Style Magazine



The days may still be cold, but we are on the countdown to spring and all the newness that comes with that welcome change of season. If you’re like a lot of other people, the change into spring can catch you completely by surprise.

Here’s our top tips to ensure you’re spring ready:

Winter’s harsh temperatur­es can not only make it difficult to get out of bed of a morning, but also have a very drying effect on our skin.

To get that fresh healthy glow for spring we recommend weekly use of a good exfoliatin­g body scrub to remove dead cells from the skin surface.

Coffee scrubs are right on trend at present.

These scrubs contain coffee grounds as the exfoliant, as well as a combinatio­n of oils to leave your skin feeling smooth and silky soft.

Priceline Pharmacy stock a wide range of these scrubs priced from $9.99.

We all recognise when we get thirsty in the hotter weather, but drinking eight glasses or more of water each day is just as important during the cooler months to keep us looking healthy and hydrated.

In fact, our skin is even thirstier during this time, so moisturisi­ng from head to toe each day is vital in helping us achieve spring ready skin.

No matter what type of skin you have, we are sure to have a moisturise­r to suit both your skin and your budget.

We all love our winter comfort foods, but sometimes, when the weather suddenly becomes unseasonal­ly warm, we find that our spring wardrobe is a little snug.

If this is something you are concerned about, Priceline Pharmacy stock a wide range of products to help you ensure your spring clothing will fit comfortabl­y.

From meal substitute shakes to supplement­s that improve metabolism, we have everything you need to get back into shape.

In addition, Priceline Pharmacy Westridge’s Health Station also offers users links to healthy diet and exercise programs, including delicious recipes.

Spring is a season of new growth, with plants lying dormant through winter bursting into life.

Whilst pleasant to the eye, this new plant growth often brings a host of problems to the allergy sufferer.

They say forewarned is forearmed, so with that in mind, now is the perfect time to come in and have a chat to one of our trained staff about how you can best prepare for your allergy war.

Priceline Pharmacy stocks a wide selection of natural and medicinal products to combat every allergy symptom.

Last but by no means least, spring heralds the beginning of fresh new fashions and colours.

This spring’s colour trends will be all about bronzed glowing skin with pops of bright colour on lips and eyes and bright pink or red blush.

Combine these colourful pops with glitter and you have a look that will be as fresh as the first day of spring!

So whether you’re heading out into the sunshine for a picnic or off to celebrate the spring racing carnival, Priceline Pharmacy has all the products to need to get the latest look.

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