Style Magazine

Stubble trouble

Step aside, ladies! It’s time for the guys to take control of the mirror and bathroom bench space. The hipster beard has taken the world by storm, but the truth is they’re not for every guy. Here are some time-tested tips for a smoother shave.


STEP 1: PREPARATIO­N Preparatio­n is key to preventing irritation, razor burns and cuts. Begin by rinsing your face with a pre-shave soap and warm water. This will help open your pores and soften whiskers, making it easier to shave. Pro tip: It’s best to shave after a hot shower. Steam from the shower opens the pores and softens facial hair. STEP 2: APPLY SHAVING CREAM Invest in a shaving cream that is rich and creamy rather than foamy. This will help create a barrier between your skin and the razor. Remember, if you have sensitive skin, use products labelled to suit. Apply an even layer of shaving cream over your facial hair using circular motions. Finish with an upward stroke to raise the hair – this will make it easier to shave. Allow the shaving cream to sit on the skin for a few moments to moisten and soften facial hair. STEP 3: USE A SHARP RAZOR A dull blade can cause itchiness and razor burn. Blades should be replaced after five to 10 shaves (depending on the thickness of your beard). Gently glide the razor over your face in the direction of hair growth. Use short one to two inch strokes and run the razor under hot water after each stroke to remove any accumulate­d facial hair and cream.

Pro tip: When shaving your top lip, stick your tongue between your gums and top lip to stretch the area and prevent nicks and cuts. STEP 4: SHAVE THE NECK AREA LAST Leave this sensitive area until last to allow the shaving cream time to soften the hair. To help the blade glide more smoothly, tilt your head back to pull your skin taut. Again, make sure to use short, gentle stokes. STEP 5: RINSE AND PAT DRY After shaving, rinse your face with cold water and pat dry with a clean towel. STEP 6: APPLY AFTERSHAVE LOTION Aftershave lotion will help soothe irritation and release moisture into your skin. Pro tip: If you have sensitive skin, try soothing coconut oil.

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