Street Machine



A FATHER is listening to his daughter say her prayers before bedtime. “God bless Mummy and god bless Daddy and god bless Grandma, and goodbye Grandpa,” she says.

“Why did you say ‘Goodbye Grandpa’, sweetheart?” the little girl’s father asks her.

“I don’t know,” she replies. “I just felt like saying it.”

The next day, Grandpa drops dead. Wow, the father thought, that’s an odd coincidenc­e.

A month later at bedtime, the daughter says: “God bless Mummy and Daddy. And goodbye Grandma.”

Sure enough, the next day Grandma breathes her last earthly breath.

The dad realises this is more than just a coincidenc­e, but he is not sure what to do. He doesn’t want to disturb his wife by telling her (after all, Grandma and Grandpa were her parents).

Months go by and one night the man is once again listening to his daughter saying her prayers at bedtime. “God bless Mummy,” she begins, before turning her head to look straight at him. “And goodbye Daddy.”

“What? Are you sure honey?” the father stammers. The little girl nods.

The man’s heart begins racing and he breaks out in a sweat. He is so upset he can’t sleep at all that night.

The next day he goes off to work, but locks himself in his office. He takes the phone off the hook, cancels all his meetings and awaits the inevitable. He watches the hours tick by, too scared to try and go home. Finally it is midnight and, drenched in sweat, he realises he has cheated death. He drives home with all his nerves frazzled.

His wife is up and waiting for him. “Where the hell were you today?” she demands.

“Don’t shout,” the man begs. “I’ve had an absolutely miserable day.”

“You think you had a miserable day?” his wife scolds. “I’m the one who had a bad day. First of all, this morning the milkman dropped dead on the steps...”

Pat Ernity, email

 ??  ?? Nah, the mullet wins whether you’ve got business up front or a party out the back.
Nah, the mullet wins whether you’ve got business up front or a party out the back.

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