Sunday Territorian



Infusion is the main challenge for FMT – for some patients the effects don’t last once they stop the treatment.

So for Borody’s team, the next step in FMT is administer­ing microbiota via oral “crapsules” as he puts it, which he says overcomes the problem of implantati­on as patients can take the medication continuous­ly.

“The question of long-term implantati­on without having to take six capsules day keeps looming,” he said. “Until we solve that, the answer will be continuous ingestion.”

His clinic is freeze-drying faeces and making them into powder for a capsule trial coming up later this year. In case you’re wondering, faecal donors must meet a strict health criteria before samples can be used.

 ??  ?? Want to know more about the crapsule? Head to mybodyands­
Want to know more about the crapsule? Head to mybodyands­

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