Style Magazine



LIBRA Sept 23 – Oct 22

Your life might seem a little topsy-turvy at the moment, but it’s just the universe’s way of saying ‘slow down’.

You’ll just have to keep it together – take a deep breath, walk around like you own the place, and leave the mere mortals to bask in your brilliance.

SCORPIO Oct 23 – Nov 21

Why does it feel like every time life slips into a comfortabl­e gear, something happens to send you spiralling off course?

The man in your life might be getting ready to pop the question, so be ready. One thing is certain – it’s going to be a blooming magical month!

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22 – Dec 21

They don’t call you a wrecking ball for nothing.

It could be a case of ‘out with the old, and in with the new’ this month. October brings with it new opportunit­ies that’ll see you recognised as the big fish — baby, you’ll own the whole aquarium this month!

CAPRICORN Dec 22 – Jan 19

Wow! Where has the year gone? Christmas is just around the corner — time to unbox those Christmas lights and Santa suit, and get to the shops before the crowds do.

If there’s one thing a Capricorn is good at, it’s snapping up bargains.

AQUARIUS Jan 20 – Feb 18

This month promises to be amazing. With so many positive vibes around you, it’ll be impossible to feel down.

Now could be the perfect time to ‘down tools’, pack a bag, and head off on an adventure.

PISCES Feb 19 – Mar 20

You’re looking forward to having more time to yourself this month – it seems like you’ve spent too much time running around in circles and it’s made you dizzy. Could it be the love of your life who’s put you in this spin, or is it simply the normal ups and downs of life? Either way, this will turn out to be a great month for you.

ARIES Mar 21 – Apr 19

Like a sheep shaking off old wool, it’s time to shed your winter blues and look to the sun.

Catch up with friends who’ve been absent from your life during winter – plan big coffee dates, dinners and fine wine tastings.

Just keep out an eye for the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

TAURUS Apr 20 – May 20

A Taurus in love, is a sight to behold. Love brings out the best in any bull – they simply can’t wipe the smiles from their faces!

While winter may have dulled your senses, the warmer weather will put a huge spring in your step this month.

GEMINI May 21 – Jun 20

Don’t be surprised if life throws you a curve ball – it’s the universe keeping you on your toes.

It could be a good time to start searching for the sanctuary you’ve been craving – is it buying real estate, or simply time out from work you want?

CANCER Jun 21 – Jul 22

Cancerians will positively glow this month.

It’s time to throw caution to the wind and aim high if you want to succeed at work, love and play.

When you achieve your goals your positive vibes will rub off on those around you.

LEO Jul 23 – Aug 22

Lions are creatures of habit, but they can be spontaneou­s (usually with money or gifts).

They are comfortabl­e in the skin they’re in and content with their own company – you will often find them with their nose buried in a book.

This month may be the perfect time to add to your library collection.

VIRGO Aug 23 – Sept 22

Another year of growing older and wiser, Virgo.

What did you learn over the past 12 months? If the planets align, anything can happen, so keep your eyes peeled. Changes are coming in your personal life – perhaps a new addition to the family, or an opportunit­y to visit with much missed family members.

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