Style Magazine



The adage of new versus old is becoming more prevalent every day in the local food scene.

Every day, there seems to be a new cafe, bakery or restaurant opening.

This influx of new business is forcing the old or ‘establishe­d’ businesses to find new and exciting ways to stay at the forefront of the dining public’s mind.

Now, I hear a lot of people questionin­g why we need so many places here in Toowoomba.

To those people, I say we should be excited.

This activity is great because competitio­n will force the existing businesses to up their ‘game’.

No longer can reputation be enough to guarantee patronage.

The ‘old’ businesses need to look at what they are offering and how they offer that product.

There does not need to be wholesale changes, but evolution needs to occur.

Whether that is the service, the decor, or the menu, change is a good thing as it shows that the business understand­s what made it successful and what it needs to do to remain successful.

To the ‘new’ businesses, they can’t be complacent and just assume that the patronage will come.

The need to attract and retain business is harder, as they will usually get one to two chances to make that favourable impression.

If they don’t, their chance to be successful is reduced.

So, let’s get out and support our local businesses because small businesses are the drivers of our local communitie­s.

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