Style Magazine

Sleep Tight Tips You Need to Know


If you’re one of the third of all people getting less than six hours of sleep a night, it’s safe to say you’re looking for answers to help aid your insomnia. But if the usual tips of limiting caffeine, switching off your electronic­s and cementing a bedtime routine haven’t worked so far, these science-backed tricks might be for you.

Track Full Moons

It’s a known fact that the sun is a big factor in how early you rise, but the moon plays a role in the quality of your sleep overnight. A 2013 study found that lunar phases interfered with sleep — with participan­ts taking longer to fall asleep, and sleeping on average 20 minutes less during a full moon. Try taking melatonin or going to bed slightly earlier when a full moon is in place to counteract its negative sleep effects.

Embrace the Second Sleep

European nations who close for ‘siesta’ are onto something, with researcher­s arguing that taking a second sleep during the day is good for you. Not only will it revamp your energy levels, but napping throughout the day can also undo some of the stress associated with our busy modern lives. The key is napping for less than 30 minutes and aiming for early afternoon so it doesn’t interfere with your evening sleep.

Get Up and At ‘Em

As hard as it is to jump out of bed after a rough night’s sleep, research suggests that sticking to a sleep schedule of around 8 hours at night is better in the long run than sleeping in. Why? It trains your body to develop healthy circadian rhythms, allowing for better sleep long-term. So, next time you’re desperate to stay under the covers, try to rise and shine instead.

Check Your Thyroid

It’s the butterfly-shaped gland that’s been blamed for a host of health problems, but your thyroid might also be affecting your sleep. In charge of the hormones associated with mood and energy, it makes sense why a faulty thyroid could leave your sleep out of whack. If you’ve tried all the sleep tips on offer and nothing seems to be working, it might be time to visit your doctor for a check-up.

Try Melatonin

When it comes to sleep supplement­s fewer are more scientific­ally backed than melatonin. Bottom line: it helps the vast majority of participan­ts sleep better. But like all good things you can have too much, with research showing that with long-term use the effects started to wear off after 6-12 months. Keep this in your emergency tool kit for those nights when nothing else will work and enjoy your good night’s sleep - just don’t overdo it.

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