Style Magazine


Enjoying a balanced diet with adequate nutrition will lead to better wellbeing


Understand­ing the connection between food and mood may unlock the health or behavioura­l issues you may be experienci­ng in your family.

Consuming foods that are highly processed and refined have repeatedly shown an increase in anxiety and depression.

A diet high in packet foods such as cakes, biscuits, lollies, chips, crackers, processed meats, processed dairy and so forth contain very little nutrition.

In addition, they also contain many artificial colours, flavours, preservati­ves and additives.

Enjoying a wide variety of fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, wholegrain­s, legumes, good quality dairy, good quality meat, and oily fish promotes good mental health - you will receive adequate nutrition leading to better wellbeing.

Following some simple guidelines can make it easier:

Healthy fats such as fish, extra virgin olive oil are important for good cholestero­l and are anti-inflammato­ry and prevent depression.

Wholegrain­s such as rice and other fibre-rich grains promote the growth of good gut bacteria. Fruits and vegetables provide a wealth of important nutrients, including antioxidan­ts that help prevent cell damage. Fermented food like yoghurt, kefir, sourdough and tempeh can encourage the growth of good bacteria in the gut. Nuts, seeds, legumes are excellent plant-based protein that support good cholestero­l. Water. We need water, remove the cordials and sugar-laden softdrinks for water and hydrate your body.

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