Sunday Territorian

Reckoning for Hambali

Australia backs US prosecutio­n of Bali bombing architect


AUSTRALIA will do whatever it can to help bring Hambali to justice but will not advocate the death penalty, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said in welcoming the US decision to prosecute the accused architect of the 2002 Bali bombing.

A US war court has now charged Riduan “Hambali” Isomuddi over Bali and the attack on the JW Marriott Hotel in Jakarta in 2003. Three Australian­s were among 12 people killed in that car bombing.

“Australia will provide whatever assistance we can. We must never forget that 88 Australian­s, mostly tourists in Bali, were murdered when Islamist terrorists took their lives in a brutal terrorist attack,” Ms Bishop told reporters yesterday.

“It has been a scar on the hearts of all Australian­s since these attacks occurred in 2002.”

Ms Bishop said Hambali would be tried under US laws and processes, which could include the death penalty, although Australia remained opposed to capital punishment both at home and abroad.

Deputy Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek also welcomed the US decision.

“I hope he faces the full force of justice. That was a shocking attack on civilians just out having a good time and I’m very pleased to see that he will be facing court,” Ms Plibersek said yesterday.

Hambali’s charges come nearly 15 years after the bombings and 11 years since he was detained by the US in Guantanamo, following his arrest in Bangkok in 2003 after the JW Marriott bombing.

He was charged on June 20 with murder and attempted murder in violation of the law of war; intentiona­lly causing serious bodily injury; terrorism; attacking civilians; and related charges.

It is not clear when he will appear before the war court.

According to rules of the US military commission, a military court will later decide whether a trial will be held.

Late last year, a US government review board rejected the release of Hambali, saying he continues to be a “significan­t threat to the security of the United States.”

Prosecutor­s believe the Marriott was targeted with the expectatio­n there would be a large American presence there.

The Pentagon describes him as a leader of southeast Asiabased extremist group Jemaah Islamiah. He also is alleged to have had links to al-Qaeda.

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