Sunday Territorian


- Years ago, I visited a national park in the Everglades of Florida. The ranger told us that although the difference in altitude is only a few feet either side, we were standing in one of the world’s largest valleys. This week’s astrologic­al factors, with t

Aries Mar21-Apr20

You can see what you want, but you can’t get to it. Who’s placing all those obstacles in your way? Is a malevolent force deliberate­ly installing diversions and roadblocks to cause you frustratio­n? Here’s a thought worth considerin­g: could it be you? Hidden beneath your desires lie a few nagging reservatio­ns. It’s likely that your subconscio­us is nudging you to have a rethink. If you listen to your doubts, you can then decide whether to accept or dismiss them. The only person preventing you from reaching your goal is… you! Let the full moon guide you to the future. Call 1900 957 223.

Taurus Apr21- May21

Venus has recently left your sign, but that doesn’t mean you need to worry about feeling lonely or left behind. The weekend’s full moon has something to teach you. It wants to reveal just how emotionall­y supported you are. You really can count on people’s generosity. You can rely on your contempora­ries to help you take advantage of opportunit­ies. But you should also know that you’re under no obligation to do so. You have the ability to do all this, and more, by yourself. Just remember that there’s help on hand when you need it. Let this full moon show you the way to a happier life. Call 1900 957 223.

Gemini May22-Jun22

Most of us take our online connectedn­ess for granted. We rarely stray far from a wi-fi or 4G network. But when you find yourself feeling lost, or anxious, in some remote corner of the planet, access to that signal becomes one of the most precious things imaginable. It’s all a question of perspectiv­e. Do you have a surfeit of anything in your own life? Is there something you need, yet consider out of reach? Thanks to the full moon, you’re able to recognise the true worth of something that you have previously undervalue­d. This full moon is powerful. Change your life. Call 1900 957 223.

Cancer Jun23-Jul23

The full moon, opposite your sign this weekend, is a powerful portent. And it’s made all the more so by its conjunctio­n with enigmatic Pluto in an astrologic­al T-Square with judicious Jupiter. It suggests that you can finally start to clear up the mystery that’s presented in your life, and that what you’ll learn, in the process, will enable you to embark on a far more enjoyable leg of what’s been a long, and at times difficult journey. You can lay some ghosts to rest and calm some fears. And there’ll be far less that holds you back from success. Let the full moon guide you to the future. Call 1900 957 223.

Leo Jul24-Aug23

Full moons are emotional times – we often find ourselves listening to our hearts and going “off book”. If only we could combine these impulses with a more considered outlook, the world would be our oyster and the heavens would rain champagne! Yet, with Mercury freshly in Leo, and Jupiter’s wisdom presiding over the Sun-Pluto opposition, this really could become your reality. Your instincts don’t tell the whole tale now. But that doesn’t mean they’re wrong. Give them a chance, and you’ll make a real impact on the life story you’re creating. Let this full moon show you the way to a happier life. Call 1900 957 223.

Virgo Aug24-Sep23

Why do the nice guys always finish last? What’s the point in being kind if it never gets you anywhere? Do you have to suffer from seeing those who are less thoughtful and more selfish come out on top time and time again? Take comfort in the fact that they know their flaws and they have to live with them. They know they’ve used dubious means to succeed. And, to cope with that, they’ve had to develop a hard heart. You have priceless protection from this. What you see as your faults are actually strengths. Be glad of that. This full moon is powerful. Change your life. Call 1900 957 223.

Libra Sep24- Oct23

The tallest redwood grows from the smallest seed. All living things have microscopi­c beginnings. We’re all just atoms after all, aren’t we? So why do some people seem to magic “greatness” out of thin air? It only seems like that because we’re on the other side of the curtain, in the audience. We all have the ability to nurture a seed into a towering tree; and guide an idea from a passing thought to a successful endeavour. You feel as if you’re working with next to nothing. But, you underestim­ate yourself. Just keep watering the seed. Let the full moon guide you to the future. Call 1900 957 223.

Scorpio Oct24- Nov22

Nothing gets the social media channels buzzing like a controvers­ialist. You know the sort – a semi-celebrity who fans their notoriety by taking a contrary position on every issue going. It can prompt heated debate or light-hearted banter, but it rarely sheds much light. For that you need to push past the easy opinions and dig down for some hard facts. The same is true in our own lives, where gossip and truths mingle like guests at a party. Now, more than ever, you need to distinguis­h what is real and what is hearsay. Let this full moon show you the way to a happier life. Call 1900 957 223.

Sagittariu­s Nov23- Dec21

One minute you’re surfing the wave, the next you’re sinking like a stone. While you have moments of unshakeabl­e self-belief, these are all-too quickly followed by waves of self-doubt. Why does this keep happening? Might it be because every time your confidence swells, a certain person is on hand with a pin ready to burst the bubble? Perhaps, this week, it’s best to avoid their company. Sail towards the future with as much optimism as you can muster, and you’ll find that your fears roll away gently, like the tide. This full moon is powerful. Change your life. Call 1900 957 223.

Capricorn Dec22-Jan20

If you’re happy floating down the river, that’s fine. Lie back, dangle your fingers in the water, put your hat over your eyes, let your mind meander, and go with the flow. But if you’re unhappy about the direction you’re heading in, remember that you have the power to change it. You have every right to take control, and divert your craft towards your own desired destinatio­n. And the tools you need to take command are at hand. Just grab those oars, hoist your mainsail, shiver your timbers and set a new course, captain! Let the full moon guide you to the future. Call 1900 957 223.

Aquarius Jan21- Feb19

There are those who see the world in black and white. This is right and that is wrong. This we know, and that we don’t know. It’s the simplicity that’s so appealing. But this attitude ignores all the shades of grey in the world – and the myriad of other colours too. If we try to traverse tricky terrain in a tank, we’re likely to get well and truly stuck. A much nimbler approach is the key to progress. You’re facing a question to which you’re sure you know the answer. But think again before powering ahead – it will save you from a future U-turn. Let this full moon show you the way to a happier life. Call 1900 957 223.

Pisces Feb20- Mar20

Experts think that willpower is a finite resource. If you expend lots of it resisting the temptation to eat a diet of burgers and chocolate cake, you won’t have enough left to make you to go to the gym. Perhaps self-confidence is similar. Sometimes we have too much of it in one aspect of our lives, and too little in another. Occasional­ly we get an opportunit­y to boost our overall selfesteem. While recent events have drained you, they’ve given you insight into your own motivation­s and into those of the people closest to you. This full moon is powerful. Change your life. Call 1900 957 223.

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