Style Magazine




It’s The Land Beyond the Wall in northern Westeros, it’s the Realm of the Dark Elves in Thor and it’s Mordor in Middle-earth.

But for the trekking community, Landmannal­augar is the start of the Laugavegur Trail, Iceland’s most popular walking trail.

The 55km trail is only open in the summer months and can be completed at your own pace, but it’s generally done over four or five days.

Accommodat­ion along the way is in very rustic mountain huts or in your own tent.

I booked with Utracks.

They transport your gear ahead each day, provide an English-speaking guide and arrange all meals.

Our guide was amazing. Herdis from Icelandic Mountain Guides has a PHD in geology and is a great cook!


The bus from Reykjavik to Landmannal­augar takes four hours.

At about halfway the scenery changes from farms to a harsh volcanic landscape with steaming geothermal fields and extraordin­ary jurassic rock formations.

It’s a weird place, like stepping onto a sci-fi movie set.

The trail begins in fields of coloured rhyolite, passing small gorges, steaming hot springs and bubbling mud pools.

All around us are the famous ‘Rainbow Mountains’.

The next few days are kind of black and white.

The black volcanic sands alternate with thick snow and in the background are the huge Myrdalsjok­ull and Eyjafjalla­jokull glaciers.

There are fields of shiny black obsidian shards and basalt boulders.

There is the relentless Maelifells­sandur black desert and the Mark arfljotsgl­ju fur Canyon, a200m deep cut — massive and spectacula­r.

The final leg of the trail meanders through Thorsmork, the Woods of Thor, with verdant plains and fluffy white sheep.

There are mossy mountains, fields of wildflower­s and babbling brooks. So pretty.

We finish the trek in Porsmork and spend our last day exploring the area and enjoying the company of other trekkers.

Trekking in a group is a bonding experience.

Camaraderi­e develops quickly and my fellow trekkers were a delight.

Aged between 40 and 77, these super-fit couples and singles came from all over the world.

I was genuinely sad to say goodbye but felt very lucky to have met them and shared this incredible experience with them.

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