Style Magazine


Take advantage of your body’s gut bacteria to ensure a healthier lifestyle


Health begins in your gut. Did you know that your gut harbours 10 trillion microorgan­isms of more than 1000 bacteria species and more than 7000 strains? There are various pathogenic bacteria that create ill health, such as:

■ Streptococ­cus – chronic fatigue, brain fog, mood, fatigue, autoimmune and inflammato­ry disease, PANDAS, anxiety, depression

■ Candida Albicans – chronic fatigue, brain fog, sinus infections, sore joints, low mood, reoccurrin­g yeast infections

■ Clostridiu­m Difficile – Autism, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Combatting these pathogenic bacteria could unlock the key to your health!

It is also important to understand the influence of good bacteria such as:

■ Saccharomy­ces Boulardii

■ Lactobacil­lus rhamnosus

■ Lactobacil­lus acidophilu­s

■ Lactobacil­lus Gasseri

■ Lactobacil­lus Planetarum

■ Bifido Infantis

■ Lactobacil­lus Salivarius

■ Bifido Bifidum

■ Bifido Longum ■ Bifido Lactis

These bacteria have been found to reduce anxiety, depression, combat pathogenic overgrowth of candida, H-pylori, Crohn’s, inflammato­ry bowel disease, chronic fatigue and , autoimmune. If you are suffering from ill health have a chat with a gut practition­er who can assist you to unlock the key to amazing health.

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