Style Magazine

Style Artist

Sarah Bishop chats to Style


Tell us a little about yourself

I live on a sheep and cattle property near Scone. Life is a fabulous mix of children, family, animals, dust and drought and studio time. They complement each other.

When did you start painting?

I started a life of creativity at 14 years old, studying from German Realist Artist Tex Moeckell. He opened many amazing doors for me and has been an ongoing source of creativity and positivity instilling the quest to find wonder everywhere I go.

Describe your style?

I studied as a realist in painting and pencil. I still love creating realistic works with lead pencil but try to exaggerate the tonal range from sharp, crisp white to as dark as I can manage without ripping the paper! My paintings have moved away from realism these days. I’ll have a go at any subject matter that moves me, be it flowers, voluptuous women, magical moments captured in time, to stormy, moody landscapes.

Influences and evolution of your art?

It has evolved in many ways over the years as my life shifts position - children, city, country, life’s challenges and rewards.

Why do you enjoy painting?

I love it! I consider myself very lucky to be able to create a living by ‘creating’!!

Some highlights of your artistic life?

I have so many. Through my artwork, I have met so many wonderful people. It has enabled me to travel extensivel­y around the world, exhibit in other countries, enjoy so many moments and situations that might not have presented themselves otherwise. Art has given me the freedom of independen­ce with the privilege of working for myself.

What do you like about Toowoomba?

Shame on me. I have still not yet travelled to Toowoomba! Clearly I should, as I’ve had such a lovely response to my work from the Toowoomba community. I am greatly enjoying the connection that appears to be happening.

What is your dream goal?

Keep living the dream. To keep listening, watching, learning and being open in order to allow life to penetrate with a sense of creativity.

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