Style Magazine

Style Artist

Celestine Stokes chats to Style


Tell us a little about yourself.

I grew up in country Queensland and love nature, but moved to the city to work in the business world. After many years in the city, I grew tired of corporate life and wanted our two children to grow up in the country. My husband Mark and I decided on a tree change and moved to the Lockyer Valley. I have worked as an artist for the past six years from our beautiful, 100 year old cottage that we have been renovating. I also have a business called Tailoring Your Success where I am a personal stylist, business coach, voice coach and speech and drama teacher. I am currently studying part time to become a high school English and Business, Communicat­ions and Technology teacher, which I will finish mid next year.

Describe your style?

My style is whimsical with mixed media.

What inspires you?

I am inspired by my children, nursery rhymes and fairy tales.

When did you start painting?

I started drawing at a very young age. I am dyslexic and had difficulty putting my thoughts into words. I had trouble with school in the younger grades and would just sit and draw and write poetry instead of participat­ing. Though I caught up and went on to study at university, I still like to escape into my dream world whenever I can.

How has it evolved and what has influenced this?

I always loved Strawberry Shortcake and Holly Hobbie. I liked to paint and draw pictures of people with big heads and big eyes and stick things onto my drawings and make them three dimensiona­l. As an adult I found styles and names for what I did which made me realise that there are other people out there that understand my work.

Why do you enjoy painting?

I love escaping into the dream world of my paintings. It is a very happy place to be.

What are some of the highlights/ favourite moments/greatest achievemen­ts of your artistic life?

I love the Grammar Art Show it is one of my favourite nights of the year. I am very fortunate to have sold many paintings over the last six years. It gives me a legitimate excuse to drift into my dream world, sail away and call it work. I also love to see other people smile at my work and happily escape into a fantasy land for a brief minute.

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