Street Machine



THIS year has seen bucket-loads of idiotic behaviour so far, but we reckon the actions of two young Melbourne men recently took the cake. Not only did they allegedly continue to drive on a flat tyre until their car was so damaged it couldn’t move, police also allege the 19-year-old driver had a BAC reading of 0.162 – and all this was happening during Stage Three COVID19 lockdown restrictio­ns at 3am. According to a statement from Victoria Police, the pair “stated it was not their fault that they did not know how to change a tyre and blamed society for not teaching them.” We shared the bizarre story on our Facebook page, and here’s what you had to say.

Ernes Doctori – No, blame their parents!

F**king peanuts.

David Crane – Typical self-entitled moron! You can’t fix stupid!

Brett Caffyn – But on the Xbox you just keep driving – the next game the car is all fixed again. This is how it works, right? Christophe­r Mcknight – Snowflakes blaming the world for their uselessnes­s.

Peter Denesowicz – I’m pretty sure it was the 0.162 blood alcohol level doing the talking.

Graham Bartley – For all the time they probably spend on their phone, they should have asked Google how to change a tyre. Troy Rox Jenkins – These same idiots use Google to argue semantics, but can’t Google how to change a tyre. My six-year-old daughter can change a tyre.

Mark Kennison – Can’t believe there is no Tiktok or an app on how to change a flat! Robert Taylor – Sadly this is the future, folks – a future of Xbox/playstatio­n retards without a clue how life really works. God help us. Kym Hancox – The last I heard, ignorance is not a defence.

Simon Dempsey – And yet the same culture or society they grew up in somehow led them to think drink-driving was still cool.

Brad Connarty – They can blame us for the top of the tyres being flat but not the bottom. Craig Ferret Sayce – Mum and Dad will be so proud.

Nev Baker – Okay then, evolution has now s stopped.

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