Style Magazine

Here are some fantastic different careers to explore


Most of us have, at one point or another, wondered whether we shouldn’t be doing something a little more interestin­g for a living. But, when pushed to come up with an idea of what that might actually entail, most of us draw a blank. Have a look at these odd jobs that can never be described as a ‘nine to five’. You never know – maybe they’ll serve as inspiratio­n the next time you go looking for your true calling.


Do you have a flair for the dramatic and fancy yourself as a bit of an ‘old soul’? This ancient job might be perfect for you. Profession­al mourners date back centuries and, incredibly, are still around today. Predominan­tly found in Asia and Africa, profession­al mourners are paid to cry at funerals, comfort the grieving family and (sometimes) to deliver a eulogy. Profession­al mourners are held in high regard by some cultures, despite being virtually unheard of in Australia.


Are you a good listener, but not big on being brutally honest? Do you love weddings, but aren’t ready to be a bride? Then this is your niche. If you think you can be the ultimate gal pal, perhaps the Us-based company, Bridesmaid for Hire, is where you should send your next resume.


As potentiall­y creepy as this might sound, being a profession­al cuddler entails much more than just the cuddle itself. Being physically close to other humans is a necessary part of our mental well-being, but many people aren’t getting the amount of human touch they need. This is where you will come in. You will provide a crucial mental health service by cuddling up to a complete stranger.


If you think standing is fun, or if you at least don’t mind it, you can take the place of people waiting in line. For a fee, of course. You’ll be helping elderly people who cannot stand as well or as long as they used to, mothers with toddlers who need to go potty, and plain ol’ lazy people that can’t be bothered.

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