
Why your next audio purchase will matter

The way you shop for audio gear could change later this year or early next with the role out of a new smart home standard called Matter which will be built into audio gear, receivers and smart house technology.

- David Richards

Irrelevant of whether your audio gear is premium or value the way it’s configured into your home network is going to be critical if you want to easily stream content from multiple sources.

Next year the way that one sets set up, and use connected devices in your home is going to change for the better because several big Companies have got together to deliver better functional­ity.

For example, in ceiling or in wall speakers that are Matter certified will be able to connect with multiple platforms and be seen across a network by multiple devices.

The new Matter new standard will be a huge improvemen­t and will allow owners of Matter certified devices to choose models based on features and price rather than compatibil­ity with a specific system.

Because of past compatibil­ity issues, Amazon, Apple, Google, Samsung, and over 100 other companies supplying products for a SmartHouse have come together through the Connectivi­ty Standards Alliance (CSA), a standards-setting organisati­on for the internet of things industry, to create a new connectivi­ty standard—called Matter—for smart home devices.

The effort began over two years ago as Project Connected Home over IP (Project CHIP) and its supporting companies have grown from a few dozen to about 250 including many audio Companies.

What it means is that you won’t be tied down to using Google or Alexa instead Matter will enable individual devices to work with the smart home system of your choice, an Apple device will talk to a none Apple device and integratio­n of Matter approved hardware will make connectivi­ty a lot easier.

All we need next is to eliminate the word receiver with current model receivers called media management systems.

The ultimate goal of the standard is to make all smart home devices interopera­ble.

That means if you buy a product emblazoned with the Matter logo, you can use it with Amazon Alexa, Apple Home, Google Home, Samsung SmartThing­s, or any other ecosystem that joins the standard.

The first version of Matter has been delayed a few times, but it’s currently set to launch in before December 2022.

The CSA says it expects to start with 130 compatible products from more than 50 companies including audio, security and lighting control companies on board.

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