 3: 4: 4) times, K2, P2, K2, P4, K6, P4, K4, (P2, K2) twice, P4, (K2, P2) twice, K4, P4, K6, P2, K2, P4, K2, (K4, P4) 1 (1: 2: 2: 3: 3: 4: 4) times, (K2, P2) 5 (6: 6: 8: 8: 9: 9: 10) times, K0 (2: 2: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0).

Break Yarn B, and join in Yarn A. Cont working in Yarn A throughout. Rib Row 3 P0 (2: 2: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0), (K2, P2) 5 (6: 6: 8: 8: 9: 9: 10) times, (C4F, P4) 1 (1: 2: 2: 3: 3: 4: 4) times, P2, C4F, P2, K2, P6, C4F, P4, (K2, P2) twice, C4F, (P2, K2) twice, P4, C4F, P6, C4F, P2, K2, P2, (P4, C4F) 1 (1: 2: 2: 3: 3: 4: 4) times, (P2, K2) 5 (6: 6: 8: 8: 9: 9: 10) times, P0 (2: 2: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0).

Rib Row 4 As Rib Row 2.

Rib Rows 5 and 6 Rep Rib Rows 1 and 2.

These 6 rows form the rib.

Rep Rows 1 to 6 twice more, dec 0 (1: 0: 1: 1: 0: 0: 0) sts at each end on last row. [124 (134: 152: 162: 178: 188: 204: 212) sts]

Change to 4mm needles.

Row 1 (RS) P20 (25: 26: 31: 31: 36: 36: 40), (K4, P4) 1 (1: 2: 2: 3: 3: 4: 4) times, work Row 1 of Panel B, P4, K4, work Row 1 of Panel A, K4, P4, work Row 1 of Panel B, (P4, K4) 1 (1: 2: 2: 3: 3: 4: 4) times, P20 (25: 26: 31: 31: 36: 36: 40).

Row 2 K20 (25: 26: 31: 31: 36: 36: 40), (P4, K4) 1 (1: 2: 2: 3: 3: 4: 4) times, work Row 2 of Panel B, K4, P4, work Row 2 of Panel A, P4, K4, work Row 2 of Panel B, (K4, P4) 1 (1: 2: 2: 3: 3: 4: 4) times, K20 (25: 26: 31: 31: 36: 36: 40).

Row 3 P20 (25: 26: 31: 31: 36: 36: 40), (C4F, P4) 1 (1: 2: 2: 3: 3: 4: 4) times, work Row 3 of Panel B, P4, C4F, work Row 3 of Panel A, C4F, P4, work Row 3 of Panel B, (P4, C4F) 1 (1: 2: 2: 3: 3: 4: 4) times, P20 (25: 26: 31: 31: 36: 36: 40).

Row 4 As Row 2, but working Row 4 of Panels A and B.

Row 5 As Row 1, but working Row 5 of Panels A and B.

Row 6 As Row 2, but working Row 6 of Panels A and B.

Rep last 6 rows, working consecutiv­e rows of Panels A and B, until

back meas 44 (44: 44: 44: 45: 45: 45: 45)cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.


Cast off 3 (6: 8: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16) sts at beg of next 2 rows. [118 (122: 136: 146: 158: 164: 176: 180) sts] **

Next row K2tog, patt to last 2 sts, skpo. [2 sts dec’d]

Next row P to end.

Rep the last 2 rows another 2 (2: 2: 5: 5: 6: 7: 8) times.

[112 (116: 130: 134: 146: 150: 160: 162) sts.]

Work straight until Back measures 64 (65: 66: 66: 68: 68: 69: 70) cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.


Next row Patt 36 (38: 42: 42: 48: 48: 52: 54), turn and work on these sts for first side of neck shaping.

Next row P2togtbl, patt to end. [1 st dec’d]

Next row Patt to last 2 sts, skpo. [1 st dec’d]

Rep the last 2 rows once more. [32 (34: 38: 38: 44: 44: 48: 50) sts] Work 1 row.


Cast off 10 (11: 12: 12: 14: 14: 15: 16) sts at beg of next row and foll RS row.

Work 1 row.

Cast off rem 12 (12: 14: 14: 16: 16: 18: 18) sts.

With RS facing rejoin yarn to rem sts, cast off centre 40 (40: 46: 50: 50: 54: 56: 54) sts patt to end.

[36 (38: 42: 42: 48: 48: 52: 54) sts]

Next row Patt to last 2 sts, p2tog. [1 st dec’d]

Next row K2tog, patt to end. [1 st dec’d]

Rep the last 2 rows once more. [32 (34: 38: 38: 44: 44: 48: 50) sts] Work 2 rows.


Cast off 10 (11: 12: 12: 14: 14: 15: 16) sts at beg of next row and foll WS row.

Work 1 row.

Cast off rem 12 (12: 14: 14: 16: 16: 18: 18) sts.


Work as given for Back to **.


Next row K2tog, patt 54 (56: 63: 68: 74: 77: 83: 85), skpo, turn and work on these 56 (58: 65: 70: 76: 79: 85: 87) sts for first side of neck shaping.

Next row Patt to end.

Next row K2tog, patt to last 2 sts, skpo. [2 sts dec’d]

Next row Patt to end.

Rep the last 2 rows another 1 (1: 1: 4: 4: 5: 6: 7) times.

[52 (54: 61: 60: 66: 67: 71: 71) sts]

Keeping armhole edge straight cont to dec at neck edge on next row and 19 (19: 22: 21: 21: 22: 22: 20) foll RS rows.

[32 (34: 38: 38: 44: 44: 48: 50) sts.]

Work straight until Front measures the same as Back to shoulder, ending at armhole edge.


Cast off 10 (11: 12: 12: 14: 14: 15: 16) sts at beg of next and foll RS row. Work 1 row.

Cast off rem 12 (12: 14: 14: 16: 16: 17: 17) sts.


With RS facing place centre 2 sts on a holder, and rejoin yarn to rem sts.

Next row K2tog, patt to last 2 sts, skpo. [2 sts dec’d]

Next row Patt to end.

Next row K2tog, patt to last 2 sts, skpo. [2 sts dec’d]

Next row Patt to end.

Rep the last 2 rows another 1 (1: 1: 4: 4: 5: 6: 7) times.

[52 (54: 61: 60: 66: 67: 71: 71) sts]

Keeping armhole edge straight cont to dec at neck edge on next row and 19 (19: 22: 21: 21: 22: 22: 20) foll RS rows.

[32 (34: 38: 38: 44: 44: 48: 50) sts]

Work straight until front measures the same as Back to shoulder, ending at armhole edge.


Cast off 10 (11: 12: 12: 14: 14: 15: 16) sts at beg of next and foll WS row. Work 1 row.

Cast off rem 12 (12: 14: 14: 16: 16: 18: 18) sts.


Cast on 52 (60: 64: 72: 76: 84: 88: 96) sts using 3.75mm needles and Yarn B.

Rib Row 1 (RS) P0 (0: 2: 2: 0: 0: 2: 2), (K2, P2) 2 (3: 3: 4: 5: 6: 6: 7) times, K4, P4, (K2, P2) twice, K4, (P2, K2) twice, P4, K4, (P2, K2) 2 (3: 3: 4: 5: 6: 6: 7) times, P0 (0: 2: 2: 0: 0: 2: 2).

Rib Row 2 K0 (0: 2: 2: 0: 0: 2: 2), (P2, K2) 2 (3: 3: 4: 5: 6: 6: 7) times, P4, K4, (P2, K2) twice, P4, (K2, P2) twice, K4, P4, (K2, P2) 2 (3: 3: 4: 5: 6: 6: 7) times, K0 (0: 2: 2: 0: 0: 2: 2).

Break Yarn B, and join in Yarn A. Cont working in Yarn A throughout.

Rib Row 3 P0 (0: 2: 2: 0: 0: 2: 2), (K2, P2) 2 (3: 3: 4: 5: 6: 6: 7) times, C4F, P4, (K2, P2) twice, C4F, (P2, K2) twice, P4, C4F, (P2, K2) 2 (3: 3: 4: 5: 6: 6: 7) times, P0 (0: 2: 2: 0: 0: 2: 2).

Rib Row 4 As Rib row 2.

Rib Rows 5 and 6 Rep Rib Rows 1 and 2 once more.

Rep last 6 rows twice more, inc one st at each end of the last row on 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th sizes only. [54 (60: 66: 72: 78: 84: 90: 96) sts]

Change to 4mm needles.

Row 1 (RS) P9 (12: 15: 18: 21: 24: 27: 30), K4, work Row 1 of Panel A, K4, P9 (12: 15: 18: 21: 24: 27: 30).

Row 2 K9 (12: 15: 18: 21: 24: 27: 30), P4, work Row 2 of Panel A, P4, K9 (12: 15: 18: 21: 24: 27: 30).

Row 3 P9 (12: 15: 18: 21: 24: 27: 30), C4F, work Row 3 of Panel A, C4F, P9 (12: 15: 18: 21: 24: 27: 30).

Row 4 K9 (12: 15: 18: 21: 24: 27: 30), P4, work Row 4 of Panel A, P4, K9 (12: 15: 18: 21: 24: 27: 30).

Row 5 P9 (12: 15: 18: 21: 24: 27: 30), K4, work Row 5 of Panel A, K4, P9 (12: 15: 18: 21: 24: 27: 30).

Row 6 K9 (12: 15: 18: 21: 24: 27: 30), P4, work Row 6 of Panel A, P4, K9 (12: 15: 18: 21: 24: 27: 30).

Last 6 rows set patt and are repeated, working consecutiv­e rows of Panel A.

Inc row (RS) P4, M1, patt to last 4 sts, M1, P4. [2 sts inc’d] Patt 7 rows, working inc’d sts into rev st st side sections. Rep the last 8 rows another 11 times and then the Inc Row again. [80 (86: 92: 98: 104: 110: 116: 122) sts]

Cont straight in patt until Sleeve measures 51 (52: 52: 52: 53: 53: 53: 54)cm from cast-on edge, after a WS row.


Cast off 3 (6: 8: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16) sts at beg of next 2 rows. [74 (74: 76: 82: 84: 86: 88: 90) sts]

Next row (RS) K2tog, patt to last 2 sts, skpo. [2 sts dec’d]

Next row P2tog, patt to last 2 sts, p2tog tbl. [2 sts dec’d] Rep the last 2 rows another 4 (4: 4: 5: 5: 6: 6: 6) times.

[54 (54: 56: 58: 60: 58: 60: 62) sts]

Next row K2tog, patt to last 2 sts, skpo. [2 sts dec’d] Patt 1 row.

Rep the last 2 rows another 13 (13: 14: 14: 15: 14: 15: 16) times. [26 (26: 26: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28) sts]

Cast off 4 sts at beg of next 4 rows.

[10 (10: 10: 12: 12: 12: 12: 12) sts]

Cast off.


Join right shoulder seam.

With RS facing, using 3.75mm needles and Yarn A pick up and K54 (56: 60: 62: 64: 66: 68: 70) sts down left side of front neck, K2 sts from front neck holder, pick up and K54 (56: 60: 62: 64: 66: 68: 70) sts up right side of front neck, pick up and knit 9 (8: 9: 9: 9: 8: 8: 8) sts down right side of back neck and work as foll: (k2tog) 4 times, K1 (0: 1: 1: 1: 0: 0: 0), K40 (40: 46: 50: 50: 54: 56: 54) sts from back neck holder, pick up and knit 9 (8: 9: 9: 9: 8: 8: 8) sts up right side of back neck and work as foll: (k2tog) 4 times, K1 (0: 1: 1: 1: 0: 0: 0), decreasing 4 sts. [160 (162: 178: 186: 190: 196: 202: 204) sts]

Rib row (WS) P2 (0: 0: 2: 0: 2: 0: 2), (K2, P2) to last 0 (2: 2: 0: 2: 0: 2: 0) sts, K0 (2: 2: 0: 2: 0: 2: 0).

This row sets the rib.

Next row (RS) Rib 53 (55: 59: 61: 63: 65: 67: 69), k2tog, skpo, rib to end. [158 (160: 176: 184: 188: 194: 200: 202) sts]

Next row Rib to end.

Next row Rib 52 (54: 58: 60: 61: 64: 66: 68), k2tog, skpo, rib to end. [156 (158: 174: 182: 186: 192: 198: 200) sts]

Next row Rib to end.

Next row Rib 51 (53: 57: 59: 60: 63: 65: 67), k2tog, skpo, rib to end. [154 (156: 172: 180: 184: 190: 196: 198) sts]

Next row Rib to end.

Break Yarn A, join in Yarn B.

Next row Rib 50 (52: 56: 58: 59: 62: 64: 66), k2tog, skpo, rib to end. [152 (154: 170: 178: 182: 188: 194: 196) sts]

Next row Rib to end.

Cast off in rib, dec on this row as before.


Join the left shoulder and neckband. Sew in the Sleeves. Join the side and Sleeve seams.

 ?? ??
 ?? ?? The two cable panels are repeated throughout the back of the jumper
The two cable panels are repeated throughout the back of the jumper
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? The deep V-neck is edged with a darker blue shade for definition
The deep V-neck is edged with a darker blue shade for definition
 ?? ?? Set-in sleeves give this cricketins­pired jumper a classic look
Set-in sleeves give this cricketins­pired jumper a classic look

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